US Pilots Labor Discussion

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You're half right. The winners will be those with the most amount of time to wait this out.

You are correct, there will be a lot of time passing before anything happens here. Interesting to see a break in the west ranks. Obviously you are taking a different tack than AWAPPA. Leonidas seems to have taken away a lot of the horsepower AWAPPA was using. There is a distinct break in the ranks between Johnny Mac and Koontz. Which group out west is taking the lead now, seeing the Leonidas info. issue? Is AWAPPA up for compromise with regard to the Nic, or going the route of Leonidas and going all in with the Nic?I have heard Vasin and Johnny Mac are not too happy with Leonidas.
The recall vote was deferred,

Yes. Which means "... the MEC the [has] same ability that it always has..."
"a motion to recall an MEC Officer can be placed on the agenda at any regular MEC meeting at any time."

Now we're getting somewhere.

It is not as you originally implied, which is that it is unresolved. It is resolved. They do not have the votes. Therefore there will be no recall. Stomp your feet like a child all you want. It doesn't change facts.

You brought the issue of scabbing up...

Yes I did. Rightfully so since we know you will scab UA in a New York minute. Anything to fly a UA widebody. (The true source of your bitterness and jealousy) Your lack of a denial is proof.
Just curious...why is a UAL/CO guy on our web board calling people a liar....not
that you can't post here .....just wondering WHY YOU ARE SO EMOTIONALLY INVESTED !!!!!


Since you ignore my answers, you'll understand if I ignore your questions.
Yes. Which means "... the MEC the [has] same ability that it always has..."
"a motion to recall an MEC Officer can be placed on the agenda at any regular MEC meeting at any time."

Now we're getting somewhere.

It is not as you originally implied, which is that it is unresolved. It is resolved. They do not have the votes. Therefore there will be no recall. Stomp your feet like a child all you want. It doesn't change facts.

Yes I did. Rightfully so since we know you will scab UA in a New York minute. Anything to fly a UA widebody. (The true source of your bitterness and jealousy) Your lack of a denial is proof.

Sum has no interest in anything United. You have to remember we have all got a lot of time in here.We are just coasting to the end of our careers. We really don't care what is going on at UAL. I would say there are enough scabs at UAL right now to be worried about internally. We have 0, none, scabs. Something you or the west cannot say. We have the best record in the industry. The ones I would be really worried about are the ones at AMR at the bottom of the TWA ranks and the UAL scabs internally. The ones ALPA tossed. Not that I agree with them going to UAL, but it is a real possibility seeing how they were discarded. Sumadarson could most likely be on any widebody he or she chooses here. Why bother with UAL? I never see Sum at the UAL board, so I am sure he/she has a normal lifestyle, and no abnormal/dysfunctional obsession with another carrier.
Rightfully so since we know you will scab UA in a New York minute. Anything to fly a UA widebody. (The true source of your bitterness and jealousy) Your lack of a denial is proof.

Where did this come from? Have I missed something? Has sum advocated scabbing at UA?
Where did this come from? Have I missed something? Has sum advocated scabbing at UA?
Anyone who has read anything Sum has posted realizes he/she has no interest in scabs or anyone who scabs. His discussion of the Australian saga some of our compatriots have embarked on are very enlightening. He hates scabs. I don't get the stuff between him/her and BB, but that is just a distraction.
We have 0, none, scabs. Something you or the west cannot say. We have the best record in the industry.

And you know why, of course. It's been so long since "old" US (including it's component parts) has struck than any line-crosser's are long retired. So I'm not sure it's exactly a badge of honor in this case - it just means that the pilots have accepted whatever negotiations delivered.

And you know why, of course. It's been so long since "old" US (including it's component parts) has struck than any line-crosser's are long retired. So I'm not sure it's exactly a badge of honor in this case - it just means that the pilots have accepted whatever negotiations delivered.


Say what you want, imply what you wish. There are ZERO scabs at AAA east. NONE. I really don't care what reason you wish to offer. It means nothing other than someone with an axe to grind. And it is a mighty dull axe at that. Pretty interesting all I have to do is mention SUMADARSON and you take the bait like a big old bass.
And you know why, of course. It's been so long since "old" US (including it's component parts) has struck than any line-crosser's are long retired. So I'm not sure it's exactly a badge of honor in this case - it just means that the pilots have accepted whatever negotiations delivered.


Well, that's true, but I would think that many, if not most, scabs that are currently flying didn't scab at their current employer.
I don't get the stuff between him/her and BB, but that is just a distraction.

You don't pay enough attention then. Nosum has made a half-dozen or so specific accusations about me that were untrue, but he won't admit that or provide proof to back up his allegations. Basically the near new-hire thinks he can say anything about anybody and pay no price.

Sum has no interest in anything United. You have to remember we have all got a lot of time in here.We are just coasting to the end of our careers. We really don't care what is going on at UAL. I would say there are enough scabs at UAL right now to be worried about internally. We have 0, none, scabs. Something you or the west cannot say. We have the best record in the industry. The ones I would be really worried about are the ones at AMR at the bottom of the TWA ranks and the UAL scabs internally. The ones ALPA tossed. Not that I agree with them going to UAL, but it is a real possibility seeing how they were discarded. Sumadarson could most likely be on any widebody he or she chooses here. Why bother with UAL? I never see Sum at the UAL board, so I am sure he/she has a normal lifestyle, and no abnormal/dysfunctional obsession with another carrier.

One guy asks for a 747 manual and we are all branded for life. :blink:
Well, that's true, but I would think that many, if not most, scabs that are currently flying didn't scab at their current employer.

Untrue for CO and UA, which Nosum picked out to attack Jetz with, as well as HP and the Australian situation (a gray area).


PS - Does that mean hiring a scab is OK with you as long as they don't cross your picket line?
You don't pay enough attention then. Nosum has made a half-dozen or so specific accusations about me that were untrue, but he won't admit that or provide proof to back up his allegations. Basically the near new-hire thinks he can say anything about anybody and pay no price.


Then why don't YOU produce the PROOF yourself? One just might think you are obsessed with this.
Do you know how you come across to people who have no dog in your fight? Pitiful.
PS - Does that mean hiring a scab is OK with you as long as they don't cross your picket line?

No it doesn't, it was just a point that there can be scabs that didn't cross YOUR line, but to me they are still scabs. I'm thinking of all the EA, Wien and CO scabs that ended up at other airlines. How about my question, have you seen sum advocating scabbing at UA?

I have no interest in going back and looking. I'm wondering where jetz came up with this, but a lot of UA pilots have this idea that we are all kicking ourselves because we were not good enough/blessed enough to fly for them. Not me.
Then why don't YOU produce the PROOF yourself? One just might think you are obsessed with this.
Do you know how you come across to people who have no dog in your fight? Pitiful.
So I'm expected to prove a negative? Why don't you guys rein in Nosum?

As for how you see it, that's your problem.

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