US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Hypocrisy Revealed- What Seham
Was Saying to the TWA Pilots
During the Addington Trial

Beginning in 2008, Lee Seham argued in Federal
the arbitrated award in the Addington trial. At
the same time in other litigation, Seham argued
that it was wrong for the TWA pilots’ union to
concede their arbitration rights. In a 73-page
brief offered as expert testimony in another
lawsuit, Seham argued that ALPA coerced the
TWA-MEC to forfeit their arbitration rights per
Allegheny-Mohawk. “ALPA’s conduct toward
the TWA pilots was arbitrary, discriminatory and
in bad faith.” [Lee Seham, Nov 14, 2008, brief,
Seham argued that it was a DFR violation to
in order to gain favor with the larger group of
opposite in court by stating that USAPA does
not violate its Duty of Fair Representation by
Seham simply telling USAPA leaders what they
want to hear to gain access to our union’s funds?

Seham said that placing 1200 TWA pilots (all
of whom were actively employed at the time of
the AA merger) was “harshly unfair…” but he
supported (and continues to support) “stapling”
over 1400 West pilots at the same time!
“The agreement … between American
and its pilots union stapled over 1200 of
the 2250 TWA pilots to the bottom of the
merged list. 409 AA pilots who were not
even on the payroll at the time … were
placed above … TWA pilots.” Seham
went on to say, “There is no dispute that
this seniority integration was harshly
unfair….” [Nov 14, 2008 Expert Report of
Lee Seham, pg. 1]

Is Seham advancing USAPA’s strategy because it
with unlimited access to our union’s funds?
I like to post facts here, not opinions.

My posts are based on facts.

What are some other posters based on (ie: sitting on) when they post,............., depends.
Thats good to know, can you reiterate the facts of the seniority arbitration for the East pilots on this board? It might be easier for them to hear it from you.

Be gentle on thier egos.

I'll get you started;


1. Both MEC's agreed to enter Binding Arbitration
2. Both MEC's agreed to use Gearge Nicolau
3. Both MEC's agreed that all furloughed pilots would be placed below all active pilots; including O'dell

USAPA = Epic Failure
USAPA spokesperson explains the logic of date of hire with conditions & restrictions:
USAPA spokesperson explains the logic of date of hire with conditions & restrictions:

blah blah blah.
you guys keep trying trying to convnce us that you know better and than us and we should listen to you!

you make me smile and laugh..

Keep waisting your breath it's enjoyable watching.
blah blah blah.
you guys keep trying trying to convnce us that you know better and than us and we should listen to you!

you make me smile and laugh..

Keep waisting your breath it's enjoyable watching.

We get a laugh out of Usapians as well. Always trying to change your colors. Just like the chameleons at the top. You know, the ALPA insurgents who founded the association. Just like a career politician who changes parities to stay in power. Too bad people are stupid enough to keep them in office.

Have a song dedeication to them. Dust off those Culture Club 8-tracks. ;)

The artist is a manly man, kind of fits the colorful cast of characters who make up the association. :lol:
Charlotte Domicile Meeting Minutes - March 31, 2011

Meeting called to order @10:04

Chairman McKee greets members, introduces special guests: PHL Reps. elect Steve Szpyrka, Eric Jordan, Mike Gillies, PHX Chair David Braid, President Cleary, VP Mowrey, and Committee members.

Chairman McKee's Report:

* Stolen personal data requested and received by Leonidas. Chief pilots did not have any knowledge of the stolen data. At this point USAPA is investigating our numerous Legal options regarding the theft.
* Bill suggested signing up spouses for LifeLock and submitting claims to company.

Serious question: Does McKee have an IQ beyond two digits? I'm thinking the answer is . . . no.
Charlotte Domicile Meeting Minutes - March 31, 2011

Meeting called to order @10:04

Chairman McKee greets members, introduces special guests: PHL Reps. elect Steve Szpyrka, Eric Jordan, Mike Gillies, PHX Chair David Braid, President Cleary, VP Mowrey, and Committee members.

Chairman McKee's Report:

* Stolen personal data requested and received by Leonidas. Chief pilots did not have any knowledge of the stolen data. At this point USAPA is investigating our numerous Legal options regarding the theft.
* Bill suggested signing up spouses for LifeLock and submitting claims to company.

Serious question: Does McKee have an IQ beyond two digits? I'm thinking the answer is . . . no.

Having read the last few pages I definitely sense some serious desperation from the Westies!!

