US Pilots Labor Discussion

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More lawsuits they’re stacking up!

Constantly defending yourself/company one has to wonder the focus
Let's see, the company has two choices:

1) Go through the incredible and probably suicidal expense of trying to split an airline that no one will buy (would-be buyers are smart enough to let the carcass die)


2) impose the east contract on both sides as the defacto joint contract and then break off negotiations comfortable in the knowledge that a strike is as unlikely as the earth flying into the sun.

The east filed for single carrier status which is all the justification the company would need to impose LOA93 on everyone.

Recalling Cleary would raise Parker's eyebrow. Replacing USAPA would have his full attention.
Let's see,

2) impose the east contract on both sides as the defacto joint contract and then break off negotiations comfortable in the knowledge that a strike is as unlikely as the earth flying into the sun.

The east filed for single carrier status which is all the justification the company would need to impose LOA93 on everyone.

Recalling Cleary would raise Parker's eyebrow. Replacing USAPA would have his full attention.
My impression from flying with a wide range of pilots is that they are resigned to stalemate, hoping for good news from Kasher.

Those of us who ask hard questions aren't traitors.

Apathy and blind obedience does not constitute mutual support

There actually are F/O's on the east list who would benefit more from a better contract than a DOH list.
These are all sentiments I agree with and have been saying since day one. Once the Kasher ruling is made available to the masses, those on the fence will make their stand. A ruling against USAPA will mean a mass exodus of support for the current strategy and regime. If I were in those shoes, I'd be waiting too. Cleary knows this, and is afraid of the backlash.

Some long time f/o's who are close to upgrade will benefit from the status quo. Many f/o's who would never see the left seat before retirement, or at least not for a very long time anyway, would benefit more, and sooner, from a decent contract.

Only two things will change the current stalemate: A ruling in the DJ causing the company to stand firmly on the Nic, or Kasher releasing an unfavorable ruling on LOA93.

And you are right that an east pilot voicing this is not being a traitor, but rather a level-headed pragmatist with a desire to move forward and stop the flow poison, and the flow of money out the door.
united pilots are not making much progress in their mediated talks. If there is no contract by December, there is no furlough protection for them. This will add to the already 1400 plus pilots on furlough to date. united pilots are also in the process of deciding on recalling the head of their union.

Needless to say, united pilots strategy should not be copied or advice taken very seriously.

April 11, 2011
"" Agenda Item Regarding Recall of the Master Chairman Deferred

The United MEC today began debate on an agenda item specifically calling for the recall of the Master Chairman. This agenda item was placed on the agenda as the first order of business before the MEC today by the Master Chairman due to its significance and importance to the membership and the body. The agenda item came to the MEC as a result of Council direction. The agenda item was sent to subcommittee, which worked on the item throughout the morning.

Following meeting in Subcommittee, the Subcommittee recommended deferring action on the agenda item until Thursday morning and the MEC voted to defer action on the agenda item until Thursday."" OUCH! MM!

The name of the law firm is not mentioned in this article.

You don't suppose Lee $eeham has found another unwitting group with deep pockets?
Classy? You have a goofy guy, from a goofy commercial as your avatar. You wouldn't know class if it hit you between the eyes.There will be no contract until we stop fighting each other-something NEITHER SIDE is willing to at this points. STOP WHINING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!1
You just proved my point. You cannot handle the message so you attack the messenger, where have we seen that before? (ALPA? Judge Wake? Leonidas?) You are obviosuly outclassed in any argument regarding your inept attempt at destroying the Nicolau Award, so carry on with your tantrums and support of an impotent association.

There doesnt have to be any "fighting", a neutral third party arbitrator already settled this matter. USAPA is just wasting time and money chasing its tail and infighting about HQ locations, office brawls and bullet holes in 737's. USAPA will continue to be ineffective so long as it divides the two pilot groups. How much money have they cost you?

USAPA = Stay Desperate, My Friends...
This delay has already given me weekends off and a summer vacation. Thats worth a couple grand a year after taxes that Kirby would have given me. My choices are so simple right now. Please give us back our flying the west took just to keep u guys working. I think u guys owe us.
Enjoy your:

2 weeks of vacation? (Most West pilots have close to 4 weeks or more)

your Industry LOW pay (less than Spirit, Allegiant, Horizon, Jet Blue, Southwest, Delta, Fedex, UPS)

your 1/2 DH pay (Ouch)

your "non"-pay for trip cancellations (Ouch again)

your "non"-crew meals (except what may be "taken" from the galley or left over first class meals)

your line bidding (PBS is the future)

and all the other "gems" that you choose to embrace.

Please give our furloughees their jobs back. The job they had out West while you were furloughed. Please honor your agreements, you owe it to your family and fellow pilots.

USAPA = Gemologists
You just proved my point. You cannot handle the message so you attack the messenger, where have we seen that before? (ALPA? Judge Wake? Leonidas?) You are obviosuly outclassed in any argument regarding your inept attempt at destroying the Nicolau Award, so carry on with your tantrums and support of an impotent association.

There doesnt have to be any "fighting", a neutral third party arbitrator already settled this matter. USAPA is just wasting time and money chasing its tail and infighting about HQ locations, office brawls and bullet holes in 737's. USAPA will continue to be ineffective so long as it divides the two pilot groups. How much money have they cost you?

USAPA = Stay Desperate, My Friends...

You jumped into and answered a post that I directed at another poster, and called me classless. I just pointed out that you are not one to judge in that area.

I have not been outclassed in any argument on this board, and for the 1000th time, it's not "MY INEPT ATTEMPT". I didn't think what USAPA wanted to would work and I didn't vote for them. If I was king, we wouldn't be here right now, but I'm not. But.....unlike most on the west, I have accepted the way things are and realized we had to let things work themselves out. You guys scream for a contract on one hand, then do everything possible to keep one from happening. Integrity.

You ask how much they have cost me. I have no idea. They may have saved me money because if the alternative was a Kirby contract with the Nic, I think I'm one of the guys that is better off. I'm a bottom captain now, and even on LOA 93, I think I'm better off than what would be available with the Nic. What has your unending fight for no change to the Nic cost you? It's a guess for you too, but you feel it's worth it, right? That's how most on the east feel. I have no illusion that the west attitude will change, so until events change the east attitude or the courts rule one way or another, there is no contract and there in no movement and no amount of whining is going to change it.
Punishing the Messenger. Who are the "Good Union Pilots"?

Used as a tool to suppress dissenting opinion, the CLT Reps seek to remove two of USAPA's founders from responsibilities within USAPA. Is this part of a bigger agenda and is it even legal?

See Story
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