US Pilots Labor Discussion

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The Kirby proposal is a POS. Why isn't powerful ole USAPA getting us something better? Oh I know, because they would rather divide this group, than unify. USAPA is its own worst enemy. It will continue to be a failure until it decides to abide by its inherited agreements and produce something of value for East and West pilots. Until then, you'll continue to chase your tail, downtrodden and powerless, lashing out at anyone who will listen to your b.s.

There are plenty of East pilots who would vote for a contract containing the NIC if given a chance. Instead your powerless union is afraid to allow this group to vote. Democracy?

Blame management all you want, you know what the truth is. Prove your resolve.

USAPA = Directionless, but let the infighting continue !!!
Maybe you could ask the resident united alpa pilot 767jetz about contract progress expectations. You seem to be very, very, ignorant on the process. I am sure jetz can provide a reality check for you. His company, united, is dragging their feet on their progress of pilot negotiations.

"" A Message From the Master Chairman, Captain Wendy Morse

Tuesday, May 3rd marks the one-year anniversary of the merger announcement, and unfortunately we still don’t have the pilot Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement that we deserve. We will mark this anniversary by informational picketing events in LGA, IAD, ORD, DEN, SEA, SFO, LAX, IAH and CLE. The company needs to know that the pilots are tired of the company’s talking points and want the contract we deserve now.

Last Friday the Chicago Tribune reported on the millions of dollars this company paid to senior executives. Excessive CEO and upper management pay is an issue that plagues this country and is a cause of concern for our society. It also is a reminder that there is money available to reward and recognize the contributions of this pilot group to this airline.

Last week I stated that this is likely the most difficult contract negotiation we will ever face and that the new management has little understanding of our past, our process, our contract and most importantly our resolve. We will use every constructive tool at our disposal to facilitate getting the right contract. You will read in the JNC Update below that negotiations this week did little to further the process, and as I have said, they can and must be expedited.

All negotiations get expedited at some point. While Contract 2000, labeled by some as the richest contract in airline history, began in 1998, the fact is for months on end through 1999 and well into 2000 there was very little progress. Much of the negotiation for Contract 2000 took less than three weeks when the company decided they wanted a contract. Expedited negotiations simply mean getting to the contract sooner.

As reported to you in the joint communication on April 19th, the meeting with Jeff Smisek and other senior managers was to address the lack of progress. The plan was to allow the continuation of the passing of the scheduling sections to continue last week and this week, and then execute on the clear commitment for increased emphasis on a results-oriented negotiation to ensure that actions follow the commitment in achieving the very necessary goal of an expedited contract. This is what we intend to do. Please stay tuned and stay focused as we continue to navigate to the contract we have long since deserved.""
You are the one that posted a Walmart commercial and made reference to AOL. I have no idea what you are trying to infer about AOL. I also have no idea if walmart sells cell phones.

I do know that after the latest East bid that IF the Nic was in effect, that a West pilot with a hire date of 3/12/2004 or earlier would be able to hold an Airbus/737 captains slot on the East. As it stands now, East pilot Monda is about 150 attrition numbers away from being able to hold a group 2 captain position.
SHHHHHH don't tell going boy or 924 they won't believe you! MM But hey facts are facts!
Well, sounds like Monda can have his seperate ops LOA93 Captain seat in about two years. Then he can work on LOA93 for about another year or two, before the rest of the pilot group has had enough and ratifies a Nic inclusive contract. Then we can all have 20/20 hindsight, and point out exactly how stupid it was of Monda to work for bankruptcy wages for 8-10 years longer than he needed to, when he could have had an immediate 20-30% raise, then a second contract with an additional say 8% raise, then maybe even be on to the third contract with another 6-8%.

Gunther, you do realize that you are not getting DOH and using the merger to leapfrog yourself from furloughed to senior to West pilots hired from 2001 on, all of which have more LOS than yourself, right?
Actually you can cry all you want but MONDA will be making more than your stagnation and eventual unmerger will yield to you! MM! You might want to change your name to nicneverhappen!
Define, "plenty". I have only met one. USAPA did not inherit an agreement but rather an unimplemented list. And so it shall remain.........Tis speculative at best!
Intimidation and Peer Pressure keep "plenty" of the East pilots quiet in the presence of a USAPA supporter (AFO's and Bob). Prove your resolve with a vote. What are YOU afraid of?

