US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Uh OH, looks like the clowns have done it now, a little birdie just told me the company is thinking abiut taking them to court over status quo violations, another huge pay day for seeham.
Well, just hang on, I'm sure it will be there soon. I think you will enjoy it. Since it has been quiet around here, it will give you something to whine about. I like the graphs, much easier to read than AOLs. :lol:
How long do you will think it will take before someone around here PROVES that some aspect of the mailer is a fabricated lie? My guess, 10 minutes after opening. Get ready to be introduced to a guy named Rick Salamat. :lol:
Uh OH, looks like the clowns have done it now, a little birdie just told me the company is thinking abiut taking them to court over status quo violations, another huge pay day for seeham.
Can't wait for another failed attempt, Let me see, your honor our pilots are flying around under the safety measures that we provided for them and the FAA has signed off on. Well that is a problem, CASE DISMISSED. :lol: :lol: :lol:
yeah you westies are not on board with anything except destroying USAPA...
we get it...

so stop your bitching then...
in the mean time.. Nobody promotes anything other than flying the contract and writing it up if it's broken. Just like the FAR's and FOM state.

Not any illegal job action.
Happy Anniversary to the Nicolau Award!!! It was 4 years ago on May 1st that WWII Veteran & respected arbitrator George Nicolau handed the now famous "Nicolau Award".

Mr. Nicolau stated the following in the award: There are four basic lessons to be learned from those submissions; that each case turns on its own facts; that the objective it to make the integration fair and equitable; that the proposals advanced by those in contest rarely meet that standard; and that the end result, no matter how crafted, never commands universal acceptance.

Come to think of it, Cleary & Mowrey stated the following: "The only certainty in seniority integration is that the outcome is never certain...Each case presents its own facts and equities, and each requires a resolution tailor-made to the situation presented." (US AIRWAVES, Jan/Feb/Mar 2002). Coincidence? I think not!

Cleary & Mowrey also stated: "The merger representatives shall carefully weigh all the equities inherent in their merger situation...until a fair and equitable agreement is reached," and "The Merger Policy provides that..The Award...shall be final and binding...".

A very special thanks to USAPA and it's supporters for getting to where we are today....NO WHERE (except for your east attrition), No Contract, No Transparency, Highest dues for an independent union, Highest payout to union officers, Over Ten Million dollars in mis-spent legal fees, and the hits just keep on coming!
Oh look! Another self impose holding patterning. I mean picketing event in PHL. Think they can get more than 2% of the pissed off pilots to show up this time?

So far the "Safety First" "I'm on board" campaign has been a failure. Saw a few yellow lanyards in PHX, from the back it looks like a cowardice streak.

BTW you guys do know that "I'm on Board" was an AWA company slogan right? I guess I am confused. Are you on board with the company? You guys sure are handing them a ton of money and running a great operation. Just pointing out that usapa is not very imaginitive and has to steal.

Tyranny of the majority. Said during the USAPA road show. Now usapa steals that.

Integrity matters. West lanyards. Sully tried to steal that during the trial and looked like a fool.

Marching in circles going nowhere.


Sure! the only thing usapa can manage will be a threat of summer rain. A lot of noise but in the end, NOTHING!
Speaking of stealing , since you brought it up the "IDENTITY THEFT " by AOL took a USAPA turn today! MM!
Well, just hang on, I'm sure it will be there soon. I think you will enjoy it. Since it has been quiet around here, it will give you something to whine about. I like the graphs, much easier to read than AOLs. :lol:
Clown literature, by clowns for clowns? ooooooh I can't wait for this fact filled fantasy to arrive. Don't you think it's weird that usapa would respond to a leonidas publication that no one back east read? BTW did the CBS (Clown Bureau of Stupidity) make any arrests in the identity theft case?

A very special thanks to USAPA and it's supporters for getting to where we are today....NO WHERE (except for your east attrition), No Contract, No Transparency, Highest dues for an independent union, Highest payout to union officers, Over Ten Million dollars in mis-spent legal fees, and the hits just keep on coming!
So the bottom line is how's that NIC working for you? You guys have ruined your own careers, you could have had some of this attrition maybe even the wide bodies and a decent raise, but no you were swayed by the Rev Jim Jones (aka Ferguson) as for that attrirtion, it's very nice. You will NEVER EVER get the NIC, get use to it.
So the bottom line is how's that NIC working for you? You guys have ruined your own careers, you could have had some of this attrition maybe even the wide bodies and a decent raise, but no you were swayed by the Rev Jim Jones (aka Ferguson) as for that attrirtion, it's very nice. You will NEVER EVER get the NIC, get use to it.

Just as the East pilots could have accepted the results of the binding arbitration that they agreed to. Could have had a nice raise and would have had their share of the upgrades going forward, but no, you were swayed by the great legal $wami $eeham. He sold you a multimillion dollar scheme that enriches him and his firm and will never get you the Holy Grail DOH list.

You will NEVER EVER see a DOH list on this property. Get used to that. And you willl never recover what you lost financially with your time left on this property working under the current contract.

And as yet, there have been barely a handful of East upgrades due to attrition. Get back to me in DEC 2012 and let me know how the turbo attrition is working out for you then.
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