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US Airways Pilots Labor Thread 4/15-4/22

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BoeingBoy: "Assuming one's opion is the only one that matters (ultimate truth, if you will) and all others and those that express them are due nothing but ridicule takes real arrogance. Sorta like you..." 😉
It's becoming increasingly evident that you can't actually do much of anything other than offer "the childish games" that "take the place of adult discussion".
How soon you conveniently forget....

I did tell you that I was done trying to have an adult discussion with you since your retorts where nothing but a string of ridicule, insult, etc. Guess you didn't believe that anyone would really stoop to your level. What the heck, if that's the kind of "adult" discussion you prefer to engage in I'm glad to oblige.

"If you're able to form any semblance of an actually cogent argument as to why, then children, should become "senior" to those actually flying/working at the referenced time periods?...I'm sure we're all ears here."

How soon you conveniently forget....

I did tell you that I was done trying to have an adult discussion with you since your retorts where nothing but a string of ridicule, insult, etc. Guess you didn't believe that anyone would really stoop to your level. What the heck, if that's the kind of "adult" discussion you prefer to engage in I'm glad to oblige.


In other words, when pinned down by the realities of that which you would defend = You've got nothing to offer.
In other words, when pinned down by the realities of that which you would defend = You've got nothing to offer.

Not at all because I've discussed that all before - with you and with others. I just see no sense in replying to your questions when you'll only use the response as a springboard for another string of insults, etc.

If you're seriously wanting an answer, the search function works reasonably well. Since, as the quoted post indicates, you're only interested in fodder for your childish games why should I bother repeating what I've said several times before? Comments that you rejected each time as the usual absurd, nonsense, etc, BTW.

If you're seriously wanting an answer, ...

I was. Sadly; It's very clear you've none to forward that you're evidently the least bit comfortable with though...so..just proceed with the sanctimonious and utterly hypocritical insults at your pleasure 😉 If your only defense is to suggest study of the archives; Why even trouble yourself with any continued presence here? 😉
Why even trouble yourself with any continued presence here? 😉
It's undoubtedly a difficult concept for you to grasp, but some actually enjoy a serious discussion of the issues. It's obvious you don't, prefering instead to ask that the middle of the plate lob be made again so you can further demonstrate you biting wit.

It's undoubtedly a difficult concept for you to grasp, but some actually enjoy a serious discussion of the issues. It's obvious you don't, prefering instead to ask that the middle of the plate lob be made again so you can further demonstrate you biting wit.

"but some actually enjoy a serious discussion of the issues." Then prove that = Defend the actual scenario of wanting to see, then literally children when others were already flying, being made "senior" to them, if you actually can, or just shut up with the pompous and meaningless BS. Thus far? = I could read more "biting wit" than you've aptly demonstrated, by your refusal to even attempt that task, just from reading the labels on mosquito repellent cans.

If you can't adequately defend any position...... question the position.
Clearly then; you've nothing at all to worry about, so stop sweating so profusely :lol: No one can know how any of this will develop at this point. One observation I feel is reasonably fair to make here is that west folks do seem unduly troubled by even the slightest raising of any notions that the jury may actually get to see just what it is they're striving for with the nicster, what type of people would be effected by it, etc...and do seem extremely uncomfortable with ANY notions of "fairness" ever even possibly surfacing at ALL. That's "interesting" and speaks volumes.
More projecting. The only sweating that is going on in PHX is from the temperature. Not the circumstances. But it will be nice and cool in that court room. At least for our side.

Seham and Brengle may have beads of sweat running down their back.

Strange perspective that you have. What is this entire law suit about? DUTY OF FAIR REPRESENTATIONâ€￾ The west is absolutely interested in fairness. This is about how and what usapa did. Not about what happened two years ago. Not about what an arbitrator and two neutrals did.

If you think that Nicolau was unfair. File a law suit. You see how easy it is. Seven months to trial. Go have a court look at what you consider unfair.

As to your “what type of people would be effectedâ€￾ comment. I and the rest of the world have a very good idea what “typeâ€￾ of people the east pilots are. This board shows it every day.

You may demonstrate it every post. How about just once try posting two posts in a row without insults or condescending comments? Is that even possible?
blah, blah, blah

As I've said, you constantly demonstrate your inability to have an adult discussion. If your questions are answered, you insult in return. If your questions aren't answered, you belittle in return. The common thread is that you insult, belittle, ridicule, etc regardless.

Prove you're interested in an adult discussion - drop the constant belittlement, ridicule, insult, etc. If you can do that for a week I'll consider having an adult conversation with you. My guess is that you won't be able to do it - you're the playground bully that lives to torture others but if it's returned you're all "Waaa, Bobby hit me!"

More projecting.

Really? So..exactly why is it that all west posters so vehemently insist that neither the nic, nor any issues of "fairness" should ever be allowed into the courtroom? 🙄

I've no idea how any of this will actually play out and neither do you nor anyone else.
Ah yes, Ms mail bag catching Stinson riding been with US since 1959 Utterly chimes in.

Mr. Boeing Boy,

I am just curious since you spend an incredible amount of time on this forum, did you work for USAir or America West or one of the other merged carriers?
Mr. Boeing Boy,

I am just curious since you spend an incredible amount of time on this forum, did you work for USAir or America West or one of the other merged carriers?
Originally Piedmont - the original one. Now I'm curious - do you have the same curiousity about EastUS since he (assumed) too has spent an incredible amount of time on this forum since the Nic came out?

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am sorry to say it has become necessary for me to interject yet another warning about personal attacks and insults here on this thread.

I have just deleted a number of posts which violate the rules, and have given out some time off to deserving posters. It is obvious that some of you are incapable of observing the rules of the board, and that just will not stand.

This is a final reminder--you may argue, discuss and debate the ISSUES all you want, but you MAY NOT make personal remarks, comments, insults or call names of other posters EVER.

The bickering between individual posters will stop immediately. The next post which attacks an individual poster in ANY WAY will earn a 14 day suspension.

We realize that the issues discussed here stir passionate feelings among the folks on both sides of the argument, but there is no place for such immature and childish behavior. In addition to violating the rules of the board it does not reflect well upon you or your profession. Obviously some of you missed my point in the first post of this week's thread.

Its a shame that one poster monopolizes the conversation here without shedding any new light on the issues. Unfortunately potential new participants in the discussion are reluctant to do so out of fear of being dragged into the mud as BB has been, and we are all poorer for the loss of their insight as well.

So much of the animosity is fueled by imagined stereotypes of people we haven't met in person. Perhaps if we fully discussed issues, those whose votes craft our future could be positively influenced to make more informed decisions when they vote. Stirring up hatred of a faceless "other side" (even with a sprinkling of smiling emoticons) helps cement prejudices that will take more years to break down than alot of folks have left to work here.

Judge folks by their actions, not merely where they're based.
But EastUS claims that as long as the US name carries on after a merger, it was really the same company all along.....if you tell him he's wrong you're in for a tongue lashing...


Empire and PI did merge! This current US Air is not the old US Air or America West - evidenced by a change in the stock trading symbol from US to LLC. I have said all along that these issues could have been avoided had an altogether new name been adopted at the time of the merge.

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