US Pilots Labor Discussion

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We intend to make people live up to their agreements. The price they pay is LOA93 until this gets settled in court.
Afternoon Cactus. What will you think if, if, Mr. Kasher upholds the LOA 93 pay restoration clause and rules for the East pilots? Will LOA 93 still be looked on as so onerous, or will you readjust and want to be included in it if the pay rate goes to 185.00 /hr. for an A 320? Will you agree LOA 93 will hold an entirely new connotation, and one you might aspire to be included in with regard to compensation? One might think for something like this to take a year to rule on, perhaps that might be a possible sign of a possible outcome for East pilots? What is your take on the extensive timeframe for a ruling?
Dear Subscriber,

Back of The Trip Sheet Update: April 21, 2011: USAPA Rejects Real Opportunity to Advocate for Pilots, Instead Chooses Grandstanding and Fails.

Direct Excerpts from the Recent Letter of US Airways to USAPA's chief, Mike Cleary. Full letter available via the included link, below.

How long can you and your family continue to suffer under USAPA's Gross Misrepresentation of the pilots East and West?
What a load of BS!!, Go ahead and thank Mike and Tracy for getting you job back when you were fired, remember all the whimpering you did and the weight loss. So go ahead and thank those two for getting your job back.
He didn't. Cleary is sitting on it.
I don't get the sitting on it part. The decision gets mailed to a whole group of people involved, not just Cleary. All the principals involved get a copy. The grievance Comm. and those who testified. Then there is the company, and a group there that get the copies. Do you still think Cleary is keeping a lid on this, and everyone is going along? Why wouldn't the company of all groups not come out and take the victory lap?
I don't get the sitting on it part. The decision gets mailed to a whole group of people involved, not just Cleary. All the principals involved get a copy. The grievance Comm. and those who testified. Then there is the company, and a group there that get the copies. Do you still think Cleary is keeping a lid on this, and everyone is going along? Why wouldn't the company of all groups not come out and take the victory lap?
You obviously know nothing. The decision is mailed to the two parties that litigated with a copy to the NMB. Only one of those three has a duty to communicate to the pilots. Wanna guess which one?
You obviously know nothing. The decision is mailed to the two parties that litigated with a copy to the NMB. Only one of those three has a duty to communicate to the pilots. Wanna guess which one?
Maybe in your world. The one that little conspiracies take place on a regular basis. Not ours. Are you going to tell us that Tracy Parella would be excluded? As well as Ed Bular? Since they got them in the past, how come Kasher is doing it differently this time?
You obviously know nothing. The decision is mailed to the two parties that litigated with a copy to the NMB. Only one of those three has a duty to communicate to the pilots. Wanna guess which one?

Then how do you know?! You have been running your mouth about this for a while, so be a man ans share how you have that inside info. I have this feeling that you are not one of the parities, nor drinking buddies with Mike.

I don't this obsession some on both sides have with predicting the future.
How long can you and your family continue to suffer under USAPA's Gross Misrepresentation of the pilots East and West?

Another hit and run post. I guess now can't settle with links, you have to give us a teaser, huh? Not getting enough hits on your site?

By your constant barrage of "facts", I guess my family and I can stand it longer than you.
Maybe in your world. The one that little conspiracies take place on a regular basis. Not ours. Are you going to tell us that Tracy Parella would be excluded? As well as Ed Bular? Since they got them in the past, how come Kasher is doing it differently this time?
Parella is Cleary. One in the same.

Is the East on a first name basis with the VP of Flt Ops? Does he tell USAPA everything? Wouldn't surprise me. That's perhaps why the sordid trail of loose practices in protecting privacy data is leading right back to the East.
Way past bed time and I still need to proofread before shutting off the light. Like you, I recognize I'm not changing your opinion of the Nic or events that have or are occurring but I really do enjoy this exchanges and respect the fact your willing to discuss our differences.

I appreciate the tone and thought you put into your posts. If we could do it over a beer I would enjoy talking about it, but I have a hard enough time typing with two hands and I just spill the beer this way!

We will just have to disagree about most of this. I think I said this before, but I believe we view this situation the way we do mainly because of our situations and history. I don't think the makeup of our group is different, I see many west pilots on here that I firmly believe that had they been on the east they would be the USAPA UHL. Fodase comes to mind. B) There are many west pilots that I truly have a lot of respect for and I do understand how you guys feel about a lot of things, if not all.

If we get to have this discussion in the proper venue, the first round is on me.

Take care.
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