US Pilots Labor Discussion

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You AWA guys are just too intimidating for me to continue.

I'm in fear for my life at work (USAIRWAYS)

Its obvious to me now that you all mean business...

I dont think I can safely operate a revenue flight with this AOL issue over my head.

I'm callling in to HR tomorrow....

Workmans comp is all I can hope for now.
whimper whimper...sniff sniff..."I'm taking my ball and going home now!!" :wacko:

How "East" of you. I'd expect nothing less.
Awww - poor little e28. Are all those mean people hurting your feelings? Maybe Mommie will kiss it and make it all better. Would a band-aide on your finger help - she's probably got some with animals or stars on them.

Seriously though, playing drama queen won't do you much good around here. This isn't slow-pitch, it's hardball.

You AWA guys are just too intimidating for me to continue.

I'm in fear for my life at work (USAIRWAYS)

Its obvious to me now that you all mean business...

I dont think I can safely operate a revenue flight with this AOL issue over my head.

I'm callling in to HR tomorrow....

Workmans comp is all I can hope for now.

How did you ever pass a psychological evaluation. Your nuts and should be pulled from flying.
You AWA guys are just too intimidating for me to continue.

I'm in fear for my life at work (USAIRWAYS)

Its obvious to me now that you all mean business...

I dont think I can safely operate a revenue flight with this AOL issue over my head.

I'm callling in to HR tomorrow....

Workmans comp is all I can hope for now.

I can't believe you're allowed to touch the controls of an airplane. Scary...
You AWA guys are just too intimidating for me to continue.

I'm in fear for my life at work (USAIRWAYS)

Its obvious to me now that you all mean business...

I dont think I can safely operate a revenue flight with this AOL issue over my head.

I'm callling in to HR tomorrow....

Workmans comp is all I can hope for now.

I can't believe you're allowed to touch the controls of an airplane. Scary...

Sorry. Double post. I was going to erase it, but it bears saying twice--
Did you hear that Bill McKee, Steve Crimi, and DeWitt Ingram (The CLT Reps) have drawn up charges against the two primary founders of USAPA, Steve Bradford and Mark King? No, you haven’t.

We at the Compass Correction Coaltion wonder at the fact that the USAPA Membership haven’t heard about these charges being brought forward by the CLT Representatives or about the PHL election appeal. Why is news of this magnitude not immediately delivered through normal USAPA Communications?

The answer is simple. President Cleary cannot operate in the ways he prefers, when the Board of Pilot Representatives are actively controlling his power lust. Bradford and King, serving on the Appeals Board are also a check and balance. Therefore, Cleary gets his “friends” to do the dirty...and in this case, REALLY DIRTY work. He, Cleary, remains at arms length from the sewage.

Let’s take the tally, two Executives Vice Presidents, a Secretary-Treasurer, all of the outgoing PHL Representatives, and now the founders of USAPA are all in the opinion of Mike Cleary, idiots, and will destroy the union, unless we listen to Mike and only Mike.
Why is it that the CLT Reps are so interested in the PHL Election anyway?

Steve Bradford and Mark King have something that Mike Cleary cannot understand; integrity. It is past time to get USAPA back to the cooperative functionality that we enjoyed when Bradford was THE FIRST PRESIDENT and Mark King, THE FIRST VICE PRESIDENT.

Pilots say, “this is getting just like ALPA!” We say, elect the worst of ALPA and what else might one expect?

Below are the “charges” from the CLT Reps. Below that, you will find the OP-ED piece that the CLT Reps. found offensive; you decide. Also, ask your Reps. how come you have to hear this stuff from The Compass Correction, rather from your union?

CLT Domicile Representatives File Charges against USAPA’s Appeals Board Members Bradford and KingCharges against Steve Bradford and Mark King

By this notice to the USAPA Secretary Treasurer, CLT Domicile Representatives Captain Bill McKee, First Officer Steve Crimi and First Officer DeWitt Ingram, do hereby charge USAPA members Steve Bradford and Mark King with acts "contrary to the best interests of USAPA as an institution or its membership as a whole." (Article VI, Section I., USAPA Constitution and Bylaws)

These charges arise as a result of the ‘Compass Correction Coalition’ document entitled "What is the state of our Union today? In short, it's dreadful!" We believe the Compass Correction Coalition document authored by Bradford and King contains specific declarative statements that represent both slander and libel against individual officers and the association. (Please see evidence below). Clearly this letter emailed to unknown recipients is an effort to harm the association and is contrary to the best interests of USAPA as an institution and its membership as a whole. In addition in this document, Bradford and King proffer support of Jamie Weidner, a participant in the most recent PHL Domicile election. It is our understanding that that Capt. Bradford and Capt. King, serving as USAPA Appeals board members, are preparing a decision on an election appeal by their endorsed candidate Jamie Weidner. Specifically, Weidner has requested the Appeals Board to overturn and re-run the election.

