US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Either way, we all just have to wait for formal announcements and decisions to be released.

I still maintain that 2011 will reveal most of these answers and IMO, those answers will make supporting USAPA exceedingly difficult for all but the most entrenched zealots.

Yeah, we just have to wait, and wait, and wait. I think we will get some answers this year, I'm just not sure they will lead to wrapping things up anytime soon.

Never dull, huh?
I agree, no brainer on that one after looking the transcripts over, pretty much what everyone else has said.
There is a big difference between "pretty much everyone" and absolutely no federal judge saying it at all. What the majority on the 9th said (and didn't say) has been rehashed countless times on this board. The question is what will Silver say and no one knows but her at this point. If she says what you and Nos say, the Company will appeal because they are not willing to be dragged into a hybrid DFR litigation.
There is a big difference between "pretty much everyone" and absolutely no federal judge saying it at all. What the majority on the 9th said (and didn't say) has been rehashed countless times on this board. The question is what will Silver say and no one knows but her at this point. If she says what you and Nos say, the Company will appeal because they are not willing to be dragged into a hybrid DFR litigation.
Yes , there always is that possibility but if they lose and appeal I would hope even you westies understand that Parker does not want a contract in any way shape of form even though you guys love to blame Cleary and company.
Yes , there always is that possibility but if they lose and appeal I would hope even you westies understand that Parker does not want a contract in any way shape of form even though you guys love to blame Cleary and company.
It's the paid unions job to make a better contact the path of least resistance for parker. A fake union owned and operated by wanna be thug scabs, paralysed by idiocy and incompetence will NEVER be able to deliver.

Mark my not so subtle words.
The declaratory judgment will state that USAPA has the right to negotiate all parts of the contract, including seniority.
Of course you have that right. You'll just have to defend another DFR suit. Feel lucky?
It will be exceedingly difficult for the army of lyingitas to maintain a contribution level that will support its existence, in the very near future.

I'm sure you're correct. Time to move in for the kill. Go ahead. Really, let's see what'cha got. Give it your best shot. How about another RICO suit? $eham's a genius so what's stopping you?
Yes , there always is that possibility but if they lose and appeal I would hope even you westies understand that Parker does not want a contract in any way shape of form even though you guys love to blame Cleary and company.
NIC+Kirby=TA. Now no one knows if such a TA would pass until it goes out for a vote. If it passes I have little doubt that Parker would be quite satisfied to have the pilot integration complete. If it doesn't pass then both USAPA and Management have more work to do.
Yeah, we just have to wait, and wait, and wait. I think we will get some answers this year, I'm just not sure they will lead to wrapping things up anytime soon.

Judge Siver will dismiss counts 1 and 2. And will take count 3 and deny the company immunity from a lawsuit by the west. Result? parked negotiations until next merger, or BK.
Judge Siver will dismiss counts 1 and 2. And will take count 3 and deny the company immunity from a lawsuit by the west. Result? parked negotiations until next merger, or BK.

You are slipping. Nowhere in your post could anyone find the word "clown".
The declaratory judgment will state that USAPA has the right to negotiate all parts of the contract, including seniority.

I do not recall that question being asked by the company....sooooo.....I highly doubt it is answered.

And since everyone is prognosticating on what silver is going to rule, I believe I already gave my best guess, but will again.

She is going to tell ole "Johnny Come Lately", too late! No soup for you. Come back when you collude with the DFR machine and find out what "unquestionably ripe" and "harm to the West pilots" equals in dollars.
NIC+Kirby=TA. Now no one knows if such a TA would pass until it goes out for a vote. If it passes I have little doubt that Parker would be quite satisfied to have the pilot integration complete. If it doesn't pass then both USAPA and Management have more work to do.

Answer this:

NIC + Kirby = $120 MILLION by last count.

Synergies left in the merger (by management estimates) = $40 MILLION

WHY would the company want this?

Driver B)
Answer this:

NIC + Kirby = $120 MILLION by last count.

Synergies left in the merger (by management estimates) = $40 MILLION

WHY would the company want this?

Driver B)

Having the ability to fragment the airline is an even larger $$ figure than the two above........
Having the ability to fragment the airline is an even larger $$ figure than the two above........

ANY corporate transaction puts $$$ in the pockets of management. Merger, acquisition, fragmentation...whatever. THAT is the bottom line here, making the people at the top RICH.

Driver <_<
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