US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Not possible. You can't "burn through" the PBGC payments any more than your grandmother can outlive her Social Security.
Sorry, I'll back up. If the pilots had chosen to retain their pensions and make no concessions the airline would have failed and those who retired early and took their retirement with them would likely have burned through it by now.

Ask some ex-Eastern pilots how quickly that money goes away.
Appeal Board Hearing Notice

In accordance with USAPA Constitution Article VI, Section (4) (F) and (G), a hearing will occur regarding charges made by CLT Chairman William McKee, CLT Vice Chairman Steve Crimi and CLT Vice Chairman Dewitt Ingram against Members Steve Bradford and Mark King. The actual charges follow this announcement below.



F. The Appeal Board may, (a) dismiss the claim or, find that material facts are not in dispute and decide the case based solely upon the evidence and decisions submitted to it or, (c) hold a hearing to determine disputed facts or to supplement the record as necessary.

G. Unless otherwise provided, the Appeal Board shall give thirty (30) days notice of all hearings. A court reporter shall record and transcribe the hearing and swear the witnesses.

This public hearing is open to all USAPA members in good standing, and will be held at the Charlotte Airport auditorium (above the food court) on Thursday, May 26, at 10:00 a.m. EDT. Charges will be read, witnesses will give testimony and will be cross-examined. A stenographic record of the proceeding will be kept.

This meeting will be chaired by the Appeal Board, and will not be open for public comment or questions during the hearing. This is a hearing pursuant to the USAPA Constitution and Bylaws, not a membership meeting. Members in good standing desiring to provide testimony should notify Secretary-Treasurer Rob Streble no later than Tuesday, May 24, 2011, of their intentions.

The entire hearing will be in open session. All transcripts from the hearing will be placed on the USAPA website under the Appeal Board section of the Miscellaneous Documents & Correspondence Library as soon as they are completed.

Charges are as follows:

Charges against Steve Bradford and Mark King

By this notice to the USAPA Secretary Treasurer, CLT Domicile Representatives Captain Bill McKee, First Officer Steve Crimi and First Officer DeWitt Ingram, do hereby charge USAPA members Steve Bradford and Mark King with acts "contrary to the best interests of USAPA as an institution or its membership as a whole." (Article VI, Section I., USAPA Constitution and Bylaws)

These charges arise as a result of the 'Compass Correction Coalition' document entitled "What is the state of our Union today? In short, it's dreadful!" We believe the Compass Correction Coalition document authored by Bradford and King contains specific declarative statements that represent both slander and libel against individual officers and the association. Clearly this letter emailed to unknown recipients is an effort to harm the association and is contrary to the best interests of USAPA as an institution and its membership as a whole. In addition in this document, Bradford and King proffer support of Jamie Weidner, a participant in the most recent PHL Domicile election. It is our understanding that that Capt. Bradford and Capt. King, serving as USAPA Appeals board members, are preparing a decision on an election appeal by their endorsed candidate Jamie Weidner. Specifically, Weidner has requested the Appeals Board to overturn and re-run the election.

Capt. Bradford and Capt. King have not recused themselves from consideration of the issues associated with the appeal of the PHL election. Considering the fact that Bradford and King have publicly taken a position endorsing the candidacy of Weidner, their failure to recuse themselves is inappropriate. Their refusal to remove themselves from the Appeals Board process represents a conflict of interest and is an act clearly contrary to the best interests of USAPA.

The CLT Domicile Representatives direct the USAPA Secretary-Treasurer to notify Captains Bradford, King, and the Appeals Board that these formal charges are hereby levied as outlined in Article VI of the USAPA Constitution and Bylaws. We request this notice be sent via U.S. certified mail, return receipt requested.

Requested Remedy

Captains Bradford and King be found conflicted in the matter of the PHL election appeal filed by a candidate who they have openly endorsed and should be removed from the appeal process and the investigation.
Captains Bradford and King be found guilty of violating the USAPA Constitution and By Laws by performing "acts contrary to the best interests of USAPA as an institution or its membership as a whole" (as evidenced below) and should be removed from any further appeals board duties.

USAPA Communications

This is better than a soap opera. :D
Rebecca's donations have gone up $850 since I made the post three days ago. High five to you guys! Her total is at $6890!

Holy Cow!!!! An approx. donation of 790,00 dollars to AOL from the boys at ALPA. This is going to be real interesting.
This just warms my heart!!! Mary Shelley couldn't have written it better!

It's pure comedy. Real men of genius....brilliant.

It reminds me of the time when Bradford and King were having a picnic and mapping out USAPA. Full of bloopers...
US Airways Starts Losing Money Again

Congratulations East Pilots and USAPA!!! You now have officially let the SECOND profitable business cycle pass you by without a contract. Well Done, Excellent work! Now that the Airline...once again....for the ten thousandth bleeding money I'm sure DOH and much higher pay are at your doorstep.
US Airways Starts Losing Money Again

Congratulations East Pilots and USAPA!!! You now have officially let the SECOND profitable business cycle pass you by without a contract. Well Done, Excellent work! Now that the Airline...once again....for the ten thousandth bleeding money I'm sure DOH and much higher pay are at your doorstep.

I agree "Congrats" are in order. We still have a minimum fleet count and move upwards on every East Bid. Kirby Proposal wouldn't have provided that.

Most of us have been financially responsible since 2003, knowing that it takes time.

If it isn't a viable company, working for free won't save it.........
US Airways Starts Losing Money Again

Congratulations East Pilots and USAPA!!! You now have officially let the SECOND profitable business cycle pass you by without a contract. Well Done, Excellent work! Now that the Airline...once again....for the ten thousandth bleeding money I'm sure DOH and much higher pay are at your doorstep.

BRILLIANT!! :unsure:
US Airways Starts Losing Money Again

Congratulations East Pilots and USAPA!!! You now have officially let the SECOND profitable business cycle pass you by without a contract. Well Done, Excellent work! Now that the Airline...once again....for the ten thousandth bleeding money I'm sure DOH and much higher pay are at your doorstep.

Airlines always lose money in the first least THIS one does and HAS for a long time. But if you want to complain about negotiations, you have to include management in the blame game.

What ever happened to REAL know, screaming, throwing chairs around, lots of threats and finger pointing.

This is entirely too civilized...

Driver B)
UPDATE 1-US Airways loss smaller than expected

Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:34am EDT
* Loss of 68 cents per/share compares to loss of 55 cents
* Revenues up 11 percent, while fuel bill soars
(Reuters) - US Airways Group Inc (LCC.N) posted on Tuesday a narrower quarterly loss than analysts had expected as fuel costs rose.
The airline said its loss, excluding special items, was $110 million, or 68 cents per share. This compares with a loss of $89 million, or 55 cents per share, in the year-earlier period.
Analysts had forecast a loss of 72 cents a share, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.
Total revenues were $3 billion, up 11.7 percent. Operating expenses were also $3 billion, up 12.8 percent, due primarily to a $272 million jump in fuel costs.

(Reporting by John Crawley)
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