US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Jetz, how is the united pilots contract going, never mind I will provide you with a graph.

USAPA wants to compare what they have vs you, not much I see.

I see the reduction in personnel is settled.

What was the seniority agreement. Is that part of a contract (rhetorical question) ??

ual contract progress.
There is no Cleary official recall. A web site, with an alpa shill like you as usual, is trying to start one.

What kind of alpa shill gives usapa it's first grand? That's what the web site author did, according to his letter. The way I read it, Captain C basically stays with all your high points, but departs in that he doesn't feel it's right to just treat the west like Cleary does. How horrible, I know. ;) As a west pilot I can respect what Captain C says. I think Cleary is in no danger personally, he's got a spell on you all. No one has stood up to him with any real results yet, I don't expect any different, at least for the time being.
You will be furloughed in December because of your transition agreement
Wrong again. You're batting 1000 as usual. :blink:

I'll be sure to say I told you so when December rolls around. Unlike you I won't be furloughed. Not now. Not before I retire. Never during my career. We all know your jealousy comes from your lousy career choices. But you'll have your chance to make your next bad decision if UA goes on strike, since we also know you plan to scab at UA if you can. Anything to fly a widebody with UA livery. :lol:

And I see you admit that you were wrong about the recall of Wendy Morse. I told you the votes were not there. You spouted off anyway. You were wrong. As usual.

Now scurry back to your life of insignificance, little man. I hear that obnoxious static building again...
Wrong again. You're batting 1000 as usual. :blink:

I'll be sure to say I told you so when December rolls around. Unlike you I won't be furloughed. Not now. Not before I retire. Never during my career. We all know your jealousy comes from your lousy career choices. But you'll have your chance to make your next bad decision if UA goes on strike, since we also know you plan to scab at UA if you can. Anything to fly a widebody with UA livery. :lol:

And I see you admit that you were wrong about the recall of Wendy Morse. I told you the votes were not there. You spouted off anyway. You were wrong. As usual.

Now scurry back to your life of insignificance, little man. I hear that obnoxious static building again...
You are naive.

Your brought this issue of a scab up, I will respond, thank you.

Birds of a feather..........

Air North Summary AirNorth Both Scabs Listed
Australian Summary AFAP 89, 85 America West & Braniff Scabs
Century Summary Century 1 Scab Identified Thus Far
Continental Summary CAL 83 1,996 Scabs listed
Eastern Summary EAL 89 2,253 Scabs Listed
National Summary NAL 48 101 Scabs listed out of 167 total
Northwest Summary NWA 78 34 Scabs listed
Pan American Summary PAA 85 139 Scabs listed
Prinair Summary Prinair 2 Scabs listed
Rio Airways Summary RIO 76 43 Scabs listed
Southern Summary SOU 60 205 Scabs listed
TWA Summary TWA 46 2 Scabs listed
United Summary UAL 85 837 Scabs listed

ual and cal have the most former scabs than any other airline, on their list.

The recall is still an open issue, those are the votes thus far.

ual pilots are impotent to do anything in the future.
Maybe that's your problem anonymous user Nosum - impotency. So you became a loud mouthed liar to make up for your little problem of it being too little. :lol:

Still waiting on that proof dude (or should I address you as "little liar").

Maybe that's your problem anonymous user Nosum - impotency. So you became a loud mouthed liar to make up for your little problem of it being too little. :lol:

Still waiting on that proof dude (or should I address you as "little liar").


Was I ever in a prison cell with you?
Nope, being in prison is something only you can claim. That was back in your utility days, right LE. Your cellmate probably liked you very much though. I hear the you were his 2nd favorite, behind the guy with his front teeth knocked out. But I'm sure you made up in enthusiasm what you lacked in missing teeth.

Where's that proof - you claim to only post facts so prove your accusations were really facts. No proof, anonymous user Nosum is a liar. So simple, even a caveman could do it.

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