US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Those folks you mentioned are some of the most respected people on this entire board. As a customer I've no idea of the ins and outs of every aspect of this dispute. But I do know the Character & Integrity of those you've mentioned and I've seen your conduct to date. So pardon me if I side with them.

Most respected by some; least respected by others.

So, what's your point?
Look, I understand that you are not going to help us get a contract that doesn't have the "Nic" in it. But now that we finally are showing a little backbone why would you stand in the way? Just think your DFR will be ripe!

Silly Clown, there isn't a single backbone amongst you yellow belly scabs.
Which AOL are you speaking of Gunther, America Online?

Are you sure you don't know where the money came from? How about those throw away phones?

Does Wal-Mart sell them?

You are the one that posted a Walmart commercial and made reference to AOL. I have no idea what you are trying to infer about AOL. I also have no idea if walmart sells cell phones.

I do know that after the latest East bid that IF the Nic was in effect, that a West pilot with a hire date of 3/12/2004 or earlier would be able to hold an Airbus/737 captains slot on the East. As it stands now, East pilot Monda is about 150 attrition numbers away from being able to hold a group 2 captain position.
Look, I understand that you are not going to help us get a contract that doesn't have the "Nic" in it but, now that we finally are showing a little backbone why would you stand in the way? Just think, your DFR will be ripe!


I have no plans in participating or standing in the way of backbone, I'll show the company,
whatever. Go ahead, show em you mean business.

I'll be in the audience appaluding when Parker decides to hand out a few Darwin Awards to partcipants of any illegal job action which may be planned. ;)
Please provide the "stats" you cite on making it to 65.

Using "767 One", the first East pilot to reach Age 65 as an example, I will speculate that he will finish his career flying, not on sick leave. Like most pilots that are senior, they enjoy flying to Ireland to quaff of few beers, or off to Rome or Munich for a 27 hour paid vacation.

I think more will make it to all the way to 65 than you think, and will have fun doing it.

If you're waiting for me to retire, you have longer than you think, not being the individual you perceive me to be. But, by all means, party on Dude.


You may be right.....I just might make it to 65. But I still play the powerball and mega-milliions just in case. You are absolutely right about DUB I could fly the rest of my trips only to DUB....great beer and the Irish like us.


You are the one that posted a Walmart commercial and made reference to AOL. I have no idea what you are trying to infer about AOL. I also have no idea if walmart sells cell phones.

I do know that after the latest East bid that IF the Nic was in effect, that a West pilot with a hire date of 3/12/2004 or earlier would be able to hold an Airbus/737 captains slot on the East. As it stands now, East pilot Monda is about 150 attrition numbers away from being able to hold a group 2 captain position.

The commecial had more to do with getting a wake-up call. You guys make a big deal about a few AOL brochures being mailed out yet it is OK to send solicitations via text message?

Good for you on your East bid. Thanks, but I am in a much better position since we have been able to keep DOH off this property and protected by a transition agreement.

I'll keep on donating to AOL........

Just in case you were going to remind me. :p
Are you referring to the Kirby POS Proposal? The one without a minimum fleet count proposal? Be careful what you wish for.

BTW, if you can't take the East integrity, why are you so desperate for a JCBA?

Here's a thought, have AOL go to Parker/Kirby and make an offer of LOA93 and Nic for the West. You never know, you may get some movement finally from Management.
The Kirby proposal is a POS. Why isn't powerful ole USAPA getting us something better? Oh I know, because they would rather divide this group, than unify. USAPA is its own worst enemy. It will continue to be a failure until it decides to abide by its inherited agreements and produce something of value for East and West pilots. Until then, you'll continue to chase your tail, downtrodden and powerless, lashing out at anyone who will listen to your b.s.

There are plenty of East pilots who would vote for a contract containing the NIC if given a chance. Instead your powerless union is afraid to allow this group to vote. Democracy?

Blame management all you want, you know what the truth is. Prove your resolve.

USAPA = Directionless, but let the infighting continue !!!

You may be right.....I just might make it to 65. But I still play the powerball and mega-milliions just in case. You are absolutely right about DUB I could fly the rest of my trips only to DUB....great beer and the Irish like us.

They like your money. Just like Seham.

USAPA = Catering to few, denying thousands. $$$
I do know that after the latest East bid that IF the Nic was in effect, that a West pilot with a hire date of 3/12/2004 or earlier would be able to hold an Airbus/737 captains slot on the East. As it stands now, East pilot Monda is about 150 attrition numbers away from being able to hold a group 2 captain position.

Well, sounds like Monda can have his seperate ops LOA93 Captain seat in about two years. Then he can work on LOA93 for about another year or two, before the rest of the pilot group has had enough and ratifies a Nic inclusive contract. Then we can all have 20/20 hindsight, and point out exactly how stupid it was of Monda to work for bankruptcy wages for 8-10 years longer than he needed to, when he could have had an immediate 20-30% raise, then a second contract with an additional say 8% raise, then maybe even be on to the third contract with another 6-8%.

Gunther, you do realize that you are not getting DOH and using the merger to leapfrog yourself from furloughed to senior to West pilots hired from 2001 on, all of which have more LOS than yourself, right?
The Kirby proposal is a POS. Why isn't powerful ole USAPA getting us something better? Oh I know, because they would rather divide this group, than unify. USAPA is its own worst enemy. It will continue to be a failure until it decides to abide by its inherited agreements and produce something of value for East and West pilots. Until then, you'll continue to chase your tail, downtrodden and powerless, lashing out at anyone who will listen to your b.s.

There are plenty of East pilots who would vote for a contract containing the NIC if given a chance. Instead your powerless union is afraid to allow this group to vote. Democracy?

Blame management all you want, you know what the truth is. Prove your resolve.

USAPA = Directionless, but let the infighting continue !!!
Define, "plenty". I have only met one. USAPA did not inherit an agreement but rather an unimplemented list. And so it shall remain.........Tis speculative at best!

You may be right.....I just might make it to 65. But I still pla soo. y the powerball and mega-milliions just in case. You are absolutely right about DUB I could fly the rest of my trips only to DUB....great beer and the Irish like us.




I hope you hit the big jackpot! I occasionally try the "quick pick" retirement program, but so far the most I've won is 50 bucks.

Here's to your health! Slainte!
Most respected by some; least respected by others.

So, what's your point?

Glad you asked.

Character & Integrity has often been described as how you conduct yourself when no one is watching. The aforementioned I respect not because I agree with them 100% of the time. I respect them BECAUSE they have the courage of their convictions. With the folks I mentioned, good bad, agree or don't you know where they are coming from. Others on here. less so.

When US was sinking like an anchor I had spirited debates between myself, 700UW & Pitbull. We all got to know each other off the board and there is a high degree of mutual respect. However in many cases there is little if any agreement on the issue of the day.

So we agree to disagree without being disagreeable, a concept that on this thread seems to be lost on many of the posters.

As a customer it's very hard for me to offer an opinion as I despise seniority systems in general as there is no performance measurement of any kind. Why should a person be rewarded for their ability to absorb BS from US Airways longer with better work assignments?

To me it's like one side is speaking French and the other German. I only understand English and half the time I read I'm like HUH? I do try to educate myself as I'm genuinely curious about what makes people tick.

For me I look at this thread and think 1680 pages of "You Suck", "No YOU Suck", "Do Not", "Yeah Huh" and I think "Recess is over kiddies, back to class". Sorry if that offends but that's the view from this laptop.
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