US Pilots Labor Discussion

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A +1 vote for whoever finds the first error in the update the quickest...


I give. What are the errors in this update ? I'm curious to see what you found that I might have missed.


Any problems with the tornandos or did they miss the area you live in ?
"The Airline Parties are US Airways, the America West MEC, and the US Airways MEC."

That is the first. The "Airline Parties" were US Gp, US Inc, AWH and AWA but now just US Gp & Inc.

Close but no cigar on the tornados. One was spotted near the airport.

Counting Off the Years and the Personal Losses While Knowing the Eventual Outcome

Unbiased Facts' Update for April 28, 2011: A "Must See" graphic at the link in this Quick Fact helps the reader contemplate the foreseeable future under the heel of USAPA. Titled; "Counting Off the Years and the Personal Losses While Knowing the Eventual Outcome". See for yourself where this wreck is taking us.

See Story

With potential fragmentation, why on earth would Parker want a JCBA? The joke they offered the FA's demonstrates they have no desire to unite the crews.
Really! You will have to forgive me if I don't take you at your word. I believe that you east pilots also said that you were willing to let an arbitrator settle this. So what happens when the court comes back and upholds the nicolau?

Are you going to want another redo? Will you only accept it when you get what you want. Trust is something that once broken is hard to recover. You guys have broken your word and the west does not trust east pilots.

Pardon me. DILLIGAFF about what you think or say?
Holy Cow!!!! An approx. donation of 790,00 dollars to AOL from the boys at ALPA. This is going to be real interesting.
Looks like the clowns are starting to get it, so who do you clowns think will be around longer, usapa or alpa? Now clowns cannot process numbers but look at usapas latest budget for a clue
CLT Domicile Update 04/29/2011
Charlotte Domicile Update
Your Identity Compromised!

Make no mistake; your personal data has been compromised. The evidence is clear that US Airways either provided the data to Leonidas LLC or it was stolen. There simply are no other scenarios. As Management provided the data to a third party, it appears they are in violation of several statutes as well as breaching the employer/employee confidences that assuredly make them legally liable for any damages caused by the transgression. (Further, they are in violation of their own Code of Ethics.) If they were not complicit, then the data was taken without their permission (read: stolen), and they must proceed accordingly. In either case you and your family have been violated and a one-year term of "LifeLock" protections, for only the affected employee, has no redeeming or long term value that provides identity security for our pilots and their loved ones into the future. Once US Airways lost possession of your information, there is no way to control who has it, where it is, where it will be, nor when or how it will be used. Your identity is out of the "Company safe" and has been exposed to any and all that may want to use it not only today but forever. We do not buy into the "assurances" of Management and those that gained access to your data that damages will not occur, and we will fight to ensure that our pilots and their families be protected from identity theft by US Airways for life. (See the recent Security Committee update for further discussion LifeLock and better alternatives.)

I'm sure you realize that Doug Parker did not suddenly become the all-generous employer-benefactor and deliver you a one year "LifeLock" contract because he is a good guy, likes you and was concerned for your well-being; he had no other legal choice. It is ominous enough that they have admitted your Social Security, addresses, Company data, as well as phone numbers were included in the breached data base, and it is also morally unconscionable. Think about the magnitude of this; more than 3,000 US Airways pilots' data was removed from CATS and used by a third-party entity. Disregarding the threat of the possible use of producing false identification, can you imagine the ramifications if anyone of you would have taken just a single unauthorized personal information file of another employee and then used it for own interests? Let us help you out; Human Resources would have a field day with you, and we would be representing you at every level attempting to protect your employment. There is no doubt this would be dealt with severely, and in a heartbeat you would be facing termination. We must look in awe and skepticism as the size and scope of this illegal transfer of data involving every East Pilot's identity is being downplayed and almost dismissed by Management. Your data had been entrusted to Team Tempe. They have admitted it has been compromised and transferred to a non-authorized third party entity consisting of US Airways employees. Their silence is not acceptable!

