US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Aquagreen and mrbreeze,

It sounds like you both have amazingly strong children. I pray that they will find a cure for this awful disease and ease their burdens.

I agree with you Bob, the constant moving target.. Just like the negotiations...
the idea is to frustrate and keep your opponent off guard...

this is a marathon... Those who want it more will get the best deal.

Keeping your opponent off guard. :lol:

I just found a clip of Usapians playing a game of Poker....Brilliant!
Go away, you are the laughing stock of this pilot group maybe 5 people listen to you, in you letter you need to thank Mike and Tracy for getting your job back how about that for an "unbiased fact".
So much for civility. I really don't understand this persistent need to discredit and attack anyone and everyone with a non-USAPA-supporter-east-pilot-conforming point of view. It is an attitude that has plagued you guys for decades, as evidenced by the constant infighting prior to this merger, and ended us in this stalemate in the first place.

Not only are your words and intentions hollow, but childish and hypocritical. Why don't we all cry in unison "GO AWAY! YOU ARE A LAUGHING STOCK!" to people like sumadarson and Mutatis who contribute absolutely nothing to the discussion but rhetoric and useless links. At least USA320pilot posts links related to the current discussion. Of course you don't like it and want him to just "go away." Why don't YOU just go away if you don't like opposing points of view?

And for the record it was ALPA who got his job back (if the whole assertion is even true in the first place.) Which is exactly what a union is supposed to do. ITS THEIR JOB. A real union does not pick and choose who to defend against the company. Just like the pedophile east pilot who was suspended but not fired, and is protected by USAPA. Too bad USAPA didn't choose to defend the 24 west pilots who had a legitimate grievance against the company.

You have no more of a right to be here and spew your garbage than anyone else, east, west, or otherwise. Before you tell others to "go away" you better be sure you are without fault and own the moral high ground. Something no USAPA supporter is even close to achieving. Typical east entitlement behavior... Claim to own something you have no rights to, and then make demands of others. Your arrogance is endless.
So much for civility. I really don't understand this persistent need to discredit and attack anyone and everyone with a non-USAPA-supporter-east-pilot-conforming point of view. It is an attitude that has plagued you guys for decades, as evidenced by the constant infighting prior to this merger, and ended us in this stalemate in the first place.

make demands of others. Your arrogance is endless.
Sorry, but you have no idea what this guy is like and I am going back before you airline existed, from the hair club for men TV commercials to the never ending vitamin sales to the "my sources tell me" he is loathed by all and has no credibility. This is not a east west thing.
... Before you tell others to "go away" you better be sure you are without fault and own the moral high ground. Something no USAPA supporter is even close to achieving. Typical east entitlement behavior...

I've gotta hand it to you. You are impartial and never use a broad brush accusation against others. Perhaps you also have secret contacts deep within the upper levels of management, USAPA, and ALPA, just like our good friend who never goes away. I hope he stays. We would be incomplete without him.
Sorry, but you have no idea what this guy is like and I am going back before you airline existed, from the hair club for men TV commercials to the never ending vitamin sales to the "my sources tell me" he he loathed by all and has no credibility. This is not a east west thing.

Any and all comments coming from a "lottery ticket denier" is an East vs. West comment. It's sorta like Palestine and Israel. Infidels can never say anything true. :lol:
Sorry, but you have no idea what this guy is like and I am going back before you airline existed, from the hair club for men TV commercials to the never ending vitamin sales to the "my sources tell me" he is loathed by all and has no credibility. This is not a east west thing.
I Actually agree to a point. C.M. is a bit.....different.
Talk about humbling....when your "enemy" does something to help your child! Her donations have gone up $250 in the last 30 minutes, since I made the post.

You guys can't be all bad. :)

Thanks so much. I wish I could share her excitement with all of you.

Neither the westies, nor the easties, are bad at all. We are all professional airline pilots who, when it comes to our families, jobs, and careers, are on the same page 99.99% of the time.

But OH that 0.01%!
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