US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Any more questions who is financing Leonidas? We believe this says it all!

Hardly. How many MEC meetings were held in 2009/10? How much admisistrating did the MEC's do? Does "transaction" say which way the funds went? If ALPA was funding AOL, why did the money go to US Airways and not AOL (if the transaction was ALPA > US)? Conversely, if ALPA were funding AOL why did the company give ALPA money (if the transaction was US > ALPA)?

Could it be that you've "uncovered" nothing but closing out the books on ALPA's time as CBA?


ps - that "we". Do you have a mouse in your pocket?
You know metro, is it really necessary to name call to get your point across? Sometimes you have rational things to say and I will read them but you're post above I won't. In your short post you have called us, idiots, scabs, ignorant, foolish, scab idiots, inbreds. I had an issue with you when I first came on to this board because you used the term" mongoloid" which is not only incorrect, but improper and I called you on it because my " down's syndrome" brother-in-law has more personality, charisma, charm, and innocence than anyone on these boards. Having said that, you appropriately apologized. Now, you're not the only one but I guess you "stick out" in my mind more than most. I respect most on these boards. I read what they have to say but maybe take a post from Nic or Clear. For the most part, they get the point across without resorting to name-calling. Without picking on just you....I would ask EVERYONE on these boards to please refrain from name-calling.....East and West. Thanks, I guess it just got to me

I'm referring ONLY to the three morons dumb enough to sign their names to that "update". Their absolutely insane, wild accusations that ALPA has forked over 700k to AOL is beyond idiotic. They flatly state it as a fact. Here's the problem. It's more FANTASY. These people work for the pilots. They don't fly, they get paid to represent their group...out of the pockets of the CLT pilots. They have an absolute responsibility to be accurate, fair, and grounded.

Sorry you're offended but the enormity of what these psycho's claim is so out of left field that it can't go un-noticed.
boeingboy, 767jetz, usa320, are you the best that alpa has to offer in the propaganda department?

Do me a favor, all of you three stooges, put your hands behind your extreme lower back area and try to grab it with both hands. I sincerely do not believe you are capable of this physical challenge.
Hey look guys, one of the Clowns giving physical comedy a try, silly Clown.
boeingboy, 767jetz, usa320, are you the best that alpa has to offer in the propaganda department?

Do me a favor, all of you three stooges, put your hands behind your extreme lower back area and try to grab it with both hands. I sincerely do not believe you are capable of this physical challenge.


Those folks you mentioned are some of the most respected people on this entire board. As a customer I've no idea of the ins and outs of every aspect of this dispute. But I do know the Character & Integrity of those you've mentioned and I've seen your conduct to date. So pardon me if I side with them.
Please provide the "stats" you cite on making it to 65.

Using "767 One", the first East pilot to reach Age 65 as an example, I will speculate that he will finish his career flying, not on sick leave. Like most pilots that are senior, they enjoy flying to Ireland to quaff of few beers, or off to Rome or Munich for a 27 hour paid vacation.

I think more will make it to all the way to 65 than you think, and will have fun doing it.

If you're waiting for me to retire, you have longer than you think, not being the individual you perceive me to be. But, by all means, party on Dude.
I agree, you certainly are no individual anyone would percieve of! MM!

Those folks you mentioned are some of the most respected people on this entire board. As a customer I've no idea of the ins and outs of every aspect of this dispute. But I do know the Character & Integrity of those you've mentioned and I've seen your conduct to date. So pardon me if I side with them.
By looking at your AVATAR why does that not shock us, or surprise us, when you say you have" no idea" ! MM! "
It appears that pilots are getting texts soliciting lanyards. If you get one of these texts, I encourage you to report the number with the FTC and state authorities. If you are on the FTC's no-call list, the caller could be face state and federal penalties.