We are pursuing all legal avenues to protect your interests and your rights as employees. We need all of you to preserve any data that you have regarding the Leonidas mailing; report any and all suspicious activities involving the unauthorized use of your identity since September 9, 2009 -- the apparent transfer date -- to your Representatives. We have contacted USAPA Legal, and they are assisting in developing a legal strategy while we continue to wait for Management to do the correct thing. The Board recently approved legal action on this issue, and you may be certain we will not let this breach of your trust and identities go unchallenged.

Earth to CLT, this whole alleged ID "theft" is getting old. Do you not have any other concerns? This is like an old worn out broken record. We get it, you are upset that you did not get home in time to throw away the mailing before your spouse read the material and are having a pity party.

Good GOD, get over it already!!! :angry:
CLT Domicile Update 04/29/2011
Charlotte Domicile Update
Your Identity Compromised!

Make no mistake; your personal data has been compromised. The evidence is clear that US Airways either provided the data to Leonidas LLC or it was stolen. There simply are no other scenarios. As Management provided the data to a third party, it appears they are in violation of several statutes as well as breaching the employer/employee confidences that assuredly make them legally liable for any damages caused by the transgression. (Further, they are in violation of their own Code of Ethics.) If they were not complicit, then the data was taken without their permission (read: stolen), and they must proceed accordingly. In either case you and your family have been violated and a one-year term of "LifeLock" protections, for only the affected employee, has no redeeming or long term value that provides identity security for our pilots and their loved ones into the future. Once US Airways lost possession of your information, there is no way to control who has it, where it is, where it will be, nor when or how it will be used. Your identity is out of the "Company safe" and has been exposed to any and all that may want to use it not only today but forever. We do not buy into the "assurances" of Management and those that gained access to your data that damages will not occur, and we will fight to ensure that our pilots and their families be protected from identity theft by US Airways for life. (See the recent Security Committee update for further discussion LifeLock and better alternatives.)

I'm sure you realize that Doug Parker did not suddenly become the all-generous employer-benefactor and deliver you a one year "LifeLock" contract because he is a good guy, likes you and was concerned for your well-being; he had no other legal choice. It is ominous enough that they have admitted your Social Security, addresses, Company data, as well as phone numbers were included in the breached data base, and it is also morally unconscionable. Think about the magnitude of this; more than 3,000 US Airways pilots' data was removed from CATS and used by a third-party entity. Disregarding the threat of the possible use of producing false identification, can you imagine the ramifications if anyone of you would have taken just a single unauthorized personal information file of another employee and then used it for own interests? Let us help you out; Human Resources would have a field day with you, and we would be representing you at every level attempting to protect your employment. There is no doubt this would be dealt with severely, and in a heartbeat you would be facing termination. We must look in awe and skepticism as the size and scope of this illegal transfer of data involving every East Pilot's identity is being downplayed and almost dismissed by Management. Your data had been entrusted to Team Tempe. They have admitted it has been compromised and transferred to a non-authorized third party entity consisting of US Airways employees. Their silence is not acceptable!

We are pursuing all legal avenues to protect your interests and your rights as employees. We need all of you to preserve any data that you have regarding the Leonidas mailing; report any and all suspicious activities involving the unauthorized use of your identity since September 9, 2009 -- the apparent transfer date -- to your Representatives. We have contacted USAPA Legal, and they are assisting in developing a legal strategy while we continue to wait for Management to do the correct thing. The Board recently approved legal action on this issue, and you may be certain we will not let this breach of your trust and identities go unchallenged.

Earth to CLT, this whole alleged ID "theft" is getting old. Do you not have any other concerns? This is like an old worn out broken record. We get it, you are upset that you did not get home in time to throw away the mailing before your spouse read the material and are having a pity party.

Good GOD, get over it already!!! :angry:
OK! The irony of this statement is so thick it takes a chain saw to cut it. So in any other case usapa would be using all of it's resources to protect employment. But because it is west pilots usapa is using all of it's resources to FIRE 3 members and file a law suit.

Really? Do the guys in CLT not read their own stuff?
OK! The irony of this statement is so thick it takes a chain saw to cut it. So in any other case usapa would be using all of it's resources to protect employment. But because it is west pilots usapa is using all of it's resources to FIRE 3 members and file a law suit.

Really? Do the guys in CLT not read their own stuff?

