US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Sorry, I'll back up. If the pilots had chosen to retain their pensions and make no concessions the airline would have failed and those who retired early and took their retirement with them would likely have burned through it by now.

Ask some ex-Eastern pilots how quickly that money goes away.

I see what you are saying. I agree that lump sum recipients are not always wise with their money. It likely happens at every carrier that offers that benefit. I know it happened at old Piedmont, and probably US Air, too.
ALPA brought us the lowest pay in the industry along with giving our pension away, you were not around for that, USAPA is the best money spent!!! :p Guess who the lowest paid will be when LOA84 award is won?

Are you really that daft?
Sorry, I'll back up. If the pilots had chosen to retain their pensions and make no concessions the airline would have failed and those who retired early and took their retirement with them would likely have burned through it by now.

Ask some ex-Eastern pilots how quickly that money goes away.

Oh my.... you appear to be resigned to the opinion that all pilots should not expect to ever gain any notable amount of money... On the one hand you say that if they demanded what was theirs it would have all vanished, and on the other if they were lucky enough to actually be given what was theirs they were too inept to keep any of it.

Perhaps you think management is a better investment with pilot money than the pilots are with their own money. Shall we just forgo ever giving money to the pilots, and just let management keep all of it from the beginning?
Sanity is a worthy pursuit, Phoenix, don't give up!

I know reality repulses most easties, but many understand that there were few jobs waiting for 55 year old pilots and that had they lost their only meal ticket (contrary to their statements of bravado) they would likely burn up their pension money much faster than they ever thought possible. Many valiant Eastern pilots found this out the hard way.

No, actually the US pilots choosing to exchange their pensions for continued employment and a PBGC stipend was probably a smart move.

Starving themselves under LOA93 (and forcing the west to endure needless pain) out of the baseless fear of losing their attrition is pathetic.
Starving themselves under LOA93 (and forcing the west to endure needless pain) out of the baseless fear of losing their attrition is pathetic.

Not even close to starving. What "pain" are you talking about? A West Pilot not being able to come East? "Attrition", see previous sentence...........
Holy Cow!!!! An approx. donation of 790,00 dollars to AOL from the boys at ALPA. This is going to be real interesting.
3 days and no follow up. I guess just another typical BS eastie statement with no basis in fact. Lots of accusations, no reality.

I wish it were true though. In fact ALPA should be writing a check for about $2 million to the west pilots.
Los Angeles Times

Federal court officials declared a judicial emergency in Arizona, allowing courts to delay criminal trials up to six months because of a shortage of judges worsened by the shooting death of the state's chief jurist.

Arizona federal courts were already overwhelmed by a 65% increase in criminal cases in the last two years and two judicial vacancies when U.S. District Judge John M. Roll was killed in the Jan. 8 attack that also severely wounded Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Five others died in the shooting, and a dozen others were injured.

A judicial emergency is a rarely used tool to suspend the demands of the Speedy Trial Act for 30 days. It was ordered by Judge Roslyn O. Silver, Roll's successor as chief judge. It was last used in the Southern District of New York after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

"The need to suspend the time limits is of great urgency due to a heavy criminal caseload, a lack of adequate resources, and the tragic death of Chief Judge John Roll," Silver said. The declaration allows courts to take as long as 180 days to bring a defendant to trial, instead of the statutory 70-day limit. The Judicial Council for the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which includes Arizona, then took the even rarer step of extending Silver's emergency declaration for a year, until February 2012.

"I assume the council saw the yearlong extension as necessary because Arizona is unlikely to get its three vacancies filled within a year," said Russell Wheeler, a Brookings Institution scholar who studies the federal judiciary and nomination process. He noted that President Obama had not yet nominated anyone for the Arizona vacancies.

Obama has been slow to name jurists to the federal bench during his first two years in office, and the Senate Judiciary Committee has confirmed fewer of his nominees than those of previous presidents.

Chief Judge Alex Kozinski, who heads the 9th Circuit and its Judicial Council, urged swift action to alleviate the Arizona crisis.
In typical Ready, fire, aim fashion once again usapa shots themselves in the foot and looks the fool. After sending letters to anyone they thought would care about “alleged” ID theft. It turns out no one cares. After an extensive campaign to get east pilots to sign up for life lock. After demanding life time subscription for life lock for yourselves and your spouses. Usapa finally goes back and does a little research.

Typical east mentality. The company offers you something for free. One year free life lock. That is not good enough. You want more. Life time life lock plus your spouse. Now almost 3 weeks later usapa says that life lock is not good enough you guys want something entirely different. Maybe the leadership should have done some research before going on their rant.

Does this remind you guys of anything? Read a NAC update. Demands are made. Compromises are found. Different demands are made. No solution is found. Are you beginning to think that it is usapa that is changing their mind at the table not the company?

Does the union now have liability? They were the ones telling the members to sign up with a shady company.

April 5, 2011
In the wake of the Company's admission that pilots' Social Security numbers were involved in the recent theft of confidential computerized pilot data, pilots are urged to immediately take the following steps to protect their identity:

1) Open a new LifeLock account utilizing the free account information previously provided by the Company. The account can be opened either by calling LifeLock at

April 6, 2011
Based upon member feedback, it has come to our attention that LifeLock is not allowing pilots to include their spouses in the free, one-year membership offer. Based upon the fact that the Company database(s) include spousal data (such as Social Security numbers), plus the fact that spouses' information was included in mailing label information, it's clear that identity theft protection must be extended to pilots' spouses as well. We urge pilots to apply for a single membership, and USAPA will investigate as to why the spouses have been excluded from this offer.

Also, we're receiving a lot of feedback regarding the insufficiency of a one-year membership in LifeLock, given that our personal information has been compromised for life. Clearly, nothing less than lifetime protection is sufficient.

