US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Sorry, couldn't resist! :D
It's coming . . . eventually. Cleary is sitting on it and there's no way to access the opinion. Parella? That is Cleary. Parker? Good luck with that. His only concern is the same as what he argued in the declaratory action - East meltdown. He isn't going to say anything. Ops normal for him - he won.
Parella is Cleary. One in the same.

Is the East on a first name basis with the VP of Flt Ops? Does he tell USAPA everything? Wouldn't surprise me. That's perhaps why the sordid trail of loose practices in protecting privacy data is leading right back to the East.
Last time I looked, that wasn't true. So Parella is Cleary. One question: Why would the company sit on a win like this after all the statements about it being disingenuous? Your argument makes no sense. They would come right out and make a statement. So you believe both parties sit tight, and make no statement until Cleary decides to break the silence? And you are also saying that Scherff gave the info to Leonidas, because of Bular? Very interesting train of thought you are traveling Aqua.
It's coming . . . eventually. Cleary is sitting on it and there's no way to access the opinion. Parella? That is Cleary. Parker? Good luck with that. His only concern is the same as what he argued in the declaratory action - East meltdown. He isn't going to say anything. Ops normal for him - he won.

Then this is easy, tell us how you know. Honesty and integrity and all that.
Just happened to be on SWA and in their inflight magazine the President and CEO'S message in the beginning entitled "The Happeist Place to Work" was interseting when compared to what we are stuck with, Gary Kelly what a class act, Doug Parker what disgrace. Luv the last paragraph. If your on them give it a read.
Then this is easy, tell us how you know. Honesty and integrity and all that.
It's OK Pi Aqua knows squat, he is suffering form a meltdown of some sort or too many margaritas. All the final paper work was submitted on June 11 of last year I believe, hope to hear maybe by summer, it will be worth it.
It's OK Pi Aqua knows squat, he is suffering form a meltdown of some sort or to many margaritas. All the final paper work was submitted on June 11 of last year I believe, hope to hear maybe by summer, it will be worth it.

It took Kasher at least a year with the gun incident individual and over 80 pages in his decision. Like you said above 9, we are not even at the year point yet..........I'm at ease, LMAO..........
You obviously know nothing. The decision is mailed to the two parties that litigated with a copy to the NMB. Only one of those three has a duty to communicate to the pilots. Wanna guess which one?

I highly doubt that either party would or could keep such a thing quiet My guess is that within 5min. of the decision being mailed the word will be out. Win or lose I suspect it will be just one more speed bump in the road of liife.


Not according to him 9, he has all the answers. Our captain over staffing, the LOA 93 outcome, every legal issue. He just won't share the sources. Must be a lawyer and journalist.............
I don’t know what Aqua knows or how he knows it, but he has never given any indication that he isn’t 100% certain about the decision. Funny, the other poster that seems to have the same level of unwavering confidence that the LOA93 grievance has already been lost is Mr. No Proof NoSum. He has been saying for months that the Company will or has already won the grievance. Since he seems to be the lead propagandist for USAPA, perhaps his claims of a loss against his own party allegiances ought to be given some weight (never thought I would say that).

Intentionally leaking information is pretty standard procedure for those in power who cannot make a direct statement of information they want out. That kind of information tends to leak out through less formal channels. I suspect that would be Nos’ role in this situation. At any rate, anyone who has read the transcripts ought to have a pretty good idea of where this is going with or without leaks on a web board.
I don’t know what Aqua knows or how he knows it, but he has never given any indication that he isn’t 100% certain about the decision. Funny, the other poster that seems to have the same level of unwavering confidence that the LOA93 grievance has already been lost is Mr. No Proof NoSum. He has been saying for months that the Company will or has already won the grievance. Since he seems to be the lead propagandist for USAPA, perhaps his claims of a loss against his own party allegiances ought to be given some weight (never thought I would say that).

Intentionally leaking information is pretty standard procedure for those in power who cannot make a direct statement of information they want out. That kind of information tends to leak out through less formal channels. I suspect that would be Nos’ role in this situation. At any rate, anyone who has read the transcripts ought to have a pretty good idea of where this is going with or without leaks on a web board.

Who knows, but to be honest, the guy just irritates me. I just asked him to tell us how HE knows, I'm not saying someone doesn't.

A lot of people that listened to the transcript from SFO said it was a slam dunk in the west's favor.
Who knows, but to be honest, the guy just irritates me. I just asked him to tell us how HE knows, I'm not saying someone doesn't.

A lot of people that listened to the transcript from SFO said it was a slam dunk in the west's favor.
I understand the irritation. I also understand the need to not reveal too much information when there are so many who want to see people's lives and careers destroyed as a part of this dispute. Either way, we all just have to wait for formal announcements and decisions to be released.

On the merits, I too would be in the slam dunk camp for the 9th to rule on the DFR. Not a guarantee, but about as certain as one can get in a capricious court of law. However, on ripeness I was less certain. I was of the opinion that Wake's ruling was very logical and well-reasoned and I thought that the appeals court would have taken that into consideration. Instead, Tashima and Graber did a quick Pontius Pilate maneuver and pushed the problem onto someone else (Silver for the moment) rather than dealing with the dispute the way I thought they should (like Bybee did).

I still maintain that 2011 will reveal most of these answers and IMO, those answers will make supporting USAPA exceedingly difficult for all but the most entrenched zealots.
I still maintain that 2011 will reveal most of these answers and IMO, those answers will make supporting USAPA exceedingly difficult for all but the most entrenched zealots.

The declaratory judgment will state that USAPA has the right to negotiate all parts of the contract, including seniority.

It will be exceedingly difficult for the army of lyingitas to maintain a contribution level that will support its existence, in the very near future.
The declaratory judgment will state that USAPA has the right to negotiate all parts of the contract, including seniority.

It will be exceedingly difficult for the army of lyingitas to maintain a contribution level that will support its existence, in the very near future.
I agree, no brainer on that one after looking the transcripts over, pretty much what everyone else has said.
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