US Pilots Labor Discussion

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If you don't keep up with what's happening on the East side, don't complain about not knowing what's going on....

Sorry I missed your crewroom visit! MM! Maybe I didn't, are you still sleeping in the crewroom, wonder why those memo's keep showing up in my box!
No crying here MM.

Stagnation?? What you talking about??

Every West furlough has been offered recall, and yes some have had to take recall to the east. Captains are being requalified on the West as we speak. Nothing but continued steady progress for the West with seperate ops fleet mins.

Monda, make more than me??? You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Monda is listed on the Nic as having a dob in 11-1950. That would make him 60 years old. So if he makes group 2 Captain in two years, he will have less than 3 years left. 3 years still making less than I have been making for the past 15.

But the fact of the matter is it is not about what Monda makes compared to me. It is what Monda makes compared to what Monda could have made. The bottom line there is Monda would have made much more getting a JCBA when he was 55 and having an entire decade of those increased wages.

I know I am wasting my time trying to convince the hardline usapa supporters who are too dumb to understand simple math and have cost all of us large sums, so for them, just this once, I will resort to the childish antics so often played out on this forum and simply change my name.


Well good for you, hard to complain about seperate ops or damages after that post! And what large sums do you speak sounds like seperate ops is your montra, good for you! MM! NICNEVERHAPPEN!
Well good for you, hard to complain about seperate ops or damages after that post! And what large sums do you speak sounds like seperate ops is your montra, good for you! MM! NICNEVERHAPPEN!

Perhaps if you had bothered to read either of the Leonida's mailings, or done the simple math yourself you would answer your question about "large sums" lost.


I have googled and cannot find anything on this case.

I trust your recollection of what happened in the case you cite, so could you tell me, who overturned the arbitration?

Was it a third party, like a court case that overturned the arbitration? Was it further negotiations between the two parties involved that reached a mutual compromise?

I just cannot imaging one side said, "nope, we ain't doing that", "we have unilaterally decided to throw out the arbitrated decision". This just does not happen, and will not happen in our circumstance.


I think it was the company (associated transport) that sided with one of the domiciles to overturn the binding arbitration. At the time it happened my father was a driver for AT in Washington DC. He later became a teamster official. This case was also mentioned in some manner by usapa as an example of binding arbitration being overturned. I wish I could be more specific but I'm an old guy and my recollection is not perfect (ala Ron Reagan). I hope this will be some help.


Intimidation and Peer Pressure keep "plenty" of the East pilots quiet in the presence of a USAPA supporter (AFO's and Bob). Prove your resolve with a vote. What are YOU afraid of?

USAPA = Nothing to show for your support. Nothing.


I'm not arfaid of the vote. The only thing I'm afraid of is my wife when she gives me the "look". In the last 15 years I have not seen anything I would vote for. I have one foot out the door so the only thing I could think of voting for would be doh and full restoration of retirement anything else would be inadequate.


I'll stick with what effects my airline. USAPA is powerless, impotent, incompetent and afraid to let the membership choose what is best for them. "We know whats good for you" sound familiar?

USAPA = Dictatorship?

It sounds very familiar, it sounds like alpa!


Well looks like I was right, the yellow belly spineless clowns safety campaign went nowhere
As the airline ran perfectly.clowns.

I'm not arfaid of the vote. The only thing I'm afraid of is my wife when she gives me the "look". In the last 15 years I have not seen anything I would vote for. I have one foot out the door so the only thing I could think of voting for would be doh and full restoration of retirement anything else would be inadequate.


You shouldn't be afraid to vote. USAPA, on the other hand, is afraid to put out anything to vote on. Why? Because it would be too democratic and may just pass. There just "may" be enough East pilots (who dont read this wasteland of a webboard) that are tired of USAPA's antics and have the integrity to live by their agreements. You are obviously not one of them and must enjoy your "popularity" on this board by others who share your lack of integrity.

You are only handicapping those East pilots below you who may not give a care about USAPA and would like a raise and a better contract. The very thing USAPA has failed to obtain.

USAPA = Afraid of democracy.

I don't give them much money, I just tell them I work for USAirways and they give me my beer for free!


Thats funny and pathetic at the same time. At least in Ireland you're getting something of value for your money. If they knew you supported USAPA and what it stood for they'd probably show you the door. In the interim they'll continue to "befriend" you, like Seham, until the well runs dry.

USAPA = Losing.
Well looks like I was right, the yellow belly spineless clowns safety campaign went nowhere
As the airline ran perfectly.clowns.

I guess you missed the West 737 that had an engine failure yesterday that diverted to Las Vegas..........."as the airline ran perfectly CLOWNS".............LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perhaps if you had bothered to read either of the Leonida's mailings, or done the simple math yourself you would answer your question about "large sums" lost.

Perhaps I have done both, just because you see a picture from your point of view doesn't mean that same observation holds true for the rest of the group, example, what would a new"CONTRACT" look like? Would it allow the corp to close bases downsize at will? I feel sorry for your plight 924, maybe if your income isn't what you wish it to be, in the land of the free surely you could find additional employment to make ends meet, but then again "DUDE" you might have to upgrade your vocabulary. Ah the land of fruits and.....................NICNEVERGOINGTOHAPPEN!
Play whatever games you want to Captain, the company is fully aware of the sceme. Usapawatch is on it as well, based on their latest update.

Good luck, been nice working with you.. ;) ;)

Mr. Parker, the ball is in your court.

Yeah, I had to do a "job action" yesterday. I had an ECAM pop up at the gate. I followed Company Procedure. Maintenance issue was fixed, continued on trip. You crack me up. Should I call the FAA and ask them their opinion on my "action" while on the "job" yesterday to se if it was legal?
Yeah, I had to do a "job action" yesterday. I had an ECAM pop up at the gate. I followed Company Procedure. Maintenance issue was fixed, continued on trip. You crack me up. Should I call the FAA and ask them their opinion on my "action" while on the "job" yesterday to se if it was legal?

Too bad, been pushing early most of the week getting my passengers to their destinations as safely and comfortably as possible.

I've been on the Boeing for over 20 years and never had an ECAM pop up. Sounds scary. :blink: :lol:
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