Speaking of chain saw, I found a video of the Theurian guard missing an obvious security threat. Fixation seems to be a problem with these people. A common error with student pilots.
You silly little clowns, look at the mass hysteria your clown union has created, and yet not a single agency has taken up an investigation of your identity "theft". BTW clowns we are glad you finally realized that ALPA's deep pockets will ensure you will eat the Nic. unmodified, carry on with your hysterics, it amuses us so. Clowns.

Sony users face long odds in hacking suits

By Joseph Menn in San Francisco and Maija Palmer in London
Published: April 28 2011 19:46 | Last updated: April 28 2011 19:46

The more than 70m users of Sony’s online gaming network have only a slim chance of exacting payment for the exposure of their personal information in one of the worst hacking breaches to date, legal experts said.

The first attempt to seek redress came late on Wednesday, in a lawsuit filed in California by Kristopher Johns, an Alabama user of Sony’s PlayStation Network.
The suit claims Sony violated laws on storing credit card details and “failed to encrypt data and establish adequate firewalls to handle a server intrusion contingency, failed to provide prompt and adequate warnings of security breaches, and unreasonably delayed in bringing the PSN service back online”.

Such suits face long odds. There are broad data protection bills pending in Congress, and the breach disclosed by Sony this week is likely to spur new drafts. But consumer protection regulation is a patchwork of state laws that generally impose the greatest responsibility when credit card data or other bank account codes are at stake.
The Japanese group’s notifications to users that began arriving on Thursday said the credit card numbers it had stored online were encrypted and therefore unlikely to be used fraudulently. That greatly reduced its legal obligations to customers and its potential legal liability to the card issuers, though those institutions could still act if fraud occurs.

Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut told the Financial Times that the Sony breach demonstrated the need for greater federal protection of data. “We need to establish standards and penalties to deter such breaches,” said Mr Blumenthal, a former state attorney-general.
Why are America West and US Airways included in ALPA's 2010 LM-2 report? Why did US Airways pay $424,606 to ALPA?


1. Named Payer Itemized Receipts $17,356,572
2. Named Payer Non-itemized Receipts $1,388,579
3. All Other Receipts $687,511
4. Total Receipts $19,432,662

1. Named Payee Itemized Disbursements $31,912
2. Named Payee Non-itemized Disbursements $13,505
3. To Officers $1,727
4. To Employees $21,795
5. All Other Disbursements $37,894
6. Total Disbursements $106,833

1. Named Payee Itemized Disbursements $16,056,666
2. Named Payee Non-itemized Disbursements $18,708,155
3. To Officers $634,948
4. To Employees $15,939,535
5. All Other Disbursements $2,373,764
6. Total Disbursements $53,713,068
1. Named Payee Itemized Disbursements $4,995,136
2. Named Payee Non-itemized Disbursements $3,236,870
3. To Officers $56,811
4. To Employees $12,733,168
5. All Other Disbursements $1,055,327
6. Total Disbursements $22,077,312

1. Named Payee Itemized Disbursements $593,658
2. Named Payee Non-itemized Disbursements $1,193,287
3. To Officers $45,206
4. To Employees $1,739,851
5. All Other Disbursements $268,811
6. Total Disbursement $3,840,813
1. Named Payee Itemized Disbursements $8,415,649
2. Named Payee Non-itemized Disbursements $9,321,909
3. To Officers $2,413,011
4. To Employees $5,593,858
5. All Other Disbursements $1,354,305
6. Total Disbursements $27,098,732

Form LM-2 (Revised 2010)

P.O. BOX 29655
Type or Classification

Air Transportation - Scheduled
(C) Date
(D) Amount
Total Itemized Transactions $159,897
Total Non-Itemized Transactions $946
Total of All Transactions $160,843
MEC Flight Pay Loss Bank 02/18/2010 $15,160
MEC Scheduling Committee 02/18/2010 $14,555
MEC Secretary - Treasurer 02/18/2010 $14,682
MEC Administration 02/18/2010 $115,500

P O BOX 29655
Type or Classification

Air Transportation - Scheduled
(C) Date
(D) Amount
Total Itemized Transactions $424,606
Total Non-Itemized Transactions $0
Total of All Transactions $424,606
MEC Administration 02/18/2010 $270,053
MEC Administration 02/18/2010 $154,553
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