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US Pilots Labor Thread 2/16-2/23

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The east had only a lull, a few lean years, only a temporary low tide?

No; what the east had was a 20-year tidal wave of losses.

Go look it up. Come back if you want to join a serious discussion.
My 2 cents, old arguments seem to resurface over and over again as all wait for the outcome of the NIC. Each side justifying their position, the east probably wouldn't be here if the investors didn't see value in the restructered company, the west would probably be gone if they stood alone back then in TODAYS economic climate. Any cut backs hurt all, sooner or later a senority list will be put together, and either side will feel the pinch due to new or future cutbacks. Cutbacks affect ALL, no matter where there made. I just hope all this works and the company as a whole can at least break even. If it doesn't, more cutbacks more hardworking folks trying to support their families, GONE, and that would suck.
A lot of good arguments from both sides, some of the revisonist history thrown out by certain people is pure fantasy. Like I said, go back over the past few decades and refresh your memories if you have any doubts.

The real issue is that the company we work for seems to be in the process of crawling back into that same hole again.
My 2 cents, old arguments seem to resurface over and over again as all wait for the outcome of the NIC. Each side justifying their position, the east probably wouldn't be here if the investors didn't see value in the restructered company, the west would probably be gone if they stood alone back then in TODAYS economic climate. Any cut backs hurt all, sooner or later a senority list will be put together, and either side will feel the pinch due to new or future cutbacks. Cutbacks affect ALL, no matter where there made. I just hope all this works and the company as a whole can at least break even. If it doesn't, more cutbacks more hardworking folks trying to support their families, GONE, and that would suck.
That is one of the most accurate and intelligent posts made here yet.
The real issue is that the company we work for seems to be in the process of crawling back into that same hole again.

As long as the outrageous salary and perks of the "high officers" remain in place, this is inevitable. The twisted and sick version of capitalism that passes for an economic framework in this country gives them no incentive to make anything really work well as long as they have a teat to suck on. When that host has dried up, they will find other victims who will embrace their "talent" and the inevitable excuses that USAirways died due to (insert any excuse here), but never as a result of their mismanagement. In the United States, that will be accepted at face value and yet another company will happily take on those leeches to begin sucking yet again.

How screwed up is that?
As long as the outrageous salary and perks of the "high officers" remain in place, this is inevitable. The twisted and sick version of capitalism that passes for an economic framework in this country gives them no incentive to make anything really work well as long as they have a teat to suck on. When that host has dried up, they will find other victims who will embrace their "talent" and the inevitable excuses that USAirways died due to (insert any excuse here), but never as a result of their mismanagement. In the United States, that will be accepted at face value and yet another company will happily take on those leeches to begin sucking yet again.

How screwed up is that?

Exactly the sad case in "Corporate America" these days, and certainly the airline industry...The sorts of people like Sully and crew, and the many thousands of other dedicated employees are left in the dust, while inept, greed-soaked, narcicisstic sociopaths within rotating "management" cliques gleefully count their millions. I'm not a true Woody Allen fan via ethics and morals, but he had one thing right = "No matter how cynical you are, sometimes it's hard just to keep up."
That is one of the most accurate and intelligent posts made here yet.

Whatever, Clear. One thing I noticed with you, the further from the truth you are, the longer your posts defending your misstatements, or you just ignore that you were wrong. You said Vasin wasnt being sued. You were wrong. Just admit it instead of trying to convince us that a yes is a no.

Your accusations that USAPA leadership is the same failed ALPO leadership fell flat under the truth. I note you havent commented on being exposed on that.

No Clear, your posts dont track with the truth. Not that any of us ever thought they did. BTW, you really think the BK judge was going to let us go under? BS (big smile)
Do you understand Richard Florida or his body of work?

If you did, the last (very last) thing you would want to do as a member of the non-creative class (airline pilot) and someone whose very job is dependent upon transportation over long distance is quote him.
You sound like the private pilot angry club from Cranberry. If I would want to hear from my constituents only and worry about that, I will contact you in the future for your assessment on intelligent spin and how it relates to my non creative class.

Interview With Richard Florida, Author & Professor at George Mason University
Why would you assume Clue is a pilot??

Perhaps he works in another industry and is one of one of the brighter crayons in the box of 72?

Perhaps smart enough to see through the Nic, DOH BS for what it is.

I research the history of these message boards and those of frequent flyer boards. I think before I say, I do not say before I think and I research. It is called a concept.
Perhaps smart enough to see through the Nic, DOH BS for what it is.

The above mentioned "ideas" that you added sir were not part of the conversation, but you included them to infer that it included me, why?
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