US Pilots Labor Discussion

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If you guys out west had accepted DOH we could have had a better deal all around, alot of of your angry F/Os could have upgraded by now, senoir guys might be on wide bodies. But you continue to follow the Rev Jim Jones (aka Ferguson) and his promise of the NIC which has long faded, all that is left is all the money you owe to the attornies and not one thing to show for it and now the identity theft deal. Listening to some westies the other night in CLT (happy hour) they seem to be fed up with AOL. It's your money keep those donations coming in!!!! (PS LOA 93 is livable also) Good luck kids.
Throwing the BS flag on this post.

First if you east pilots had lived up to your word we would not be in this position. Your own data shows the longest delay an east pilot would experience would be 2 years with Nicolau. We are way past that.

Second. How many times have you guys told us that PHX is going to shrink or that we are doing 20% of “your” flying? So with a new contract 20% of the PHX pilots get displaced to east bases. The DOH C&R provide ZERO, NONE, NADA protection out of PHX. So 20% of the west pilots have no protection. 20% of the west captains lose their seats and 20% of the west F/O’s fly in the east as a junior reserve for the rest of their career.

You think you are a smart guy tell us. Using DOH how many west pilot could hold a WB captain slot today? Is it more than 150? Otherwise it is a really bad deal for the west. We lose 150 NB captain slots in exchange for 2 or 3 WB captains, a decrease in contract benefits and a couple bucks an hour. Keep it.

Now as far as what you may have “overheard”. I will consider the source. But the great thing about a democratic volunteer organization if they do not a agree with the direction they don’t have to give any money or be part of it. Unlike the force extortion of being a usapa member if we disagree we can’t quit and keep our money.

Could you explain just what it was about AOL that these westies that you were violating their privacy had to say. What exactly was it that they were fed up about?
Ya know, I guess if I'd have put a gear in the mud I might lash out at others too, Nos Jr.


Oh, are we back to that game? Whatever any pilot did, we are all guilty of? Liar, no mud on my tires, except for what is seeping through the pot holes in CLT.
PROBLEM, to many rouge factions useing threats against company to gain a contract it s a problem. ALPA has to many lawsuits against them to offer a solution! MM! Besides the SPLIT is a done deal !! The company avoids all litegation!
I guess I missed that announcement. Would you care to post the PROOF!

If it is a done deal what are the details? You should know if you know it is a done deal. Who, What, when, where.

Where is the all powerful and industry loved most experienced east pilots going to grace and dominate the seniority list?
I don't think


I've already agreed with you on that!!!!

Okay westies, have you learned anything about your Messiah? One more tip, if he invites you to the compound, don't drink the stuff in the big vat! :eek:

Goodnight Jimmy G, you're my hero. No, really, don't laugh
Oh, are we back to that game?

But you play it so well. Oops, that's right - you can play the game as long as it's aimed at those who disagree with you, but you don't like the shoe being on the other foot. I've got to keep reminding myself how hypocritical you are. You much prefer throwing the insults over receiving them.

I did and would vote for USAPA again in a heart beat.. bottom line, the senior guys have had it pretty good for a long time... The bottom of this list is what has taken it in the shorts for many years... So while I sympathize with those making 125 an hour... There are many F/O's who have been making 85 for many , many years.
Well there it is. For all of you "senior" east pilots to see. usapa is all about the junior guys screwing the senior guys because they want theirs NOW. usapa is about throwing the " the senior guys have had it pretty good for a long time" under the bus.

Sorry senior guys no contract no nothing for you. Time to retire and get out of juniors seat.

Thanks for admitting that you are the bottom of the list. Congratulations Nicolau left you at the bottom of the list. DOH is all about jumping to the top of the list. Thief!
But you play it so well. Oops, that's right - you can play the game as long as it's aimed at those who disagree with you, but you don't like the shoe being on the other foot. I've got to keep reminding myself how hypocritical you are. You much prefer throwing the insults over receiving them.


No Jim, I didn't play it or I'd ask you how your drug problem was coming and if you were still trying to take out your wife. I don't think they apply to you, do they?
Well there it is. For all of you "senior" east pilots to see. usapa is all about the junior guys screwing the senior guys because they want theirs NOW. usapa is about throwing the " the senior guys have had it pretty good for a long time" under the bus.

Sorry senior guys no contract no nothing for you. Time to retire and get out of juniors seat.

Thanks for admitting that you are the bottom of the list. Congratulations Nicolau left you at the bottom of the list. DOH is all about jumping to the top of the list. Thief!
OH NO MY CLEAR DIRECT FRIEND, you are truly at the list bottom what 9 years trying to jump a 25 year employee ! GOOD LUCK THE UN MERGER IS UPON YOU !
Well there it is. For all of you "senior" east pilots to see. usapa is all about the junior guys screwing the senior guys because they want theirs NOW. usapa is about throwing the " the senior guys have had it pretty good for a long time" under the bus.

Sorry senior guys no contract no nothing for you. Time to retire and get out of juniors seat.

Thanks for admitting that you are the bottom of the list. Congratulations Nicolau left you at the bottom of the list. DOH is all about jumping to the top of the list. Thief


Why don't you guys get someone to speak for you, Ferguson, and we get out guys. Meet with Parker, and negotiate our separate agreements. There is no way this deal will work. You don't want anything to do with our contract, we want nothing to do with yours. So if this is agreed, why don't we go to Parker and see if he will go for the two sides to negotiate their respective contracts and we can get over this stuff and move on. He might just go for it if he can see it will work for him when he wants to do his deal later.
Why do unions that have had much better success than pilots(basically every other unionized workforce) provide seniority integration mandated in their by-laws? Maybe the understand the nature of unions and realize that outsourcing a key component of it and setting the two sides in competition with each other is not unionist.

You must have missed or are in denial of what happened here.

The east and West were in a union who had seniority integration methodology mandated in their by-laws.

That method was followed, the east reneged, founded a new union with a new method that would favor their majority numbers, at the West's expense.

Could happen at any union, in any industry.

Understand now why no court of law will overturn a binding arbitration, and why usapa is nothing but a bunch of losers?
It's not Parkers job to "give" us a contract. It's the unions job to make a contract the lesser of two evils for the company to choose.

I agree with you, but these two sides are far too divided to ever present a situation that Parker has to take seriously. The reality is we are never getting a contract with the present situation. I wish it were not true, but Parker and Co. have the upper hand in this deal unless something radical takes place.
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