Why would you assume Clue is a pilot??
Perhaps he works in another industry and is one of one of the brighter crayons in the box of 72?
Perhaps smart enough....
1) He's/she's previously claimed twin engined private time on these boards....apparently to further dazzle the ignorant masses of lumpen proletariat hereabouts
2) Indeed..and it must be a wondrously "creative" industry at that...possibly even allowing for the use of said crayons, and perhaps even a sharpener, In any case..any details would be welcome, as I'm certainly willing to be mightilly impressed
3) Perhaps, although little posted hereabouts has thus far proved the least bit conclusive on that score.....although, in full fairness; a highly developed and truly "creative" person might well be able to cloak their radiant intellect from the casual observer/reader.....
And..yes..I've done my time in business schools, and I understand the usage per "creative/non-creative" work positions. I jess' cain't fahnd it my po' little blue collar heart to brook much BS from any who'd patronizingly fantasize that an essentially sedentary/office existence renders anyone magically "superior" to any with abit more interest in directly interfacing with the world around them.