US Pilots Labor Discussion

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How is the recall of your union leader going 767jetz?

47 User(s) are reading this topic
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1. 767jetz,
2. Benz M-100,
3. Metroyet,
4. lynyrdskynyrd,
5. av8tor76,
6. CactusPilot1,
7. boeingpl
Is that anonymous user Nosum? You shouldn't have any problem producing proof since you claim to always post "facts". :lol: :lol: :lol:

Still waiting ... tick tock.


ps - I'm left me off your list :p
Thanks for your input on how USAPA is having problems and how to handle such matters. Thank you for your expert advice in your posts.

It sounds like you are having your own problems at the united airlines alpa pilot union. A recall effort of your mec chairwoman and now the local?

ual alpa council 11

""THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED that the pilots of Council 11 cast a vote of no confidence in our LEC chairman""

jetz, your thoughts please sir.
Oh, what are we gonna do with you anonymous user Nosum? The East posters ignore you, the West posters mostly ignore you. Now it seems Jetz is ignoring you. No friends anywhere. Sniff, sniff...

If you've got the time to take a line from a resolution presented at one UA LEC meeting (if it made it that far) you've got plenty of time to come up with the proof of your accusations.

Tick-Tock...I can play this Whac-A-Mole game a long time. Hope you enjoy being the mole getting whacked...

Thanks for your input on how USAPA is having problems and how to handle such matters. Thank you for your expert advice in your posts.

It sounds like you are having your own problems at the united airlines alpa pilot union. A recall effort of your mec chairwoman and now the local?

ual alpa council 11

""THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED that the pilots of Council 11 cast a vote of no confidence in our LEC chairman""

jetz, your thoughts please sir.

Hey Nostrotardus!

This reminds me of what your PHL collegue is attempting to do with his new "recall Mike Cleary and Lurch" website. If you missed it, check out:

Ed makes some absurd claims about the 9th but I think we can all agree with his following observation:

"President Cleary continues to crudely and myopically malign all west pilots, over a single issue. USAPA’s freedom to negotiate seniority integration will ultimately be decided in the courtroom and not in the union hall. He has poisoned a working relationship with management, who although are not the caliber that we would desire, never the less, must be dealt with constructively for our mutual advancement.

A single, much improved, working agreement must be the goal of USAPA, regardless of how distasteful the parties engaged in that negotiation. I am convinced that President Cleary hasn’t the temperament, maturity, wisdom and selflessness to bridge that gap. His impulsive immaturity only serves to prolong the suffering of the entire pilot group.

Vice President Mowrey’s conduct is easy to judge. Physical violence in our main office is unprofessional and inexcusable. His fellow officers have both the need and the right to a workplace free of verbal and physical abuse. In my opinion, he should have been immediately subjected to recall by the BPR. Since that didn’t happen, it is our responsibility as Line Pilots to initiate that process.

I believe that the time has come for us to exercise our oversight responsibility. This initiative aims to place before the Line Pilots a clear choice to either recall the current USAPA President Mike Cleary and the current Vice President Randy Mowrey, or not."

I wonder how much backlash Mr. Campbell can expect from his "most democratic" union. :lol:
How is the recall of your union leader going 767jetz?

47 User(s) are reading this topic
7 members, 38 guests, 2 anonymous users

1. 767jetz,
2. Benz M-100,
3. Metroyet,
4. lynyrdskynyrd,
5. av8tor76,
6. CactusPilot1,
7. boeingpl
What does all that have to do with the price of tea in China you moron?
While USAPA communications & the Iron Compass keep screaming foul (think "Wolf! Wolf!" that a coincidence or what?), your fair & unbiased news source ITT, presses on!!!

That is hilarious!

What part of "Binding" does the slow crowd NOT get?

Entitlement East, never living up to their binding promises.
Thanks for your input on how USAPA is having problems and how to handle such matters. Thank you for your expert advice in your posts.

It sounds like you are having your own problems at the united airlines alpa pilot union. A recall effort of your mec chairwoman and now the local?

ual alpa council 11

""THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED that the pilots of Council 11 cast a vote of no confidence in our LEC chairman""

jetz, your thoughts please sir.
I guess you missed the recall of your own president Cleary and Mowery.

You know the saying about people in glass houses.
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