US Pilots Labor Discussion

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You must have missed or are in denial of what happened here.

The east and West were in a union who had seniority integration methodology mandated in their by-laws.

That method was followed, the east reneged, founded a new union with a new method that would favor their majority numbers, at the West's expense.

Could happen at any union, in any industry.

Understand now why no court of law will overturn a binding arbitration, and why usapa is nothing but a bunch of losers?

There is no UNION here with regard to negotiating power and cohesiveness. It could be USAPA, ALPA, Teamsters, or the Assn of Flower delivery Boys. There is not the necessary cohesiveness here to negotiate any agreement. You are wasting your time. Until something drastic takes place, Parker dictates the rules. Until someone comes up with a workable solution, you better learn to deal with what you have. All of us.
OH NO MY CLEAR DIRECT FRIEND, you are truly at the list bottom what 9 years trying to jump a 25 year employee ! GOOD LUCK THE UN MERGER IS UPON YOU !
Details! PROOF! Tell us oh keeper of inside information. Who, What, When, where?

Where is the most experienced pilot group in history going to inflict your special illness?
Why don't you guys get someone to speak for you, Ferguson, and we get out guys. Meet with Parker, and negotiate our separate agreements. There is no way this deal will work. You don't want anything to do with our contract, we want nothing to do with yours. So if this is agreed, why don't we go to Parker and see if he will go for the two sides to negotiate their respective contracts and we can get over this stuff and move on. He might just go for it if he can see it will work for him when he wants to do his deal later.
Well now is kind of late to come up with this silly idea. Because you and a bunch of east pilot voted for usapa. The decision ended any possibilty of that happening. That falls under the careful what you wish for heading.

Why would you want to work on separate contracts. usapa the best union in history is going to get us a contract soon right? The Nic is dead ding dong the Nic is dead. Why would you not want all us west pilot junior to you? Could it be that the Nic is not dead and LOA 93 is very much alive under the leadership of usapa?

Parker has no interest in separate contracts. He wants to put this airline together at some point.

Beside according to MM the un merger is a done deal. Don't you believe him. If you believe MM there is no need to go to Parker you will soon be with some other legacy carrier fighting from the minority position. Good luck and remember to tell them majority rules. They get to decide seniority. It is just like a crew meal.
Well now is kind of late to come up with this silly idea. Because you and a bunch of east pilot voted for usapa. The decision ended any possibilty of that happening. That falls under the careful what you wish for heading.

Why would you want to work on separate contracts. usapa the best union in history is going to get us a contract soon right? The Nic is dead ding dong the Nic is dead. Why would you not want all us west pilot junior to you? Could it be that the Nic is not dead and LOA 93 is very much alive under the leadership of usapa?

Parker has no interest in separate contracts. He wants to put this airline together at some point.

Beside according to MM the un merger is a done deal. Don't you believe him. If you believe MM there is no need to go to Parker you will soon be with some other legacy carrier fighting from the minority position. Good luck and remember to tell them majority rules. They get to decide seniority. It is just like a crew meal.

Then learn to live with what you have, because it is all you will ever get. It is that simple. Mark this date on your calender. It is the high water mark in your career.
There is no UNION here with regard to negotiating power and cohesiveness. It could be USAPA, ALPA, Teamsters, or the Assn of Flower delivery Boys. There is not the necessary cohesiveness here to negotiate any agreement. You are wasting your time. Until something drastic takes place, Parker dictates the rules. Until someone comes up with a workable solution, you better learn to deal with what you have. All of us.

When I started posting on this board I threw out all kinds of solutions. One pay rate..longevity pay rates...25yr f/o pay scales....east/west mixed training...just to name a few.

I was always confronted with..screw you...we voted in usapa..we are getting DOH.

Well,,you are right,,and I have been telling you this for 3 years...and the West pilots told usapa at their very first PHX roadshow....

"There is no UNION here".
767jetz, blah, blah, blah...
Proof that sumadarson is ignorant and nothing he says is worth paying attention to:

Just for you Nos...

