US Pilots Labor Discussion

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This link will take you to a site that lists all arbatration cases currently decided in the US. I have been checking it about once a month for the last 8 months or so.....nothing there on a decision on LOA93.
Let me guess - you go to that site and search for US Airways or USAPA, right?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it appears that your searching was fruitless because that site doesn't have any arbitration results later than May 2009. The Kaser decision may show up there about mid-2012.


This link will take you to a site that lists all arbatration cases currently decided in the US. I have been checking it about once a month for the last 8 months or so.....nothing there on a decision on LOA93.
You're not going to ever find it there. That's the Dept of Labor. Look through it and you won't find a single NMB arbitration. The NMB is an independent agency. Look under for arbitration awards and note the lengthy delay between the decision and publication on the website.
Let me guess - you go to that site and search for US Airways or USAPA, right?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it appears that your searching was fruitless because that site doesn't have any arbitration results later than May 2009. The Kaser decision may show up there about mid-2012.


I don't know what you are looking at Jim, but the last one posted was today. Kasher is one of the arbitrators handling the labor issues and there hasn't been anything decided by him in some time. Also, I searched using the grievence number/title.....nothing there

So you actually believe that one year can go by without at least a draft opinion? It hasn't. Cleary knows which was this is going/has gone. He kicks up the dust by screaming fire where there is none, and you suckers go for it.

Got news for you: LOA93 is a loss, DOH is DOA (the company won't negotiate), separate ops yields virtually the same number of upgrades for both as through the Nic. You've conned the rest of the East to go along with a crusade that can't ever realize its goals. Now you're nearly four years into post-Nic and there is no end in sight for LOA93. Way to go. Moron.

The DC payment grievance for pilots on LTD took 18 months from the final briefs being submitted until the draft opinion. It is at least comparable in that the amount 42 million, was large and the opinion was well over 100 pages. The final briefs for LOA93 were submitted in June, 2010, so it still a couple months shy of a year. LOA 93 deals with an amount potentially in the hundreds of millions and the opinion will probably entail a couple hundred pages. Don't let the facts stand in the way of your crusade.
Don't let the facts stand in the way of your crusade.
And the facts are the grievance process includes a draft opinion which is sent to the parties long before the final opinion is published. Publication of the opinion does is not necessarily coincident with the date in which the parties receive the final opinion.

Cleary knows which way Kasher went. LOA93 is a time bomb for Cleary and his angryF/O minions like yourself. Don't let the facts get in the way. In the meantime, the West is enjoying the East hysteria. Watching you all crumble is quite entertaining.
I don't know what you are looking at Jim, but the last one posted was today.

If you look at those, you'll see that those are court case decisions, not arbitrations - appropriate for a law site. Look at the list of ALL arbitration awards and the latest was handed down in May 2009. Kasher's name being included simply means he does more than NMB arbitrations.

Of course if aqua is right it will never show up there.

The DC payment grievance for pilots on LTD took 18 months from the final briefs being submitted until the draft opinion.
You are so full of it. Here, to quote your own fake union rag:

"The issue was first presented to System Board of Adjustment in November 2007. Additional hearing days were required for the Company to complete their case in chief in February 2008. The transcript was received at the end of February by the Grievance Committee. We then asked the ALPA MEC to pass a resolution requiring the ALPA contract administer to complete the written brief by April 15, 2008."

The decision was OUT - MADE PUBLIC - in December of that same year, and a big part of that delay was the transfer of the case from ALPA to your fake union.

Why do you USAPA shills take to lying when your lies can be exposed so easily?
Thats good to know, can you reiterate the facts of the seniority arbitration for the East pilots on this board? It might be easier for them to hear it from you.

Be gentle on thier egos.

I'll get you started;


1. Both MEC's agreed to enter Binding Arbitration
2. Both MEC's agreed to use Gearge Nicolau
3. Both MEC's agreed that all furloughed pilots would be placed below all active pilots; including O'dell

USAPA = Epic Failure
4. East MEC was told by East Merger Committee than DOH is DOA with Arbitrator.

