US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Well, to wrap up this topic, and this wasn't my original goal, here is the link to Rebecca's website. I have just a small percentage of East pilot email addresses and if you guys on the other side of the fence want to donate, that would be awesome, however, under the circumstances, I will not be offended if there is no response. :)

I guess I am exposing my identity here, but if Rebecca can fight her battle everyday, it's the least I can do.

With a donation on the website, you will receive an email with your tax deductable receipt. Also, so far, Rebecca has replied to each donor with a note or email.

Thanks guys,

Happy Easter!

Donation on it's way, happy Easter. Medtronic has ventured into controversial areas such as BMP-2 Infuse (amazing results too!), but it takes mistakes to move forward. All the best to you and Rebecca
Donation on it's way, happy Easter. Medtronic has ventured into controversial areas such as BMP-2 Infuse (amazing results too!), but it takes mistakes to move forward. All the best to you and Rebecca

Talk about humbling....when your "enemy" does something to help your child! Her donations have gone up $250 in the last 30 minutes, since I made the post.

You guys can't be all bad. :)

Thanks so much. I wish I could share her excitement with all of you.
Mine too is on the way along with a prayer, Will still fight you on the NIC though!!! Happy Easter. Luv PS she is a cutie!!
No, it's USAPA's job to negotiate. They have chosen to abandon unity and their bizarre behavior makes them irrelevant.

Changing unions would definitely get the company's attention and prove that the pilots are unwilling to stand on the sidelines while Cleary etc. play a children's game version of union.

The west has many years experience dealing with this and previous management, but they have been marginalized by USAPA leadership. Parker will not throw money at labor to solve the problem. Never has, never will.

"Kirby" will be a very small step forward, but in order to go forward every step will be small, but quick. It's time to realize that as testosterone-satisfying as it might be to make a giant leap and defeat management, that will never happen. But the pilot group can be lead forward. But not by anyone in the current front-office of USAPA.

Who's up for moving forward?
That post was hilarious, tell me you weren't serious or has the fragmentation relization set in ! MM!
USAPA, ALPA, SWAPA and APA. Guess which union is the most expensive on a per pilot basis. Yep you guessed it. And what are we getting with all that money spent? Lowest paid pilots in the industry and the highest union dues on average per pilot. Nice!
Is airline pilot pay concern a new hobby for you west pilots, it was not most of your career.

america west pilot pay history

Is airline pilot pay concern a new hobby for East pilots? It hasn't been since 2004.

Give it abreak Nostro, that was then, this is now. Your links are is getting rather boring and irrelevant to a fault

Have you been consulting the Magic Eight Ball recently?
Well, while things are quiet on the board, I will throw this out there....

My 14 yr old daughter has Type 1 Diabetes and Celiac disease. She is very involved with one of the leading research institutes in the US, giving blood about 6 times each year, along with participating in various new studies, trying to find a cure for Diabetes. Needless to say, I am very proud of her.

She has signed up to be a captain of a team for a fund raising bike ride in August to help raise funds for research for the American Diabetes Association.

I contacted USAir management about donations to her cause......of course, the answer was that they only contribute to certain tax category charities and this is not one of them. (why am I not suprised)

I am very happy to say that about 80 International pilots in Philly have donated over $6000 to her cause, which, to her, is a daily battle against this disease. It's the first time we have undertaken this kind of fund raiser, and I must say that it is humbling to see this kind of response.

I am sure that all people have a heart and that if this event had come to the attention of the West pilots, there would have been great donations from that side too.

The bottom line is that we are all human beings.....we all have our little battles in life that we are fighting, regardless of USAir management, USAPA, ALPA, Leondias, and all the lawsuits. Folks, it's unfortunate that we have painted ourselves into different the point that it's out of our control.

Good luck to each of you in your daily battles. :)

A picture worth a many thousands of words.......
USAPA, ALPA, SWAPA and APA. Guess which union is the most expensive on a per pilot basis. Yep you guessed it. And what are we getting with all that money spent? Lowest paid pilots in the industry and the highest union dues on average per pilot. Nice!
ALPA brought us the lowest pay in the industry along with giving our pension away, you were not around for that, USAPA is the best money spent!!! :p Guess who the lowest paid will be when LOA84 award is won?
ALPA brought us the lowest pay in the industry along with giving our pension away, you were not around for that, USAPA is the best money spent!!! :p Guess who the lowest paid will be when LOA84 award is won?
No they didn't. How many of you would have chosen to put your contract in the hands of a bankruptcy judge who had no duty to preserve anything in that contract? Had US been allowed to fail, most pilots would have burned through that pension by now: the older ones would be unhireable and the younger ones didn't have enough in it.

There was no good choice, despite what nostalgia would have you believe. And I doubt that the east pilot group could have crafted anything that was materially better than what they got. USAPA is the east utopia (or so they're told) so why haven't they produced the promised goods? They are unfettered and free of bad old ALPA, yet they limp from one quagmire to another. Face it, the east has the persona of a bunch of guys who think they're smarter than everyone else, but when pressed to provide evidence that that image is true, they him/haw and blame someone else.

Sure ALPA gave you LOA93, but didn't they also provide the highest wages you so fondly look back on? Didn't they produce the profit sharing and the lump sum plus the grail that is LOA84 snapback? Compare that with USAPA's inaction and salt-the-earth negotiating strategy. They say they're protecting you from the boogeyman they created and you still find value in your dues money for that???

I still hold a grudge for ALPA's very USAPA-like behavior post Nicolau in picking sides and trying to intimidate the West pilots so that they could retain the dues income from the east pilots whom they curried favor. Unfortunately Prater found out too late that he was being played by the east, and was still tarred by his previous actions.
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