US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Sane people that are retired should not waste what time they in their life on a chat board when they have no dog in a fight, now run along and grab your copy of AARP, oh and let's not forget the ALPA magazine, I'm sure that one is kept by the toilet. God I hope I have more to do when I'm retired
But this place is so entertaining... :lol: Where else can you find so much to laugh at 18 hours a day for free? There's MM and his wild breakup fantasies, suspense from waiting to see what Cleary and gang blow theit top over next, even the occasional tear jerker monemt when the East is disappointed yet again.

Sane people that are retired should not waste what time they in their life on a chat board when they have no dog in a fight

Sane people are capable of being interested in things that don't affect them directly.

Is everyone who watches a football game insane? How do a bunch of men chasing a ball affect their lives?

A business transaction between American Airlines and US Airways is imminent, this year. Us Airways has divested the majority of its LGA (New York) slots and BOS slots to make it more palatable for the DOT and other government entities. The additional slot swap with Delta is another means of US Airways gaining slots in DCA where American is weak and shedding New York and Boston slots where American is strong.

American Airlines and US Airways, in concert, are screaming fuel prices now to fain necessity of the combination.

The west and East separate entities will be split. The west operations to others, the East to American. The corporate take over papers will have US Airways as the surviving entity to overcome change of control provisions in the pilots contract, American will be the surviving name. To those that are less than versed in these matters it will appear that American is the acquirer, although they are not.

The conception of this transaction will be in the near future. The selling point of this, is a five year gestation period when most of the US Airways pilots will be retired, the birth will occur then.
You're nuts if you think anyone wants to come anywhere near the radioactive mess the East pilots have made of USAirways.

The actions of the East piliots have pretty much ensured that USAirways will have to go it alone. Congratulations USAPA on a job well done, and good luck with that.

A business transaction between American Airlines and US Airways is imminent, this year. Us Airways has divested the majority of its LGA (New York) slots and BOS slots to make it more palatable for the DOT and other government entities. The additional slot swap with Delta is another means of US Airways gaining slots in DCA where American is weak and shedding New York and Boston slots where American is strong.

American Airlines and US Airways, in concert, are screaming fuel prices now to fain necessity of the combination.

The west and East separate entities will be split. The west operations to others, the East to American. The corporate take over papers will have US Airways as the surviving entity to overcome change of control provisions in the pilots contract, American will be the surviving name. To those that are less than versed in these matters it will appear that American is the acquirer, although they are not.

The conception of this transaction will be in the near future. The selling point of this, is a five year gestation period when most of the US Airways pilots will be retired, the birth will occur then.
I have to give it to you east pilots. You do have furtile little imaginations.

To bad none of it has any basis in reality.

While I wish Parker would split this pig and get us away from you fools, NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

No one is merging with AA until they file BK. I think already addressed the reverse aquisition thing awhile ago. US Airways is to small compared to AA or DAL or CAL to hide that. Either the CoC goes or there is no merger. End of story.

But just to make the point so it is possible for a smaller carrier AWA to aquire a larger carrier AAA but keep the name? Thanks for clearing that up.

I thought that it was 10 years for most of the east to leave the building. Oh well facts be damned change them when you need to.

But let's dream for a minute. The west is split to who ever. That leaves about 3000 east pilots to go against 8000 AA pilots. Good luck with that. Don't forget to tell them that majority rules and the majority gets to decide what seniority is not an arbitrator.

The selling point to WHO?????? East pilots? You guys don't matter or get a say. Get used to that. Remember the majority rules keep saying that. A/M arbitration. WB go first. 125 AA WB compared to 26 east WB. The first say 2000-2500 guys on the list are AA pilots before you see the first east pilot. . The only people that matter in a merger are the money guys. They sure as heck want a return on their money before 5 years.
But let's dream for a minute. The west is split to who ever. That leaves about 3000 east pilots to go against 8000 AA pilots. Good luck with that. Don't forget to tell them that majority rules and the majority gets to decide what seniority is not an arbitrator.

Did you read my post. By the time this is birthed most of the East pilots will be gone.

May you hope that American is wishing to gain the west side, I will provide what the west side has to offer to American.

west pilots route map where they compete with Southwest Airlines.
You're nuts if you think anyone wants to come anywhere near the radioactive mess the East pilots have made of USAirways.

The actions of the East piliots have pretty much ensured that USAirways will have to go it alone. Congratulations USAPA on a job well done, and good luck with that.
Nice try, but backwards, sues for everything, steals personal data the west is finished and will be shed soon.
Did you read my post. By the time this is birthed most of the East pilots will be gone.

May you hope that American is wishing to gain the west side, I will provide what the west side has to offer to American.

west pilots route map where they compete with Southwest Airlines.
I guess you missed the edit about money men waiting 5 years for a return. M/A bankers don't wait for old worn out pilots to retire. That is not in their calculus.

Once again thanks for pointing out that the senior guys willing to throw the junior guys under the bus every time. So you leave the east guys with time to fend for themselves against the AA pilots. Nice attitude their dude.

How about it east guys with 10-15-20 years to go. Willing to go toe to toe with AA after the older guys get what they want and leave you the junk? 1500 against 8000.
Nice try, but backwards, sues for everything, steals personal data the west is finished and will be shed soon.
You guys really don't think anything through do you?

How many times have you told the west that there is no value in PHX. That what we have is not worth anything?

If true where or what is Parker going to sell and who would buy anything without value? Now are you saying that the west does have value and someone is willing to pay for it?

You guys always seem to forget that Parker and the boys are all about money. If they can't sell the west for money why would they break it up??????

Shed to who???? Why would they shed the west???

Does it have value or not?
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