April 7, 2011
USAPA is concerned that some of our pilots have not yet availed themselves of the limited LifeLock protection afforded by the Company. Be wary of those who would seek to diminish the current threat to your security either out of ignorance or because they are not among the pilots who were targeted by perpetrators' actions. The recent breach of our pilots' personal information is a serious matter.
It is with this in mind that we reiterate our shared concern that the Company's offer of a mere one year of LifeLock is woefully inadequate. Unlike other kinds of personal data, Social Security numbers never become stale -- they are affixed to a person for life. As a result, we are all at increased risk of identity theft or fraud. In addition, the Company has failed to offer any amount of identity theft insurance coverage -- a remedial measure that is typical from companies in large scale data breaches such as this one

April 26, 2011
In the aftermath of the theft of our identification information by a US Airways management pilot, the Company appeared to have offered us some sort of remedy. Based upon this information, USAPA has been urging pilots to avail themselves of this service. However, now that we have had time to research the issue in more depth, we have arrived at different conclusions. Please take a few minutes to Google search "LifeLock lawsuit settlement" to determine for yourself the apparently worthless value of this service. If you read the first four articles revealed by Google, you will find some of the following highlights:

It took a month to do a simple goole search to find this information. They said themselves. "take a few minutes" Full time flight pay lose yet no one had a few minutes to look at this. The clowns were screaming from the mountain tops telling the pilots to sign up. Incompetence? Negligence? Liable?

Ask yourself. Was usapa more concerned about the pilots or having an issue to distract you from their inability to do anything? Would the clown leadership rather have beat Leonidas with a club or protect pilots? Is getting DOH so important to Cleary that he would further put at risk the east pilots just to get what he wants?
Los Angeles Times

"The need to suspend the time limits is of great urgency due to a heavy criminal caseload, a lack of adequate resources, and the tragic death of Chief Judge John Roll," Silver said. The declaration allows courts to take as long as 180 days to bring a defendant to trial, instead of the statutory 70-day limit. The Judicial Council for the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which includes Arizona, then took the even rarer step of extending Silver's emergency declaration for a year, until February 2012.[/b]
Feb. 2012. Looks like the company DJ went onto the back shelf for about a year. So no court ruling. No contract. The NAC might as well pack up and go back to the line and save the pilots the flight pay lose.

NOTHING is going to happen for the next year. At least a year. Even after judge Silver makes a decision it will be another year or more to get to trial. Unless she dismisses. It will still be a year for the company to appeal. 2 years min before we have an answer.

Enjoy LOA 93! Retirement comes soon. You all will be proud to say that you guys retired under the lowest (commuter) wages of any "legacy" carrier. It will be 10 years and counting on a BK LOA.

East pilots= Super genius!
usapa= Wile E Coyote
Wile E Coyote=Super Genius

Therefore usapa =Super genius.

Here comes the train of reality about to hit the van down by the river.

Just keep repeating that boys.
Sanity is a worthy pursuit, Phoenix, don't give up!

I know reality repulses most easties, but many understand that there were few jobs waiting for 55 year old pilots and that had they lost their only meal ticket (contrary to their statements of bravado) they would likely burn up their pension money much faster than they ever thought possible. Many valiant Eastern pilots found this out the hard way.

No, actually the US pilots choosing to exchange their pensions for continued employment and a PBGC stipend was probably a smart move.

Starving themselves under LOA93 (and forcing the west to endure needless pain) out of the baseless fear of losing their attrition is pathetic.

Oh my...

You praise East pilots for giving management more money, in that they capitulated their pensions and accepted LOA 93 wages.

You ridicule pilots for their supposed inability to manage their own money and seem to think they aren't worthy of having much more than a meager meal ticket.

But then you ridicule East pilots for letting management keep extra money in the form of LOA 93.

Do you think pilots should let management have the extra money or not? oh.... its all clear now... East pilots should let management have extra money except when doing so denies the West from having both the Nic and more money. Ah, yes. It is good for pilots to have a meager meal ticket. It is better to give to management anything extra, but it is best to give liberally to the West.

Indeed, grasshopper, you have well said, "Sanity is a worthy pursuit."
l Is getting DOH so important to Cleary that he would further put at risk the east pilots just to get what he wants?

There is nothing more important to Kim Jong Moron Cleary on this Planet than getting DOH. Absolutely nothing. Any tactic he perceives to advance the cause will be used It doesn't matter to him. The end justifies the means as they say. Even if the damage continues to accumulate to an unbelievable it has.

The USCABA leadership knows FULL WELL that they have cost their "majority" pilots close to a billion dollars....a BILLION DOLLARS chasing an impossible dream. A dream they PROMISED they could deliver. For somebody afflicted with Narcissistic Personality Disorder as Mike Cleary so obviously does, the slightest little perceived affront sends them into a rage.

Can you imagine how he's going to deal with an absolute FAILURE of this MAGNITUDE when the courts shove the Nic. award straight up their six?

Even a NORMAL person would want to avoid that responsibility like the plague but someone with NPD? Forget it. He's going into orbit.

"hey guys. Sorry. I guess we were wrong. In hindsight I guess it WAS weird that only Lee $e$ham was saying we could pull this didn't need that billion anyway right?"
Feb. 2012. Looks like the company DJ went onto the back shelf for about a year. So no court ruling. No contract.
NOTHING is going to happen for the next year. At least a year. Even after judge Silver makes a decision it will be another year or more to get to trial. Unless she dismisses.

East pilots= Super genius!

I get kick out of Cleary chasing his tail. Three years and no DOH. I'm fine with him staying in power and it looks as if there is enough support or apathy to keep him in his position. The Looney Tune is a laugh a minute. :lol:
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