US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Seems Air Wisconsin and later Republic came to the rescue of the last east bankruptcy in '05

Republic did offer $125 million in exit financing but it was turned down. Personal opinion only, it was because both Republic and Air Wisconsin got a better deal than the outside investors that joined the party once there was going to be a merger.

Republic did buy the E170's and slots at both LGA and DCA for about $100 million, but US leased the slots back and leased the E170's until each transferred to Republic.

Sorry Skippy, I never crossed a picket line or threated to like you and you buddies, but just remember being a sacb is in "YOUR" heritage. Did you read about your hero Dan Cloud?
He is angry because he knows the truth and sometime that is hard to live with so he gets angry at others.
The Air Wisconsin case as you state is missing a vital component regarding the following statement," no Alpa seniority arbitration has ever been set aside". More accurately, no ALPA seniority arbitration has ever been set aside when both pilot groups have agreed to a joint contract under said CBA. This is why I believe ALPA encouraged the MEC at DL and NWA to reach a joint contract prior to their seniority arbitration. A good contract tactic no doubt but it served dual purposes. Air Wisconsin and MVA could not reach a seniority agreement so it was Arbitrated using ALPA merger policy. The result was found to be objectionable to the pilots of Air Wisconsin. They attempted to Decertify ALPA but did not have the votes. Subsequently they negotiated and ratified a joint contract under ALPA. Hypothetically, had the EAST and WEST reached an ALPA contract agreement including the Nic
Sell the 190 s? Makes total sense for Parker and Kirby. Kirby doesn't hedge fuel, then Parker compounds the damage by selling the most fuel efficient plane in the fleet.Then west pilots think this is great. Doesn t get any better than this :unsure:
By sacrifice I meant the $40k a year you are leaving on the table, probably totaling close to a quarter million by now. But to you that is probably chump change. I'm glad you have your convictions too, because out west we are pretty happy right now. Any contract improvements from a joint CBA go east so we might as well keep it all separate until after the cuts hit in the next year or so. Since you all have extra pilots and planes and the west are already at fleet minimums there is ZERO incentive for anyone out in Phoenix to want to change anything. In fact a joint anything opens us up to a lot of liability and right now with the changing economic environment and uncertainties in global politics it is probably better to keep things where they are. PHX sure is nicer than PHL, or having to commute to PHL on a bankrupt contract. Status quo for the next five or so years works fine by many of us on this end.
Oh, and please vote no with us on any recall of Cleary. Thanks Bob! Have a nice weekend!!
Tokoyo Rose,
Why in Gods name are so worried about Bob or anyone else in the east? WE KNOW HOW MUCH MONEY WE HAVE LOST O.K. You sound like a broken f'n record. Dont bet the farm on what going to happen down the road, PHX is nicer than PHL but the U.S. AIRWAYS employees there arn't. Maybe with a little luck you will get to commute to a Grande Mesa bace.
What? You need more time to cook up more lies? Who's going to jail, and who told you they were going to jail. Don't let that nose grow too long Pichnocio!
Nothing to do with lies the damage has already been done, it's so much fun the watch Tempe and the boys try to do damage control. Hey, I bet the next town hall meeting will be very good!!! I might even have to watch that one. :lol: You guys really stepped on yout winky this time.
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