US Pilots Labor Discussion

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america west brought nothing to the merger. You are pretending you are a real pilot and pretending you used to work for a real airline.

Read you scope protection in the event of the almost certain near future company transaction.
I guess you guys should have put up a fight and stopped the merger back when you had a chance. Except we heard no one objection to merging. But now you say we brought nothing.

You guys all knew you were going out of business and were grabbing for any life line you could get.

How do you mean a real airline? You mean one that had a history or furlough and accidents? An airline that had 17 year FURLOUGHED pilots. That flew up and down the east coast with an occasional trip over the water. You mean that kind of real airline?
Where is the love east pilots? The 3 year birthday of usapa came and went without notice. The greatest union very conceived turned 3 on Monday but no announcement, no party, no celebration. Heck usapa did not even bother to put out an e-mail or a message from his highness King Cleary.

Where is the list of accomplishments? The letters of praise from other unions that strive to be like usapa? Where is that industry standard contract? Where is that integrated DOH seniority list?

You guys blamed ALPA for all of your ills. The Nicolau came out May 2007 and you gave ALPA 11 months to “fix” your problem before you threw them off the property. You have now given usapa 36 months. How is that working out for you guys so far?????

So no pony or party for usapa on its third birthday. Maybe the fourth birthday you might get a birthday card from Parker thanking all of you for another good year of supporting the company in their pursuit of profits by staying on LOA 93 wages.

Happy birthday usapa.
Your are correct since the west is flying 24% of the east original flying.

A Westie decided to run some numbers that don't support your conclusion.

The Incredible Shrinking Airline?
The term "the Incredible Shrinking Airline" is a term that is often bandied about. I decided to go back and look at some past PBS records to see what's been happening.

I looked at the past five Mays. Below are the total Credit Hours each May since 2007, including VA and training:

May 07...112,429
May 08...105,542
May 09....94,330
May 10....95,843
My 11......97,068

We are still 13.6% smaller than May of 2007, but we have been adding total credit hours every May since 2009.

Draw your own conclusions.
A Westie decided to run some numbers that don't support your conclusion.

The Incredible Shrinking Airline?
The term "the Incredible Shrinking Airline" is a term that is often bandied about. I decided to go back and look at some past PBS records to see what's been happening.

I looked at the past five Mays. Below are the total Credit Hours each May since 2007, including VA and training:

May 07...112,429
May 08...105,542
May 09....94,330
May 10....95,843
My 11......97,068

We are still 13.6% smaller than May of 2007, but we have been adding total credit hours every May since 2009.

Draw your own conclusions.
Just imagine if the you did not get 24% of "OUR" flying. Won't be much longer!!!
How do you mean a real airline? You mean one that had a history or furlough and accidents? An airline that had 17 year FURLOUGHED pilots. That flew up and down the east coast with an occasional trip over the water. You mean that kind of real airline?

Well, Clear, let's just keep it separate Ops as it has been. Why would you ever want to be involved with "the east coast with an occasional trip over the water" flying? Look at your rant above, you despise the East Operation, yet you desperately want to be a part of it.......
Well, Clear, let's just keep it separate Ops as it has been. Why would you ever want to be involved with "the east coast with an occasional trip over the water" flying? Look at your rant above, you despise the East Operation, yet you desperately want to be a part of it.......
Clear and the rest of them know all about it, they are very fustrated because the reality is setting in as to their dismal future.
Where is the love east pilots? The 3 year birthday of usapa came and went without notice. The greatest union very conceived turned 3 on Monday but no announcement, no party, no celebration. Heck usapa did not even bother to put out an e-mail or a message from his highness King Cleary.

Where is the list of accomplishments? The letters of praise from other unions that strive to be like usapa? Where is that industry standard contract? Where is that integrated DOH seniority list?

You guys blamed ALPA for all of your ills. The Nicolau came out May 2007 and you gave ALPA 11 months to “fix” your problem before you threw them off the property. You have now given usapa 36 months. How is that working out for you guys so far?????

So no pony or party for usapa on its third birthday. Maybe the fourth birthday you might get a birthday card from Parker thanking all of you for another good year of supporting the company in their pursuit of profits by staying on LOA 93 wages.

Happy birthday usapa.
They are still crying about LOA 93!
"Your" hubs - BAD "Our hubs - "GOOD" There is no "yours " or "ours". Both sides' aircraft transit all hubs with both connecting and O&D traffic. Pretending otherwise is childish and ignorant.

You are absolutely correct. "Your hubs" should have been singular rather than plural. "Pretending otherwise is childish and ignorant."
737, if history is your guide what happened to PSA?
PSA was purchased by an airline that neither appreciated their niche, nor had the ability to manage it effectively. US was purchased by and continues to be run by a management team that has experience in maximizing the potential of PHX.

To compare the PSA evisceration to the new US, it would be like Parker shut down LGA or something. Oh, wait...
Just imagine if the you did not get 24% of "OUR" flying. Won't be much longer!!!

You are your friend East are using fuzzy math. I recently non-reved to the beach and to Ontario, Ca. These were flights operated by HP, not today. If you are going to complain about Westies doing East flying, do I get to complain that a black bird being in my backyard? B)
You are your friend East are using fuzzy math. I recently non-reved to the beach and to Ontario, Ca. These were flights operated by HP. If you are going to complain about Westies doing East flying, do I get to complain that a black bird being in my backyard? B)
Sorry, that was your buddie Parker saying that at one of the previous roadshows, since the merge west flying increased about 25% while the east was only 7% to 8%. You just don't know what you can believe from your boss.
You are your friend East are using fuzzy math. I recently non-reved to the beach and to Ontario, Ca. These were flights operated by HP, not today. If you are going to complain about Westies doing East flying, do I get to complain that a black bird being in my backyard? B)

Did the black bird help you write that?
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