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US Pilots Labor Thread 2/16-2/23

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Dec 15, 2005
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New week, new pilots' labor thread.

Please note the thread about the "class of its own" comment by management was merged into last week's thread--PLEASE remember that only moderators can open labor related threads.

Please remember the rules.

So they're basically admitting that after 2 trips through BK, after gutting all the labor contracts, wiping out the shareholders; after the merger and the infusion of equity and the transformation into "LCC"; after all that the airline is right back where Wolf said it was 10 years ago: "There is no place in this industry for a stand-alone USAir."
america west was pursued by the USairways management in 2005 for Doug Parker. Doug Parker needed USairways. After walking out of the post 911 Air Transportation Stabilization Board with a check, he knew that he had to act fast, others saw the value in this franchise.

At that time Mr. Parker was a rising star, his airline was not. The west part of his airline has been a drag to profits, it is not possible to hide this fact anymore. Mr. Parker can no longer wait for litigation to decide, the west needs to be amputated to save the rest of the USairways. The future is not bright for the western economy as depicted in the article below. The Cities In The Sand, page 4.

The messenger that brought you the bad n.................

Cities in the Sand: The End of Easy Expansion
Doug Parker needed USairways. After walking out of the post 911 Air Transportation Stabilization Board with a check, he knew that he had to act fast, others saw the value in this franchise.

Parker was in such a hurry, he stood on the sidelines and watched US go into BK1, emerge, flounder, and go into BK2. That ATSB check must have really been burning a hole in his pocket...

america west was pursued by the USairways management in 2005 for Doug Parker. Doug Parker needed USairways. After walking out of the post 911 Air Transportation Stabilization Board with a check, he knew that he had to act fast, others saw the value in this franchise.

At that time Mr. Parker was a rising star, his airline was not. The west part of his airline has been a drag to profits, it is not possible to hide this fact anymore. Mr. Parker can no longer wait for litigation to decide, the west needs to be amputated to save the rest of the USairways. The future is not bright for the western economy as depicted in the article below. The Cities In The Sand, page 4.

The messenger that brought you the bad n.................

Cities in the Sand: The End of Easy Expansion

Well we flew 'em in. And now we'll just have to fly 'em out. And we'll fly 'em in again when the tide changes.

By the way, maybe you haven't noticed: The economy sux pretty much everywhere. Even where you live. You do live on this planet, right?
The whole basis of most of the arguments on this board by the west was based on a temporary low tide for USairways, the east was not allowed the luxury. The west had a 25 year low tide, the east had only a couple of years.

Today, that is the new basis of the west pilots argument, it seems the tide ride is justified for them and not allowing the same for the East, the height of the hypocrisy.
The east had only a lull, a few lean years, only a temporary low tide?

No; what the east had was a 20-year tidal wave of losses.

Go look it up. Come back if you want to join a serious discussion.
I hope your bowling score satisfied your need for superiority tonight, the post won't.

Evidence supporting my point would be the continued greater success of network carriers that have a western presence.

To paraphrase- those who forget the lessons of the past are doomed to repeat them.

It is evident in your replies what your view of history is.

You got me on the bowling score thing - I couldn't tell you what a bowling score looks like - that was a real zinger!

As far as posting "superiority" comments, you seem to do that all the time but I will admit that you are a superior bowler compared to me.

The whole basis of most of the arguments on this board by the west was based on a temporary low tide for USairways, the east was not allowed the luxury. The west had a 25 year low tide, the east had only a couple of years.

You are kidding right?

The east only had a couple of good years in the past 25. Parity plus 1% and all that. As I recall we had to pay most of the biggest paychecks back to the company.

What annual reports and airline history books have you been reviewing? Talk about revisionist history. The next thing you'll be telling me is the GERMAN's bombed Pearl Harbor....
Evidence supporting my point would be the continued and on going greater success of network carriers that have a western presence.

To paraphrase-those who forget the lessons of the past are doomed to repeat it.

Yea, like you seem to be forgetting the two times that US Air's boat sank in the "brief" low tides they tried to weather.......

Meanwhile - you don't seem like much of a team player here. It seems as though you subconsciously wish for the West to go away. Are you hearing the rumble of the war drums approaching? Not sleeping well? Having trouble concentrating? Stress will do things like that to people.

Some suitable therapy would be good. Get a puppy. Or find a relaxing hobby - like ice fishing in April. That US Air rescue boat will always be there in case the ice gives way.

Oh, wait...........
Are you hearing the rumble of the war drums approaching? Not sleeping well? Having trouble concentrating? Stress will do things like that to people. Some suitable therapy would be good.

Arrgh!...Not the "war" drums yet again!!?? 🙄
"Some suitable therapy would be good." No doubt.
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