For example: Federal
Fines and Penalties

Up to $11,000 per violation.
15 U.S.C. § 45(m)(1)

The following exchange was posted on another forum:

Interesting exchange with an easthole....
This afternoon, while minding my bbq grill (waiting on my steak and baker to cook) and watching the Red Wings beat the Sharks....(OOPS...the Red Wings FORGOT to win on OT) I got a random text from a number I did not recognize....
The following text exchange took place:

Easthole: R u onboard starting May 1? Let pilots hear u say it on the radio & see it in your actions that give u the right 2 wear the Safety 1st I'm Onboard lanyard!

Me (westhole): I don't have a Safety 1st lanyard. "I'm Onboard" was the super cheesy corporate campaign at AWA before the merger. The moron that dreamt up that gem was shown the door years ago.

Easthole: Do u want 1?

Me: Sure

Easthole: Where u based

Me: I'll give you a hint. Google area code 480.

(....sound of crickets.... No response.... Then about 2 hours later....)

Me: Well....U sending me a lanyard or what???

(....more crickets.....)


Can I sue because some easthole texted me on my cell phone?

Fines and Penalties
Fines and Penalties For Violations Of State DO-NOT-CALL Lists

Fines and Penalties

Up to $11,000 per violation.
15 U.S.C. § 45(m)(1)

Up to $16,000 per violation.


Civil action for up to $500 per violation plus actual costs; if willful or knowing violation, up to 3 times that amount.


47 U.S.C. § 227(f)(1)

Fines and Penalties

PUC may bring action for up to $2,000 per violation.


Private cause of action available for amount of actual loss or $2,000 per each knowing violation.
Ala. Code § 8-19C-6


Ala. Code § 8-19C-7

Attorney General may bring action.
Alaska Stat. § 45.50.501

Not to exceed $1,000 per violation.
Ariz. Stat. § 44-1282©

Misdemeanor (willful & knowing violation);

Attorney General has authority for civil enforcement.
Ark. Code Ann. §§ 4-88-103; 4-88-104

Attorney General may bring action for up to $11,000 per violation.
Action in small claims court for injunction and $1,000 for subsequent violations.
Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17593

Attorney General may bring civil action for up to $2,000 per violation.
Colo. Rev. Stat. §§ 6-1-110; 112

Private cause of action available to recover actual damages.
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 42-110d; 110g

Attorney General may bring civil action for up to $10,000 per violation.
Fla. Stat. ch. 501.059(8)

Administrator of do-not-call program may bring action for up to $2,000 per violation;
Add’l relief in any court of competent jurisdiction.
Ga. Code Ann. § 46-5-27(i)

1st violation-Up to $500; 2nd violation-Up to $2,500; 3rd violation & subsequent-Up to $5,000.
Idaho Code § 48-1003A(3)

1st violation-Up to $1,000
2nd violation & subsequent-Up to $2,500
815 ILCS § 402/35

Attorney General may bring action for up to $10,000 for 1st violation;
2nd violation & subsequent—Up to $25,000.
Attorney General may recover attorney’s fees.
Ind. Code § 24-4.7-5-2

Attorney General may bring action and private right of action available for reasonable expenses and attorney’s fees;
Actual damages;
Up to $10,000 per violation;
Up to $20,000 per willfull violation.
Kan. Code 50-632, 636

Attorney General may bring action for Class D felony or for up to $2,000 per violation;
Up to $10,000—if violation is against a person age 60 or over.
Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§ 367.190; 367.990

Up to $1,500 per violation;
Up to $3,000--if violation is against a person over age 65.
Up to $10,000 if caller is not registered and calls a number on the do-not-call list or if sell, share, or lease the list to person not registered.
La. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 45:844.15; General Order § V(E)

Attorney General action for not more than $10,000 for first violation, $25,000 for each subsequent violation.
Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 10
§ 1499-B

Attorney General action and private right of action for up to $5,000 per knowing violation, but not less than $1,500 for a knowing violation involving a consumer who is 65 years of age or older.
Attorney’s fees for prevailing party.
Private damages available for $5,000 for knowing violation.
Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 159C, § 8

Misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment of up to 6 months and/or $500 fine;
Private action available for $250 or actual damages, whichever is greater;
attorney’s fees.
Mich. Laws § 445.111c(2), (3)

