It's a waste of time. The handful of east cheerleaders on this forum bounce from one delusion or fantasy to the next. Whatever fits the version of the world they want to wake up to in the morning. Just look at the track record of all their bravado. Rico; DOH slam dunk; Nic is dead; Addington never happened; identity theft and people going to jail; LOA93 pay restoration; more transparency; less union infighting; lower dues; "safety" propaganda... the list goes on and on and on. Everyone knows that the only thing they have done successfully is delay the inevitable outcome. They have not take one step closer to ultimately avoiding it. If anything they have only cast the final result in stone, and are now looking to blame someone else again. And all at the cost of untold dollars and quality of life sacrifices to them and their families, just to prop up their already over inflated, self entitled egos.
When UA/CO finally (eventually) finish a JCBA and move on to the SLI which will not include DOH, they will be the only pilot group hanging in the wind of a bankruptcy era contract. (Ironically they bask in the glory of it, like a badge of honor. ) Unfortunately they have dragged the west along for the ride. But I have every confidence that in the end it will be rectified in your favor.
I talked to my college roomate yesterday (UAL A320 Captain). He said all his f/o's are really worried about December. He is flying with guys hired in 1998.