US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I like to post facts here, not opinions.

My posts are based on facts.

What are some other posters based on (ie: sitting on) when they post,............., depends.
To borrow a page from Pi's playbook, to be fair you've got to remember that the "East coast franchise" was producing hundreds of millions of dollars in profits every quarter, the company was hiring as fast as they could, thinking of ordering 50 A380's and had plans to be the Global Carrier of Choice before the merger came along and ruined it...


My posts are based on facts.
That's funny - then why so much trouble coming up with proof of your "facts" anonymous user Nosum. Because they weren't facts at all - simple really.

Still waiting...Tick Tock


PS - you don't have to keep telling us you use Depends - everyone feels sorry enough for you already.
Wrong anonymous user Nosum. It'll be settled when you provide proof or a retraction and apology.

Provide the proof and I'll be more happy to admit you were right all along and apologize.

Till then you're just a pathetic little man who can no longer bring himself to sign into this place under his screen name. Right LE?

Only embarassing when you support the guys who committed the crime. It will only get worse.

A "crime" has been committed because Baby Doc Douch bag little di@k Kim Jong Cleary says so? :lol: :lol: :lol:

The only "worse" thing you can expect is inflation...further eroding your 1998 turbo prop pay rates.
To borrow a page from Pi's playbook, to be fair you've got to remember that the "East coast franchise" was producing hundreds of millions of dollars in profits every quarter, the company was hiring as fast as they could, thinking of ordering 50 A380's and had plans to be the Global Carrier of Choice before the merger came along and ruined it...


Am I the Pi you are referring to in this post?
Sterling Holding Group is going to put a bid of something like 3 billon for AA and then buy AWA. A part of the AWA group will go to AA the rest will be sold of or possibly merged into another company. This is from a person I know from wallstreet . Don't go hyper, balistic, or bury you head in the sand, if he's right I have to buy him dinner.
Sterling Holding Group is going to put a bid of something like 3 billon for AA and then buy AWA. A part of the AWA group will go to AA the rest will be sold of or possibly merged into another company. This is from a person I know from wallstreet . Don't go hyper, balistic, or bury you head in the sand, if he's right I have to buy him dinner.
Who? I googled "Sterling Holding Group" and found some outfit in Florida that buys foreclosures....
I don't think you'll need to pick up the check.
BTW, market cap on AA is 2.07B as of today, so 3B is a generous offer that the shareholders would notice.
Who? I googled "Sterling Holding Group" and found some outfit in Florida that buys foreclosures....
I don't think you'll need to pick up the check.
BTW, market cap on AA is 2.07B as of today, so 3B is a generous offer that the shareholders would notice.
Sorry its Sterling Global Holding, I googled it and they did make some goofy bid for AA. But I ain't buy'n that j/o dinner not even at Micky D's .
Sorry its Sterling Global Holding, I googled it and they did make some goofy bid for AA. But I ain't buy'n that j/o dinner not even at Micky D's .
This article pretty much sums it up:
Goofy is definitely the right term to be used here.
Sorry shareholders, no 3B for you.
You may now return to your normally scheduled programs.

Yea, Teddy's all over it! Cub reporter Reed wrote: Underlying the dispute is the continuing battle over a proposed seniority list, devised by an arbitrator in 2007, that seemed to favor west pilots over east pilots. The battle is slowly winding its way through the courts, delaying efforts to negotiate a new contract that would raise the compensation level of the two pilot groups, both of which are among the lowest in the airline industry.

This clearly expains why the first 517 names on the Nicolau seniority list were that of former AAA pilots! Ted retains his title of USAPA schill with this article.

I think Cleary & Mowrey said it best: "No ALPA integraion arbitration result has ever been set aside by the courts....". (US AIRWAVES June/July 2000).
Excerpts from brochure #3: (Chameleons)

Seniority Integration According to Cleary & Mowrey
Mike Cleary and Randy Mowrey once understood the need to keep the pilots
accurately informed. While serving on the ALPA Merger Committee, Randy
Mowrey and Mike Cleary authored a series of articles that were published in
the US AIRWAVES magazine. These articles summarized how pilot groups
are integrated in a merger of two air carriers. Below are excerpts from those
articles. Each of these quotes individually exposes the understanding that
Cleary and Mowrey had of the merger process and past practice. These articles,
in their entirety, are available on our web site, in addition to the arbitration
transcripts. Together, they reveal the rest of the story, which has been
deliberately kept from US Airways pilots throughout our merger. These quotes
show why the effort to circumvent the Arbitrated Award has been a fruitless
effort thus far.

The similarities of the following quotes from Arbitrator
Nicolau and Mike Cleary and Randy Mowrey are
“The only certainty in seniority integration is
that the outcome is never certain... Each case
presents its own facts and equities, and each
requires a resolution tailor-made to the situation
presented.” [US AIRWAVES, Jan/Feb/Mar
2002. Cleary - Mowrey]

“…that each case turns on its own facts; that
the objective is to make the integration fair and
equitable...” [Nicolau Award, pg. 19]
In this quote Mike Cleary and Randy Mowrey clearly state
“The merger representatives shall carefully weigh all
the equities inherent in their merger situation... until
a fair and equitable agreement is reached,” and, “The
Merger Policy provides that... The Award …shall be
[US Airwaves, June/July 2000, Cleary - Mowrey

prospects are among the equities likely to affect a furloughees… placement.”
[US AIRWAVES, Jan/Feb/Mar 2002. Cleary - Mowrey]
“The seniority integration agreement adjusted the Mohawk furloughees... to the
extent necessary to place them below the most junior active pilot.”
[Allegheny-Mohawk, 1972. US AIRWAVES, Jan/Feb/Mar 2002]
“…[Arbitrator Smith] refused to give the TCA furloughees seniority positions
based on their dates of hire, because to do so would have placed them senior
to some active American Pilots.”
[Arbitrator Smith, American - Trans Caribbean Airways merger 1974 - US
AIRWAVES, Jan/Feb/Mar 2002. Cleary - Mowrey]

Is Date-of-Hire really the “Gold Standard” as asserted by USAPA? Based
on the evidence presented above, the contrary is suggested. The term
“Gold Standard” merely asserts an opinion, whereas the use of binding
arbitration to settle seniority integration is a fact.
The lawful standard for pilot seniority is to create a fair and equitable
integration based on the facts and equities of each case. Furloughees
are normally placed below the most junior active pilot. Nicolau carefully
followed precedent by considering the facts and equities of our unique
merger. The economically depressed condition of US Airways for many
years prior to the merger is a fact distinguishing itself from many other
mergers. This fact weighed heavily in a “resolution tailor-made to the
situation presented.” Cleary, Mowrey and other USAPA leaders are
ignoring precedent and the information they provided to US Airways pilots
in the US AIRWAVES articles. USAPA leadership continues to promise the
East pilots the impossible, as no ALPA arbitration has ever been set aside.
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