US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Name one precedent, at any union, in any industry, where after a mutually agreed to binding arbitration had taken place, its results were then unilaterally replaced by the majority with a DOH system favoring that same majority.

The courts have also found, 4 times now, that usapa is completely incompetent as a bargaining agent.
Actually binding arbitration has been overthrown at Associated Transport in a case between the Wilkes Barre and the Binghamton drivers.


You're going to have to provide more details about these arbitrations you allege to have been overthrown. Some URL links would suffice.
I'll be in the audience appaluding when Parker decides to hand out a few Darwin Awards to partcipants of any illegal job action which may be planned. ;)

More West comedy. East FO does walk around and tells me one of the main gear tires is flat. Using your logic I have two choices. Number one, make an FDML writeup, which you insinuate is an "illegal job action", you know being "onboard with safety". Or Number two, I can use the West logic, since USAPA is concerned about safety, which automatically makes it wrong, null and void, and just go with the flat tire until someone other than an East Pilot reports the flat tire, which will then make it right.

Being compliant with Company Policy and Procedures is HARDLY an "illegal job action".
You're going to have to provide more details about these arbitrations you allege to have been overthrown. Some URL links would suffice.
I think they should be congratulated for finding 2 of the 0.00000001% of arbitrations that get overturned, usually because of a competing public policy.

More West comedy. East FO does walk around and tells me one of the main gear tires is flat. Using your logic I have two choices. Number one, make an FDML writeup, which you insinuate is an "illegal job action", you know being "onboard with safety". Or Number two, I can use the West logic, since USAPA is concerned about safety, which automatically makes it wrong, null and void, and just go with the flat tire until someone other than an East Pilot reports the flat tire, which will then make it right.

Being compliant with Company Policy and Procedures is HARDLY an "illegal job action".

Play whatever games you want to Captain, the company is fully aware of the sceme. Usapawatch is on it as well, based on their latest update.

Good luck, been nice working with you.. ;) ;)



There is no question that the pilots of US Airways are frustrated with USAPA. After three years of going backwards, we are drifting further and further from obtaining a joint contract. It is now widely accepted that due to its systemic design flaws, USAPA will never be able to move the US Airways pilots off bankruptcy era wages and work rules.

Sadly, this reality has not been accepted by Mr. Cleary and his enabling BPR. In a pathetic attempt at creating negotiating leverage, Mr. Cleary has transformed his vocal criticism of US Airways’ safety culture into an organized and illegal job action complete with ID lanyards and a phone tree. We’ve received numerous reports from pilots whom have received anonymous phone calls and text messages cryptically calling for an organized work action. They must believe that by illegally sabotaging the operation and jeopardizing the financial health of our airline that Mr. Parker will cede to USAPA’s demands for an industry standard contract and DOH.

It is our sincere hope that the pilots of US Airways will recognize this as an act of desperation on the part of Mr. Cleary and ignore this dangerous call to arms.

As we have previously blogged, the line between politics and safety should never be blurred. A cornerstone of our former bargaining agent was placing safety above all else. Issues involving safety were always sacrosanct and never used for political gain. This contrasts with USAPA that lists safety as its fifth objective.

The reality is, illegal job actions do not work. Our objective should be to negotiate with a healthy company and use the threat of a legal strike to obtain fair advancements at the negotiating table. Unfortunately, with the continued alienation of the west pilots, achieving the necessary unity to stage a legal job action will never be possible under USAPA.

TheEye believes that it is time for US Airways management to once and for all stand up to Mr. Cleary and quash his mission to destroy our airline. We’ve worked too hard and have given up too much to ensure the success of US Airways. The so called “neutral” card played by Mr. Parker’s management team is enabling USAPA and jeopardizing the the future of our airline.

Mr. Parker, the ball is in your court.
Glad you asked.

Character & Integrity has often been described as how you conduct yourself when no one is watching. The aforementioned I respect not because I agree with them 100% of the time. I respect them BECAUSE they have the courage of their convictions. With the folks I mentioned, good bad, agree or don't you know where they are coming from. Others on here. less so.