"United Pilot's MEC Update for Saturday, April 16, 2011

As we reported in Thursday's MEC Meeting Update, the MEC voted to defer the Agenda Item calling for recall of the Master Chairman. What happened was that those on the MEC who favored recall did not have the votes to recall but they did have the votes to defer a decision on the issue of recall. Deferring the Agenda Item for the recall of the Master Chairman in essence gives the MEC the same ability that it always has, as a motion to recall an MEC Officer can be placed on the agenda of a special MEC meeting and is in order at any regular MEC meeting at any time."

Poor, poor Nos. You lose again. So sad. (sniff, sniff) I told you so. Don't blame me. I'm just the messenger. :lol:

So when will we know the result of King Cleary's recall?
When I started posting on this board I threw out all kinds of solutions. One pay rate..longevity pay rates...25yr f/o pay scales....east/west mixed training...just to name a few.

I was always confronted with..screw you...we voted in usapa..we are getting DOH.

Well,,you are right,,and I have been telling you this for 3 years...and the West pilots told usapa at their very first PHX roadshow....

"There is no UNION here".
If these two groups could go forward with pay based on longevity, then it would work. my opinion only.
you and your united buddies are worse off than the US Airways pilots your united vp of alpa and alpa pilot nuetral tried to screw,
What planet do you live on? You are at the bottom of the industry, and by your own doing no less. The east pilots are the laughing stock of the profession, and you are the laughing stock of this forum. There's no one left for you to look down on, least of all the pilots of United and Continental. Last I heard you were hoping they go on strike so you can scab at UA. Nice plan, Skippy.

Why don't you tell us once and for all the real reason for your bizarre obsession with United Airlines and ALPA? Were you turned down by a UA? Jilted by a UA pilot? Maybe one of them stole your first wife? Or your second? Lost your hopes of stealing their 747 jobs? Your jealousy is obvious and pathetic.

No one cares what you have to say anymore. Nothing but annoying background static. Sit back and enjoy LOA93 and your miserable career. You certainly aren't getting DOH or my seat. EVER. Get used to it.
Proof that sumadarson is ignorant and nothing he says is worth paying attention to:

Just for you Nos...

"United Pilot's MEC Update for Saturday, April 16, 2011

As we reported in Thursday's MEC Meeting Update, the MEC voted to defer the Agenda Item calling for recall of the Master Chairman. What happened was that those on the MEC who favored recall did not have the votes to recall but they did have the votes to defer a decision on the issue of recall. Deferring the Agenda Item for the recall of the Master Chairman in essence gives the MEC the same ability that it always has, as a motion to recall an MEC Officer can be placed on the agenda of a special MEC meeting and is in order at any regular MEC meeting at any time."

Poor, poor Nos. You lose again. So sad. (sniff, sniff) I told you so. Don't blame me. I'm just the messenger. :lol:

So when will we know the result of King Cleary's recall?

There is no Cleary official recall. A web site, with an alpa shill like you as usual, is trying to start one.

Your ual pilots vote so far for the recall of your ual alpa leader;

For Recall...........LAX,SFO,DEN,1 votes 7
Against Recall.....ORD,DTK,SEA,JFK, 1 votes 8

You will be furloughed in December because of your transition agreement that screws ual pilots.
Then learn to live with what you have, because it is all you will ever get. It is that simple. Mark this date on your calender. It is the high water mark in your career.
We have learned to live with our contract. How about you? Tell me, what big improvement was usapa going to get for the west pilots? Couple bucks an hour. But offset that with less benefits and higher insurance costs? Remember Lee Seham saying for labor peace usapa would accept a cost neutral contract and DOH?

LOA 93 is all you are ever going to get until you guys give up on DOH or have it imposed on you. usapa is incapable of delivering a contract.

This may or may not be the high water mark of my career. I still have time to make up for you east pilots mistake. How about you?

But this marks your low water mark of your career. And here is where you are going to stay. So far 8 years on a BK contract bottom of the industry. Soon that memory of being the top will fade and it will be nothing more than a story like high school football, remember when? Very soon you will live longer at the bottom then you lived at the top. The sad thing is that you all have elected to do it to yourselves.

I guess it's true you can't fix stupid.

In 2 days it will be the 3rd year anniversary of usapa. What have they accomplished so far? It is going to be another 3-4-5 years before we see a contract here. I am good with that. Are you?
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