USAPA = Nothing to show for your support. Nothing.
Maybe you could ask the resident united alpa pilot 767jetz about contract progress expectations. You seem to be very, very, ignorant on the process. I am sure jetz can provide a reality check for you. His company, united, is dragging their feet on their progress of pilot negotiations.

"" A Message From the Master Chairman, Captain Wendy Morse

Tuesday, May 3rd marks the one-year anniversary of the merger announcement, and unfortunately we still don’t have the pilot Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement that we deserve. We will mark this anniversary by informational picketing events in LGA, IAD, ORD, DEN, SEA, SFO, LAX, IAH and CLE. The company needs to know that the pilots are tired of the company’s talking points and want the contract we deserve now.

Last Friday the Chicago Tribune reported on the millions of dollars this company paid to senior executives. Excessive CEO and upper management pay is an issue that plagues this country and is a cause of concern for our society. It also is a reminder that there is money available to reward and recognize the contributions of this pilot group to this airline.

Last week I stated that this is likely the most difficult contract negotiation we will ever face and that the new management has little understanding of our past, our process, our contract and most importantly our resolve. We will use every constructive tool at our disposal to facilitate getting the right contract. You will read in the JNC Update below that negotiations this week did little to further the process, and as I have said, they can and must be expedited.

All negotiations get expedited at some point. While Contract 2000, labeled by some as the richest contract in airline history, began in 1998, the fact is for months on end through 1999 and well into 2000 there was very little progress. Much of the negotiation for Contract 2000 took less than three weeks when the company decided they wanted a contract. Expedited negotiations simply mean getting to the contract sooner.

As reported to you in the joint communication on April 19th, the meeting with Jeff Smisek and other senior managers was to address the lack of progress. The plan was to allow the continuation of the passing of the scheduling sections to continue last week and this week, and then execute on the clear commitment for increased emphasis on a results-oriented negotiation to ensure that actions follow the commitment in achieving the very necessary goal of an expedited contract. This is what we intend to do. Please stay tuned and stay focused as we continue to navigate to the contract we have long since deserved.""
I'll stick with what effects my airline. USAPA is powerless, impotent, incompetent and afraid to let the membership choose what is best for them. "We know whats good for you" sound familiar?

USAPA = Dictatorship?
Can you tell me who is paying for these phones, Gunther?
You can blame me cp30...... anything to get you to stop with your 9 or 10 page posts . Send the FBI, CIA, anybody... put me in jail for 10 years but stop! Your ranting makes you sanity suspect. Your copying of page after page..... Just blame me send the feds tomorrow jail is better than reading your posts.
Maybe you could ask the resident united alpa pilot 767jetz about contract progress expectations. You seem to be very, very, ignorant on the process. I am sure jetz can provide a reality check for you. His company, united, is dragging their feet on their progress of pilot negotiations.

"" A Message From the Master Chairman, Captain Wendy Morse

yada yada yada...
I just have to shake my head and laugh. It's like watching a really untalented court jester. Yikes!

What makes you think anyone cares? Weren't you spouting off about some recall that never happened, a week or so ago? What is with this obsession with all things United? Did a United pilot steal your girl, or insult your mother or something?

Sheesh! How pathetic and desperate you are. I am truly embarrassed for the east pilots that they have you on their side.

PS. United and Continental pilots will have a contract LONG before USAPA even gets their feet wet on negotiating anything. If not they'll be on strike before the end of the year... something the east would know nothing about. In the mean time they are still making more than any of you. That really bothers you, huh?

PPS. I hear UA/CO pilots are having picketing events across the country this week. Why not join them and see how a real union shows solidarity. Maybe you'll learn something. (Never mind. :rolleyes: )
Silly Clown, there isn't a single backbone amongst you yellow belly scabs.

There are professionals with reclining leather couches that will listen intently to all your feelings. Really.. I saw it on TV once.. They delight to hear endless ramblings about spineless jellyfish that have noooo integrity.
I'll stick with what effects my airline. USAPA is powerless, impotent, incompetent and afraid to let the membership choose what is best for them. "We know whats good for you" sound familiar?

USAPA = Dictatorship?

The membership chose already.

Take your head out and fill the gap with sand please.
The membership chose already.

Take your head out and fill the gap with sand please.

The Membership might have spoken but the Judge hasn't.

Order in da Courtroom 'cause here come da judge.
Once this "thing" is fully adjudicated we shall see who is laughing and who is crying in their beer. At the current rate of progress and attrition, most of the US pilots ahead of the most senior HP pilot will not only be retired but dead. Very astute.
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