USAPA = Earning less than a Southwest Co-Pilot.
They're starting to get it. But, they're wasting their time because the decision is already out. Mr. Kasher mailed his decision to the Parker, the NMB and Cleary some months ago. Parker certainly seems happy based on his comments in the Crew News sessions (whatever he said about having no concern about the LOA93 issue and sleeping well at night.) Cleary on the other hand is acting like a crazy, what with screaming fire where there is none, bringing the founders of USAPA up on frivolous charges, calling the cops to have two PHX reps removed from an OPEN SESSION at the last BPR meeting. Things that gotta make you say hmmmm....what's Cleary hiding . . .


First, I doubt the decision is final and published. Who woud get a copy? ,,and there is no way that it would stay a secret long.

My other question relates to having reps removed from a meeting. If you improperly, forcebly remove reps from a meeting, are you not then denying representation to their constituents? Seems to me, other than simply violating their individual LRMDA rights, this is violation towd the entire West MIGS group.

It is not what Cleary is hiding, it is what he is denying. Being shorter than most women doesn't make him less of a man.
Arbitrations aren't like judicial orders; the latter are made public as soon as the judge signs them. Arbitrations can be final and sent to the parties, but there might be some time between the publication beyond the actual parties and the parties actually receiving the opinion. That's what happened with the Nicolau Award. We're in a whole new arena with the likes of USAPA, Cleary and the Cleary minions. I don't see how a final opinion could be reserved for more than a few days before being made public as was the case with the Nicolau, but given who we're dealing with . . . you have to wonder. Cleary knows which way LOA93 is going. Just look at the hysterics coming from his camp. LOA93 is a game changer, just like Nicolau. When this goes down, the West will have a front row seat to the fireworks. This is going to be good.
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I liked the part about the CLT police accepting the Leonidas brochure to get the facts. I'll bet they were thinking "what a waste of their time" while real criminals were getting away with taking our money. :ph34r:
And the facts are the grievance process includes a draft opinion which is sent to the parties long before the final opinion is published. Publication of the opinion does is not necessarily coincident with the date in which the parties receive the final opinion.

Cleary knows which way Kasher went. LOA93 is a time bomb for Cleary and his angryF/O minions like yourself. Don't let the facts get in the way. In the meantime, the West is enjoying the East hysteria. Watching you all crumble is quite entertaining.

Why don't you print out the decision is a cute little glossy mailer for us. It would be so cool for you to see the fireworks and its guaranteed that any FO anger would be funneled in a way that would be beneficial to the West... right?
To borrow a page from Pi's playbook, to be fair you've got to remember that the "East coast franchise" was producing hundreds of millions of dollars in profits every quarter, the company was hiring as fast as they could, thinking of ordering 50 A380's and had plans to be the Global Carrier of Choice before the merger came along and ruined it...


You are something. I have never posted anything near this. I have said that I was preparing for Ch 7, but that didn't happen because of a MERGER. I just counter what I see as B.S. from delusional westies, about the state of AWA.

How many times in the last few pages have you screamed "PROOF Nos! Proof!!!!!!!!!!" ARGGGGG, my head is spinning, "PROOF!!!", yet you can spread your B.S.?

Why don't you print out the decision is a cute little glossy mailer for us. It would be so cool for you to see the fireworks and its guaranteed that any FO anger would be funneled in a way that would be beneficial to the West... right?
One, it's going to be a problem getting the decision out from under Cleary, Mowery and Parella. Two, there's nothing to be said other than what's already been said: you guys on the East have been sold a bill of goods. LOA93 is the most recent example. Four years ago you could have had north of $160 an hour and right now you'd be negotiating a second contract. Instead, a sizable chunk of the East pilots will spend their golden earning years on BK wages. That's the reality.
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