US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Clearly Kleary is off his rocker and off his olanzapine too. If anyone ever needed proof that Cleary is loose cannon and is on a kamikaze mission, here it is posted for the FBI, the FAA, the TSA and everyone else to see. Psychological evaluations are needed post haste for this guy. The evaluation should include showing him the Nicolau award, pictures of Sky Harbor Airport, a picture of judge Wake, the cactus pilot badge backers, and the website. They might also ask him to repeat the “cactus” call sign ten times in a row. After all that, my guess is that he will be summarily relieved of his duty based a persistent mental condition that renders him unfit to fly.

When the company instituted fuel school USAPA came out and put out a full page add in the USA Today, essentially throwing a punch at the compay. Something that ALPA had never done in the 20+ years I have witnessed. They indicated that they would not tolerate this behavior and those responsible would be held accountable.

Now another piss ant organization is 'again' sending feces in the mail but this time they stepped on their dicks and were called on the carpet. Now the piss ants cry foul. Too bad. now deal with it.

blah blah blah.
you guys keep trying trying to convnce us that you know better and than us and we should listen to you!

you make me smile and laugh..

Keep waisting your breath it's enjoyable watching.

No one is trying to convince you that we know better. We're only trying to convince you that final and binding arbitration is just that, final and binding, and that Parker has already officially accepted said arbitration. Once the court speaks and all the money is wasted you still won't be convinced but you will have to live with it.
Having read the last few pages I definitely sense some serious desperation from the Westies!!


Your senses are way off. We are out here absolutely laughing our asses off at the current implosion of ucrapa and jackwagons such as yourself.

I would take a pay cut before accepting the NIC and the CAPT I flew with said the same, in fact he was the one who brought it up.

Wow! I think you just gave Parker another wet dream. You guys really are morons!
When the company instituted fuel school USAPA came out and put out a full page add in the USA Today, essentially throwing a punch at the compay. Something that ALPA had never done in the 20+ years I have witnessed. They indicated that they would not tolerate this behavior and those responsible would be held accountable.

Now another piss ant organization is 'again' sending feces in the mail but this time they stepped on their dicks and were called on the carpet. Now the piss ants cry foul. Too bad. now deal with it.


Yes, and please don't forget that the company finally admitted that they had no evidence
on the particular guys that were called in for fuel school....the whole thing was just concocted
then you know who stood up at a meeting and made the infamous statement : "MY MONEY IS ON MR. PARKER"
Cleary isn't going anywhere!!

More from brochure 3:

Can a Union Lead by a Larger Group Succeed in Taking
Away Arbitration Rights from the Smaller Group?

In 1990, Judge Richard Posner of the 7th Circuit opined in a similar DFR case, Air
Wisconsin vs. Sanderson:
“...if the plaintiffs … succeed in ousting ALPA in favor of a union not
to gang up against a minority... [in that fashion could] a violation of the
duty of fair representation by the union that the majority used as its tool.”
[Air Wisconsin vs. Sanderson, No. 89-3350]
In this quote from 2000, Mike Cleary and Randy Mowrey clearly show that they
had prior knowledge that no Arbitrated award had ever been overturned:
“No ALPA seniority integration arbitration result has ever been set aside…

[June/July 2000 US Airwaves, Cleary - Mowrey]
Mike Cleary, Randy Mowrey, and Lee Seham, still know that none have been.

The Ninth Circuit- The Supreme Court –
What Now?

It must be understood that the Supreme Court did not rule
on the merits of the Addington case whatsoever. The
Law Journal of the US Supreme Court states it best:
“The effect of denial of certiorari by the U.S.
Supreme Court is often debated. The decision of
the Court of Appeals is unaffected.

By denying certiorari, the Supreme Court neither ruled on
ripeness nor the MERITS of Addington.
Cleary isn't going anywhere!!

You might be right. I don't see much support on the West for the current recall. Anybody who supports DOH in S22 will be face the same challenges Cleary has to this point.

We know Cleary and his history of not being able to meet the stated goal above...
Yes, and please don't forget that the company finally admitted that they had no evidence
on the particular guys that were called in for fuel school....the whole thing was just concocted
then you know who stood up at a meeting and made the infamous statement : "MY MONEY IS ON MR. PARKER"
Cleary isn't going anywhere!!

There is something we both agree with. Cleary is not going anywhere. The west is going to leave Cleary right where he is. No need for a recall of either of these guys. They are doing everything we need them to do.

You guys wanted Cleary you got him.
No one is trying to convince you that we know better. We're only trying to convince you that final and binding arbitration is just that, final and binding, and that Parker has already officially accepted said arbitration. Once the court speaks and all the money is wasted you still won't be convinced but you will have to live with it.
USAPA received an unimplemented list. They must keep it as it was received...unimplemented. Had they received an implemented list there would be no question.
... Cleary is not going anywhere....

Not so sure about that. If the east wants to ditch him, he is gone.

Also, if any West members want to really start some fireworks, Cleary's illegal behavior just might get him removed regardless of any recall vote.
USAPA received an unimplemented list. They must keep it as it was received...unimplemented. Had they received an implemented list there would be no question.

I fail to see what you think is in question.

Do you understand that a union has a DFR to all its membership, not just the majority. Further, do you understand that a final and bindng arbitration was entered into between the east and West, and now usapa has a DFR obligation to all the pilots it wishes to represent to uphold the results of that arbitration?

Finally, Seeham is still milking millions because folks like you who already know the answere still ask the question.
The BROCHURE is up, let the light of truth shine, just go to brochures and select #3:

Thanks for the update and link. I have been feeling left out lately, as I never got a copy in the mail. :blink:

We are short of pilots on the East. I have been POTA'd 4 out of 5 days this week, which is proof that we are short. (not answering my phone). I refuse to help them out until management starts managing and starts taking care of their employees.

There has to be more hiring in the East, or a merger in the works.

Same here! They keep calling to tell me they need my "help". I'm happy to help them out, I call back after the trip is covered (usually by some "Koolaid drinking" greedy blockholder) and suggest to them that they recall some more furloughees! ;)

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