DCA Domicile Special Meeting Notice

Monday, 11 April 2011

1100-1300 Hrs.

Fellow DCA Pilots,

We are scheduling a meeting for this coming Monday, April the 11th, from 1100 hours to 1300 hours to be held in the conference room above the security checkpoint at the Delta Concourse in the Reagan National Airport. All Officers, Committee Chairs, their members and any members in good standing from other Domiciles are welcome. We have been presented with a resolution pertaining to the continued delay of the LOA 93 Arbitration Ruling by some of our DCA pilots that they have requested be heard and acted upon. The resolution, as written, is added to this notice:

LOA 93 Resolution

Whereas: A system board grievance, known as the LOA 93 grievance, has been submitted to a neutral arbitrator as prescribed under the Railway Labor Act.

Whereas: The LOA 93 grievance is of the utmost importance to US Airways Pilots

Whereas: United States Code, Title 45, Chapter 8, known as the Railway Labor Act provides under section 151a, general purpose, "(5) to provide for the prompt and orderly settlement of all disputes growing out of grievances or out of interpretation or application of agreements covering rates of pay, rules or working conditions."

Whereas: It has been over one year since the LOA 93 grievance was heard and the final briefs presented by the parties.

Therefore be it resolved:

The USAPA Board of Pilot Representatives, acting in its majority capacity as the highest authority in USAPA, will draft a letter to arbitrator Kasher. This letter will respectfully ask when a "prompt decision", as required under the Railway Labor Act, to the LOA 93 grievance can be expected.
Whereas: It has been over one year since the LOA 93 grievance was heard and the final briefs presented by the parties.

Therefore be it resolved:

The USAPA Board of Pilot Representatives, acting in its majority capacity as the highest authority in USAPA, will draft a letter to arbitrator Kasher. This letter will respectfully ask when a "prompt decision", as required under the Railway Labor Act, to the LOA 93 grievance can be expected.

They're starting to get it. But, they're wasting their time because the decision is already out. Mr. Kasher mailed his decision to the Parker, the NMB and Cleary some months ago. Parker certainly seems happy based on his comments in the Crew News sessions (whatever he said about having no concern about the LOA93 issue and sleeping well at night.) Cleary on the other hand is acting like a crazy, what with screaming fire where there is none, bringing the founders of USAPA up on frivolous charges, calling the cops to have two PHX reps removed from an OPEN SESSION at the last BPR meeting. Things that gotta make you say hmmmm....what's Cleary hiding . . .
They're starting to get it. But, they're wasting their time because the decision is already out. Mr. Kasher mailed his decision to the Parker, the NMB and Cleary some months ago. Parker certainly seems happy based on his comments in the Crew News sessions (whatever he said about having no concern about the LOA93 issue and sleeping well at night.) Cleary on the other hand is acting like a crazy, what with screaming fire where there is none, bringing the founders of USAPA up on frivolous charges, calling the cops to have two PHX reps removed from an OPEN SESSION at the last BPR meeting. Things that gotta make you say hmmmm....what's Cleary hiding . . .


Give me a break.. Do you also belive that 9-11 was an inside job?
They're starting to get it. But, they're wasting their time because the decision is already out. Mr. Kasher mailed his decision to the Parker, the NMB and Cleary some months ago. Parker certainly seems happy based on his comments in the Crew News sessions (whatever he said about having no concern about the LOA93 issue and sleeping well at night.) Cleary on the other hand is acting like a crazy, what with screaming fire where there is none, bringing the founders of USAPA up on frivolous charges, calling the cops to have two PHX reps removed from an OPEN SESSION at the last BPR meeting. Things that gotta make you say hmmmm....what's Cleary hiding . . .


This link will take you to a site that lists all arbatration cases currently decided in the US. I have been checking it about once a month for the last 8 months or so.....nothing there on a decision on LOA93.
You are a bigger moron than I have heard... Keep it up... Your doing a fine job!
So you actually believe that one year can go by without at least a draft opinion? It hasn't. Cleary knows which was this is going/has gone. He kicks up the dust by screaming fire where there is none, and you suckers go for it.

Got news for you: LOA93 is a loss, DOH is DOA (the company won't negotiate), separate ops yields virtually the same number of upgrades for both as through the Nic. You've conned the rest of the East to go along with a crusade that can't ever realize its goals. Now you're nearly four years into post-Nic and there is no end in sight for LOA93. Way to go. Moron.
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