Commissioner may bring action for up to $1,000 per violation.
Minn. Code § 325E.316(1)

Public Service Commission may bring action for up to $5,000 per violation.
Miss. Stat. § 77-3-725

Attorney General and private right of action available for up to $5,000 per violation; Add’l relief in any court of competent jurisdiction.
Mo. Rev. Stat. § 407.1107

Department of Administration may bring action for up to $5,000 per knowing violation;
Private right of action also available for actual loss or $5,000 per violation.
Add’l relief in any court of competent jurisdiction.
Mont. Code § 30-14-1605

Attorney General may bring action for up to $2,500 per violation.
Reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.
Nev. Stat. § 228.620

New Hampshire*
Attorney General action available for up to $5,000 per violation;
Private action for greater of actual damages or $1,000, up to 3 times this amount if knowing or willful violation.
Attorney’s fees.
N.H. Code § 359-E:11

New Jersey*
Attorney General may bring action for up to $10,000 for first offense;
Not more than $20,000 for the second and each subsequent offense.
N.J. Stat. § 56:8-13

New Mexico*
Attorney General may bring action for up to $5,000 per violation.


Private right of action available for $100 or actual damages, whichever is greater; for willful violations, $300 or three times actual damages

N.M. Stat. §57-12-11


N.M. Stat. § 57-12-10

New York*
Attorney General may bring action for up to $11,000 per violation.
N.Y. Gen. Bus. Code § 399-z(6)

North Carolina*
Attorney General and private right of action available for:
$500 for 1st violation;
$1,000 for 2nd violation;
$5,000 for 3rd and subsequent violations within 2 years of 1st violation;
Reasonable attorney’s fees.
N.C. Gen. Stat. § 75-105

North Dakota*
Private right of action available for up to $2,000 per violation or actual damages, whichever is greater;
Costs, expenses, and reasonable attorney’s fees.
N.D. Code § 51-28-11

Same as federal standard above.
Ohio Code § 109.87

Attorney General may bring action for actual damages;
Reasonable expenses and investigation fees.
15 Okl. St. § 756.1(A)

Attorney General may bring action for actual damages.
Or. Rev. Stat. § 646.632

Attorney General may bring action for up to $1000 or if victim is 60 years old or older, $3,000;
Additional relief as deemed necessary and proper.

73 P.S. § 2246;
73 P.S. § 201-8

South Dakota
Public Utilities Commission may bring action for up to $5,000 per offense.
S.D. Stat. § 49-31-108

Regulatory authority may bring action for up to $2,000 per violation;
Add’l relief in any court of competent jurisdiction.
Tenn. Code § 65-4-405(f)
Admin. Code § 1220-4-11-.07

Attorney General may bring action for up to $1,000 per violation;
Up to $3,000 per willfull or knowing violation.
Attorney’s fees also available.
Tex. Bus. & Com.
Code § 304.252

Attorney General may enforce penalties in amount of $100-$2,500 per violation.
Private right of action also available for $500 per violation or amount of actual damages;
attorney’s fees and costs.
13-25a-105; 106

Private right of action for:
Punitive Damages;
Reasonable costs and attorney’s fees;
Up to $500 for first violation (civil);
$1,000 for each subsequent violation (civil);
18 months imprisonment and/or $10,000 (criminal).

9 V.S.A. § 2464a; 2464c

Private right of action for $500 per violation and up to $1500 for willful violation.
Va. Code § 59.1-515

Injunction; Up to $100 per violation.
Wis. Stat. § 100.52(10)

Attorney General may bring action for:
1st violation—Up to $500;
2nd violation—Up to $2,500;
3rd violation & subsequent—Up to $5,000
Attorney’s fees and costs.
Wyo. Stat. § 40-12-304(a)

* These states have adopted the applicable numbers on the federal "do-not-call" list as their own lists. Therefore, there is not a separate state list which must be purchased.

Publish Date: July 23, 2009

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