US Pilots Labor Discussion

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No visit - haven't set foot in a crewroom for over 4 years. Maybe you contimplate why you're getting those memos a little longer - the light might, just might, come on.


Jim, It's very clear after reading this thread that for many the porch light is on but nobody is hone.
You remind me of someone who takes up the habit of cursing alot because you like the attention. But after a period of time, you realize that that no one wants to hear your foul words and that they look down upon you, losing all respect. I hope you can grasp that point. I think everyone on the board can see that.
Clowns are looking down on me? Lol, why don't you address the issue of the spineless east
"good union" pilots? You told me to watch the clown circus safety campaign, I told you that your group is spineless and nothing would happen, as usual I was correct.
Clowns are looking down on me? Lol, why don't you address the issue of the spineless east
"good union" pilots? You told me to watch the clown circus safety campaign, I told you that your group is spineless and nothing would happen, as usual I was correct.

I am not talking about your "clowns"....I'm talking about everyone who reads this crap. Apparently, you are the only one not grasping the concept.
When All Else Has Failed, USAPA Attempts to Legitimize a Job Action Under the Pretense of Safety

When All Else Has Failed, USAPA Attempts to Legitimize a Job Action Under the Pretense of Safety. Once again, the pilots are the losers when safety programs become the political football of bumbling 'Union' policy makers. How many more colorful lanyards will it take before the real problems are addressed?

See Story
Hey the circus is coming to PHL!
So the Clown safety campaign was a big bust, but these clowns, being very smart, have come up with a much better, brilliant fool proof plan to get a contract. What kind of brilliance will it take to get a better contract? Well the clowns have come up with something no management can resist. They will walk around in circles at the PHL airport in their Clown suits demanding management respect them, brilliant!

Strike Prep Committee Update

"May you live in interesting times" -- an ancient Chinese curse. It doesn't sound like much of a curse until you consider the interesting times that US Airways pilots are living in. We are enduring an unprecedented level of stress right now. For many of us, bankruptcy, foreclosure, divorce and even suicide are now a part of the vocabulary of being a pilot at US Airways. Life sure has changed. The blatant and vicious attacks on our profession will likely continue until we, the pilots, stand up to corporate tyranny.
We all know that we are the finest, most experienced and skilled pilots in the industry. Why on Earth should we be willing to accept anything less than industry-standard wages and working conditions? Are Southwest pilots better than us? How about AirTran, and the countless other carriers that make significantly more money and are treated with much greater respect and working conditions? Friends, it is time for us to make a concise and powerful statement that we will no longer tolerate unfair working conditions at our airline.
What should you do? There are many things that we must focus on as we move forward. First and foremost is the safety culture. With our pilots experiencing extreme levels of stress, we must make every effort to keep ourselves out of the red. We won't bore you with repeating the excellent advice from our outstanding USAPA safety team, other than to stress again that the life and death decisions we make each and every day must be taken with all deliberate consideration. We must MEET OR EXCEED the safety standards of the FOM and FARs in every single decision that we make.
We must present ourselves to the public as true professionals. We all know that many of our passengers choose to think that we are overpaid and have nothing to complain about, but we all know differently.
Team Tempe is gloating that our customer complaints are down, and they think that our level of service is just fine. We pilots are the eyes and the ears of our company, and we know differently.
As we move ahead, we are planning public media picketing events. The next one will take place in PHL on May 25. There will be training available at the airport Marriott conference room. The first training opportunity will be on May 24th at 18:00, and the next one will be at 08:30 on the day of the day of our picket -- May 25. The onsite briefing is scheduled for 10:30. Please show up a little earlier than that. The location of the picket orbit will be on the sidewalk outside the international ticket counter. We will march to that location at 10:45, and we expect to picket from 11:15 until 13:15. Pilots are encouraged to appear in full uniform -- fabric coats and hats. We know, you all hate your hats, but please remember it makes a better impression when all the pilots are in full uniform. Our media spokesmen and union officers will be there to speak with the media as we make a powerful statement to Team Tempe that the US Airways pilots have HAD ENOUGH.
A storm approaches, my friends.
Rick Odato & Steve Smyser
Co-Chairmen of your USAPA Strike Prep Committee
In service to the professional pilots of US Airways

P.S. A reliable source has told me that all the clowns are off the boards so they can practice walking in right circles.
I am home, please come visit as pictured in your avatar. I would like to respond, in a completely legal response, to your presence.

Are you the guy who got shot by his neighbor over a property line dispute?

I don't think it would work out so well for you if SparrowHawk took you up on your invitation.
Nope. The morons screwed that up too. They can't even mail something properly.

Well, just hang on, I'm sure it will be there soon. I think you will enjoy it. Since it has been quiet around here, it will give you something to whine about. I like the graphs, much easier to read than AOLs. :lol:
Oh look! Another self impose holding patterning. I mean picketing event in PHL. Think they can get more than 2% of the pissed off pilots to show up this time?

So far the "Safety First" "I'm on board" campaign has been a failure. Saw a few yellow lanyards in PHX, from the back it looks like a cowardice streak.

BTW you guys do know that "I'm on Board" was an AWA company slogan right? I guess I am confused. Are you on board with the company? You guys sure are handing them a ton of money and running a great operation. Just pointing out that usapa is not very imaginitive and has to steal.

Tyranny of the majority. Said during the USAPA road show. Now usapa steals that.
stand up to corporate tyranny.

Integrity matters. West lanyards. Sully tried to steal that during the trial and looked like a fool.

Marching in circles going nowhere.

A storm approaches, my friends

Sure! the only thing usapa can manage will be a threat of summer rain. A lot of noise but in the end, NOTHING!
I mean picketing event in PHL. Think they can get more than 2% of the pissed off pilots to show up this time?

So far the "Safety First" "I'm on board" campaign has been a failure.

BTW you guys do know that "I'm on Board" was an AWA company slogan right?

The same ten pilots are on this web board every night whining for the past 5 years - I am sure they can exceed 2% by great margin.

Failure? Based on a original AWA company slogan? - Those two kinda go hand in hand don't they? - Say it ain't so.

What airline do you want to be this week Mr. Parker?
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