US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I have faith in the 9th on DFR II. DFR I laid the foundation for a successful outcome with an eventual ruling by the 9th.

No worries, no DOH.
USAPA's Deficit Spending Budget. Spending More Than They Collect in Dues and Assessments

USAPA's Deficit Spending Budget. Planning to Spend More Than They Collect in Dues and Assessments. Another troubling indicator from the 'Union' that can't get it right. Pilots, you can expect that USAPA will hand the bill to you. When do the pilots decide enough is enough? When is it time to declare the USAPA experiment the failure that it is? Are there better options for the US Airways pilots, their families and their careers?

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USAPA's Deficit Spending Budget. Spending More Than They Collect in Dues and Assessments

USAPA's Deficit Spending Budget. Planning to Spend More Than They Collect in Dues and Assessments. Another troubling indicator from the 'Union' that can't get it right. Pilots, you can expect that USAPA will hand the bill to you. When do the pilots decide enough is enough? When is it time to declare the USAPA experiment the failure that it is? Are there better options for the US Airways pilots, their families and their careers?

See Story
Unbiased Facts’ Relevant Comments/Questions: During its fourth year of existence, USAPA will
generate over $10 million in revenue from our dues and assessments. During the past three years, the
union has received about $26.5 million from the pilots and has not delivered a single economic
benefit to the pilots and their families.

And ALPA did ?
I have faith in the 9th on DFR II. DFR I laid the foundation for a successful outcome with an eventual ruling by the 9th.

No worries, no DOH.

I too have faith in the 9th as well as other courts who know law. "free to negotiate" means just that, and every other section of the JCBA without court interference.
"free to negotiate" means just that

Oh ye of little knowledge...

Try negotiating racial descrimination into the contract. Like almost every right, that "free to negotiate" carries some hefty limitations. First and foremost is probably the duty to not descriminate against one group for the advancement of another. You may have heard of it - it's called DFR.

Oh ye of little knowledge...

Try negotiating racial descrimination into the contract. Like almost every right, that "free to negotiate" carries some hefty limitations.

Terrible analogy from a southerner.

Tell us what happened to the Empire pilots seniority after they met your former pilots group.
Oh ye of little knowledge...

Try negotiating racial descrimination into the contract. Like almost every right, that "free to negotiate" carries some hefty limitations. First and foremost is probably the duty to not descriminate against one group for the advancement of another. You may have heard of it - it's called DFR.


Yes. And DOH has been found by the courts to be non-discrminitory in mergers.
Terrible analogy from a southerner.

Tell us what happened to the Empire pilots seniority after they met your former pilots group.

Did the Empire pilots have a 3 party TA signed? Did they agree to submit to final and binding arbitration as part of the SLI/Merger process? Did the Empire Pilots have the results of the previously agreed to final and binding arbitration in hand when the "majority" pilots decided that they'll simply staple them?

Let's review the actual facts.
Did the Empire pilots have a 3 party TA signed? Did they agree to submit to final and binding arbitration as part of the SLI/Merger process? Did the Empire Pilots have the results of the previously agreed to final and binding arbitration in hand when the "majority" pilots decided that they'll simply staple them?

Let's review the actual facts.

There is no "staple" with DOH as there is with Nic and what happened to the Empire Pilots.
Yes. And DOH has been found by the courts to be non-discrminitory in mergers.
Wouldn't DOH be the "kind of harm the west fears" that the clerks at the 9th mentioned? Didn't that statement serve as a warning to USAPA to not try DOH under the "pain of an unquestionably ripe DRF"? I guess if you are $eham and Kleary you take those statements as a green light to harm the west. Not that the company wants any part of a hybrid-DFR claim so DOH is really just an academic discussion until the DJ is settled.
Those who bother to read the 9th can see the difference clearly...

"Forced to bargain for the Nicolau Award, any contract USAPA could negotiate would undoubtedly be rejected by its membership. By deferring judicial intervention, we leave USAPA to bargain in good faith pursuant to its DFR, with the interests of all members in mind, under pain of an unquestionably ripe DFR suit, once a contract is ratified [that obviously won't include the NIC since it is not possible to achieve a ratified contract with the NIC].

Only the most willfully blind could ignore the meaning of the 9th's words. The 9th concluded that USAPA could never successfully bring about a joint CBA if they were to use the NIC. Forcing them to use the NIC would perpetuate an indefinite impasse to the internal union seniority dispute, thus the 9th did not do something stupid like require the NIC, and it is why they left USAPA to bargain. . . . . . . . . within a wide range of reasonableness.

The 9th not only gave USAPA the green light to use something other than the NIC, they practically implored their readers to drop the NIC and move on.
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