US Pilots Labor Discussion

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How about my question, have you seen sum advocating scabbing at UA?

Let me see if I've got this straight. Last time I answered a question of your's addressed to somebody else, you jumped on me for butting in. This time I didn't answer the question you addressed to someone else and you're still not happy.

Let me see if I've got this straight. Last time I answered a question of your's addressed to somebody else, you jumped on me for butting in. This time I didn't answer the question you addressed to someone else and you're still not happy.


Nope, you don't have it straight. I jumped on you for your arrogant, smart axx answer. This time I invited you to answer after you jumped in again.
I'm wondering where jetz came up with this, but a lot of UA pilots have this idea that we are all kicking ourselves because we were not good enough/blessed enough to fly for them. Not me.

I think Jetz is telling the truth about a number of US pilots licking their chops over a DOH integration getting them on the 747/777 the one time that UA and US made a serious attempt to merge, asking about the manuals for those planes and more. I think it created an image of the average US pilot wanting to climb over the UA pilots that persists to this day.

I think Jetz is telling the truth about a number of US pilots licking their chops over a DOH integration getting them on the 747/777 the one time that UA and US made a serious attempt to merge, asking about the manuals for those planes and more. I think it created an image of the average US pilot wanting to climb over the UA pilots that persists to this day.


I agree, he and I have talked about that. Thing is, that's not scabbing and images are sometimes made up in one's head and are not accurate. I never asked a UA pilot for a 747 manual or told them I deserved DOH and their widebodies. Did you?

I did have several tell me that I was not worthy of being a UA pilot and I probably would have never been hired with them to begin with, while riding my jumpseat no less. I try not to hold that against all UA pilots.

I'll wait for jetz to tell me where nos advocated scabbing at UA, how's that?
Nope, you don't have it straight. I jumped on you for your arrogant, smart axx answer. This time I invited you to answer after you jumped in again.

In that other case I gave an honest answer. It's not my problem that you didn't like it. With the concessionary changes to the contract, there little reason to have more captains than F/O's other than temporary training timing. In fact, there should be more line F/O's than captains because the IRO's hold a F/O position on the premanent bid.

I DID NOT "jump in again" - I went back over the posts to be sure. You and I had no dialogue until you addressed me about the reason for no scabs on the East. I answered that post.

I'll accept your apology now....

In that other case I gave an honest answer. It's not my problem that you didn't like it.

I DID NOT "jump in again" - I went back over the posts to be sure. You and I had no dialogue until you addressed me about the reason for no scabs on the East. I answered that post.

I'll accept your apology now....


You jumped into BS's, as did I, that's why I asked you. I looked too.

Sum doesn't lay a finger on a key without you screaming for proof, so I though you might know where he advocated scabbing. Silly me, you just meander when it's not true or doesn't fit your argument.


That makes 2 pilots out of how many? So we know that a small fraction of 1% didn't ask for manuals, etc. I don't doubt for one second that some number of US pilots couldn't wait to fly the 747/777 and said as much to UA pilots - do you?

That makes 2 pilots out of how many? So we know that a small fraction of 1% didn't ask for manuals, etc. I don't doubt for one second that some number of US pilots couldn't wait to fly the 747/777 and said as much to UA pilots - do you?


I can think of dozens that would do that, but at the time we had what, 4500 pilots? That's a tiny % to label the whole group. Every time I had a issue with a UA pilot I tried to chalk it up to them being in the 5% club. Funny thing is, I must have met most of that club!

I really liked the UA captain that told me I should bump the freight pilot that I had already given the jumpseat to, so he could have it!
You jumped into BS's, as did I, that's why I asked you. I looked too.

Like I figured it would be from mr "can't we stop the attacks' Pi, you have to throw a zinger in there. No apology for you accusation that I jumped in on your "conversation" either.

Like I figured it would be from mr "can't we stop the attacks' Pi, you have to throw a zinger in there. No apology for you accusation that I jumped in on your "conversation" either.


Good God Jim. Here's my quote:

"This time I invited you to answer after you jumped in again."

Nowhere do you see a "my" in that sentence. Jetz made a claim about sum. BS responded, then me, then you. As I said we BOTH jumped in, but I didn't say you jumped into mine. Apology accepted.

I'm sure nobody wants to read pages of "yes you did, no you didn't" tonight as we did yesterday. If you have answers let me know, but if you want to carry this on, let's do it in PM and save everyone else. Deal?
The airline pilots association has propaganda board monitors. They sit on boards and try to sway opinions. Try to guess who they are. Hint, they have no dog in this fight and on first glance you wonder why they post daily. alpa looks like a donkey because of the US Airways pilots situation. Four years after their internal arbitration that does not pass legal challenges.

The west pilots are being advised by alpa. I have provided their play book strategy below.

Captain Cleary, you know this, thank you for steering the ship through the storm. You are admired by the silent majority.

Saul Alinsky wrote an entertaining classic on grassroots organizing titled Rules for Radicals
I'll wait for jetz to tell me where nos advocated scabbing at UA, how's that?
For the record, that comment was directed at Nos, and only Nos. Back during the whole "guilt by association" game, you were insulted about being grouped in with supporters of the up-skirt guy. Notice that I did not mention anyone but Nos.

But since you are so curious, this is another gem created by your comrade. It's the "If you don't deny my accusation you are guilty as charged" game. Nos has had at least three opportunities to deny it and has not. Therefore he has proven I am right, according to his own rules.
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