When US was sinking like an anchor I had spirited debates between myself, 700UW & Pitbull. We all got to know each other off the board and there is a high degree of mutual respect. However in many cases there is little if any agreement on the issue of the day.

So we agree to disagree without being disagreeable, a concept that on this thread seems to be lost on many of the posters.

As a customer it's very hard for me to offer an opinion as I despise seniority systems in general as there is no performance measurement of any kind. Why should a person be rewarded for their ability to absorb BS from US Airways longer with better work assignments?

To me it's like one side is speaking French and the other German. I only understand English and half the time I read I'm like HUH? I do try to educate myself as I'm genuinely curious about what makes people tick.

For me I look at this thread and think 1680 pages of "You Suck", "No YOU Suck", "Do Not", "Yeah Huh" and I think "Recess is over kiddies, back to class". Sorry if that offends but that's the view from this laptop.

The poster who you just addressed thinks it is OK to use threats of violence against those who dare to challenge a so-called union which disenfanchised a third of the pilots it claims to represent.

The threat:
I have a few buddies down at the dock I would like you to meet some dark night. Tell them that their International Longshoremen's Association is merely an association and not a union, why dontcha?

And when they're done with their "discussion," we can have another group who merely have a "brotherhood," and not a union, cart what's left of you off in one of their semi- rigs.

Would you think the above threat meets the standard of a hostile work environment? It is hard for me to believe that mature, college educated professionals can stoop that low. This mentality is a disgrace to our industry.

The West pilots have been dealing with "mob rule" the past several years. The association formed to skirt binding arbitration, a process both sides agreed to, is an embarrassment to true unioinism. This association does nothing that resembles a union, (root word unity) and will collapse because of it's faulty foundation.

The unity of the minority will ensure that the majority will never impose their will.

We don't care how long it takes, because ours is a just cause.
Whoever sent the text may be in a little bit of trouble. It appears that it came from a CLT area code and may be promoting an illegal work action in the near future. Their text has been copied and saved for the compay to review.

If you get a text, save it.

Yeah.... it's now 11am EST. How's that little "safety" work action going, kids?
Isn't the concept of an "Illegal Strike" kind of like having rules to a knife fight? Sort of an Oxymoron to me? That said I think I'll have an Oxycontin and go watch Law & Order reruns.
Actually you can cry all you want but MONDA will be making more than your stagnation and eventual unmerger will yield to you! MM! You might want to change your name to nicneverhappen!

No crying here MM.

Stagnation?? What you talking about??

Every West furlough has been offered recall, and yes some have had to take recall to the east. Captains are being requalified on the West as we speak. Nothing but continued steady progress for the West with seperate ops fleet mins.

Monda, make more than me??? You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Monda is listed on the Nic as having a dob in 11-1950. That would make him 60 years old. So if he makes group 2 Captain in two years, he will have less than 3 years left. 3 years still making less than I have been making for the past 15.

But the fact of the matter is it is not about what Monda makes compared to me. It is what Monda makes compared to what Monda could have made. The bottom line there is Monda would have made much more getting a JCBA when he was 55 and having an entire decade of those increased wages.

I know I am wasting my time trying to convince the hardline usapa supporters who are too dumb to understand simple math and have cost all of us large sums, so for them, just this once, I will resort to the childish antics so often played out on this forum and simply change my name.


Actually binding arbitration has been overthrown at Associated Transport in a case between the Wilkes Barre and the Binghamton drivers.




I have googled and cannot find anything on this case.

I trust your recollection of what happened in the case you cite, so could you tell me, who overturned the arbitration?

Was it a third party, like a court case that overturned the arbitration? Was it further negotiations between the two parties involved that reached a mutual compromise?

I just cannot imaging one side said, "nope, we ain't doing that", "we have unilaterally decided to throw out the arbitrated decision". This just does not happen, and will not happen in our circumstance.
I know of a coal mining case as well.

See my above reply to 767one.

Arbitrations can indeed be overturned, no question about it.

However, the recourse for the parties involved does not include one side, after the fact, saying, "we don't think that was fair, so we are unilaterally overturning that award".

Just does not work that way. That is why they call it "binding arbitration".
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