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US Pilots labor thread 4/17-

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Keep Fighting guys, UA has came and gone.

united would have been the biggest TRAIN WRECK to merge with lcc. To merge a desfunctional like united/usair, GMAFB

Hope someone at cal has a sharp AXE.
It's so quiet lately from the east that I can't help but think they're up to something. Perhaps a mega RICO suit, against all the west posters on this forum, the 9th circuit panel, Judge Wake, Nicolau, Marty Harper, and John Prater. Just for starters.

All those people simply must be stopped! They're tampering with 30 years of labor law, that must not stand!! The only thing standing in their way is finding the wrong venue to file it in.
Schnizel, who is the source of the letter?

How is a PHX rep meeting asking those in attendance to consider promoting a West candidate an "egregious violation of labor law"?

$eham told him that. Didn't you know USAPA is operated like the Caste system? The East has decided that the West are Harijans who are lucky enough to see the same sun as them, and the East consider themselves omnipotent, brilliant Brahmins.

All this led by Kim Jong Cleary. USAPA has a way to distilling the very worst behavior from several cultures and wrapping it into the most dysfunctional illegally operated "labor union" in modern times. Don't ask them though. To them this whole experiment has been, and continues to be a rousing success. To them, they have more pull on Capitol Hill than "ALPA could wish for". The messed up thing is I think they really, really, REALLY believe that.
It's so quiet lately from the east that I can't help but think they're up to something. Perhaps a mega RICO suit, against all the west posters on this forum, the 9th circuit panel, Judge Wake, Nicolau, Marty Harper, and John Prater. Just for starters.

All those people simply must be stopped! They're tampering with 30 years of labor law, that must not stand!! The only thing standing in their way is finding the wrong venue to file it in.

I think they are gonna ask the Supreme Court to put the West on "Double Secret Probation"

If the 9th comes out against them, it should be some interesting fiction coming out of the USAPA PR machine.
the west is definitely going to win whatever battles have been ongoing. no doubt about it.

no more reason for any east pilots to post here. congrats on the lottery win and look for the big money and great contract to come rolling in from parker and company soon. and if you try hard you can get the premier labor association alpa back to enhance the superb contract that will be forthcoming. a great, well run airline with a content pilot group is just around the corner.

i see you guys and your company making southwest irrelevant both in pay and profit. yep, you all deserve the riches you are about to receive.

Forget facts, forget who feels they were wronged. We need to focus our efforts together as a pilot group and put our differences behind us. To my east brothers, if you have any anger dont take it out on a west pilot- take it out on the gang that lied to us and sold us down the river with their fairy tale from the back of a van. THeir little lie is about to cost all of us out east a lot of money once the damages trial starts- it could be as much as $1000 a month for each of us personally! We never should have left ALPA, we should have never walked away from negotiating seniority with the west and we should have never stalled contract negotiations. This is all our fault out east!!! This has hurt a lot of us out east more than anybody out west once the west furloughees are being handed a bunch of money from their damages trial, which anybody with an ounce of brain can figure out that the 9th is about to slam USAPA.
I'm tired of the lies from USAPA, I'm tired of LOA 93, I'm tired of our side being a problem. I'm done. Hopefully Judge Wake will be kind to us with the damages amount and hopefully for ONCE the east can find some middle ground.
Reed Richards, where are you? Im waiting for you to come on here and explain away how this is all part of the plan Are you supremely confident? Just wondering why all of a sudden you stopped posting? Having the 9th shoot down our stays, both of them, is a pretty meaningful blow to our DOH crusade and the silence I hear from the east is killing me. I enjoy your posts so much, makes good bedtime reading. Puts me to sleep! Hope all is well.
Well I know Barrister isn't in the corn field cause he posted on the Standalone Dynamics post.... so maybe reality is sinking in.

You guys still aren't getting it. We are not tossing and turning at night over this. In the end we have a vote. This vote will mean one thing only.....are there enough good things in a TA that will offset the NIC. Now, to a F/O what would it take in terms of compensation to vote yes, but never check out as captain. We don't have to have a side debate, we all know that as soon as the ink is dry PHX will be downsized and there will be hundreds of East F/O's would have checked out as Capt. who now will not when the migration East take place. It matter not that you don't WANT to do it, you will go East if it means keeping your job or getting a left seat. This is NOT true if the vast majority of you....say 98% do not come East to fly the 767/330 or even to check out as a narrow body Capt. So how many of you will commute to PHL/CLT to fly Capt. with a 60-80K pay raise. A bunch I'll bet. How many of you will come East to stay employed...answer?... all of you will. You are right a vote will tell the story....but I would bet serious money that ANY TA gets a yes vote out West. Not even close out East. And besides, how long do you think it will take to even get a TA to vote on. What do you think Parker will put on the table now that we are a stand alone co and he stresses each and every day how costs must be lowered and kept low. You think Clearly trashing the Kirby is an attemp to keep nic out. NEWS FLASH....any TA without a MIN fleet is DOA. There ain't one with KIRBY. What would this place look like both East and West w/o a min fleet. I'll tell you, most of you Westies would not even be here to read this....it's called longevity as you like to point out.

Get comfortable.


P.S Spoke to a buddy of mine the other day....767 Capt on reserve, made about 140K at U, plus PBGC 38K, plus military, 19K. side lanscaping business 49K.
TOTAL 246K. Think throwing another 20K at him for 4 more years makes a difference. Told me he wasn't voting no he was voting Hell NO. Nuff said.
Well I know Barrister isn't in the corn field cause he posted on the Standalone Dynamics post.... so maybe reality is sinking in.

Dude why would I be in the cornfied when I just state the obvious. This reminds me of the TV show where a guy faked his
own death and then won the lottery....will he find a way to cash in??...stay tuned next week as the saga continues!!

You guys still aren't getting it. We are not tossing and turning at night over this. In the end we have a vote.............

Get comfortable.


P.S Spoke to a buddy of mine the other day....767 Capt on reserve, made about 140K at U, plus PBGC 38K, plus military, 19K. side lanscaping business 49K.
TOTAL 246K. Think throwing another 20K at him for 4 more years makes a difference. Told me he wasn't voting no he was voting Hell NO. Nuff said.

There is still a long row to hoe, and anyone who thinks otherwise is a bit to optimistic, I believe. However, to even begin to go anywhere, it has to be established that no, no matter how it so desires, the east is not going to get around Nicolau and impose doh upon the west. We are getting closer to that point, which is no panacea, but is necessary nonetheless.

Challenges abound, no doubt about it.
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