Capt. Bradford and Capt. King have not recused themselves from consideration of the issues associated with the appeal of the PHL election. Considering the fact that Bradford and King have publicly taken a position endorsing the candidacy of Weidner, their failure to recuse themselves is inappropriate. Their refusal to remove themselves from the Appeals Board process represents a conflict of interest and is an act clearly contrary to the best interests of USAPA.

The CLT Domicile Representatives direct the USAPA Secretary-Treasurer to notify Captains Bradford, King, and the Appeals Board that these formal charges are hereby levied as outlined in Article VI of the USAPA Constitution and Bylaws. We request this notice be sent via U.S. certified mail, return receipt requested.

Requested Remedy

1. Captains Bradford and King be found conflicted in the matter of the PHL election appeal filed by a candidate who they have openly endorsed and should be removed from the appeal process and the investigation.

2. Captains Bradford and King be found guilty of violating the USAPA Constitution and By Laws by performing “acts contrary to the best interests of USAPA as an institution or its membership as a whole" (as evidenced below) and should be removed from any further appeals board duties.

Evidence attached on the following page.
__________________________________________________ ________________________________________

What is the state of our Union today? In short, it is dreadful!

Notice: This letter has not been endorsed by Jamie Weidner or Eric Jordan

Philadelphia USAPA pilots:

We are writing you to ask for your support of Jamie Weidner and Eric Jordan as your next PHL BPR Vice Chairman Representatives. They are good men without a lot of baggage from ALPA, and they bring fresh ideas and the spirit of volunteerism that our union needs.

We note the other two candidates Mike Gillies and Brian Pflanzer are in the President’s pocket. They haven’t got an original idea between themselves, nothing more than Mike Cleary rubber stamps. Jamie and Eric answer to nobody; they think for themselves and are ready and willing to do the work for our pilots.

What is the state of our Union? In short it is dreadful! Our president is acting like a dictator. As an example, it has now taken 5 meetings to move the offices in Charlotte. Mike Cleary has used delay, obfuscation and dilatory parliamentary procedures to stop the will of 2/3 of the Board of Pilot Representatives regarding a simple office move.

There have been at least two recorded physical attacks in our Union, both directed at Secretary Treasurer Rob Streble. The first involved Mike Cleary. He placed his hands around Rob Streble’s neck in an argument over a billing for liquor on a credit card, which is against the USAPA Constitution. The second incident and more recent, involves Vice President Randy Mowrey pushing Rob Streble into a metal door frame over an argument regarding the ability of the Secretary Treasurer to call a meeting at the request of 1/3 of the Board of Pilot Representatives. This duty is clearly described and detailed in the Union Operating Manual. The most recent event was reported to the Charlotte Police. The BPR is aware of BOTH these allegations, as is USAPA outside legal counsel. Our current VP has a history of physical confrontation. He was tried but not convicted in FL of an incident involving the threat of violence. He was arrested for this event. They say where there is smoke there is fire, we don’t need the likes of Randy Mowery bringing his physical confrontational style into our own offices. Both Cleary and Mowrey need to resign for the good our Union.

Our union’s communication policy fails to produce complete and accurate information. You, the line pilot are not getting an accurate picture. You are not hearing civil discussion or debate. Our current President says that this is divisive and reminiscent of the old ALPA. BULLSHIT! No democratic body can hold itself up as such without allowing and supporting vigorous and spirited debate. Our current BPR is not fulfilling their leadership role in telling you the line pilot about what is going on. First and foremost they must communicate to you to tell you what is happening at our meetings and they must speak frankly. They have not been doing this. They have been told that to speak against the “company line” from Mike Cleary is dangerous and divisive. I urge them to do so and in their own words describe what they think the state of our Union is and what the major issues facing our pilots are. Our pilots are in the dark.

The recent PHX update on the Office move that is posted on several web boards and available on the USAPA web site is titled “What does it take to move an Office.” It is an accurate and unbiased description of what has been transpiring in our union regarding the Office move. Please read it. It describes how the current leadership is manipulating the democratic process to attempt to thwart the will of 2/3 of the BPR.

We have a major difference with the West in the seniority issue. Jamie Weidner and Eric Jordan support Date of Hire as is specified in the Constitution. This is a guiding principle of our union and it is enshrined in the Constitution. However, absent the seniority issue we work with the West reps as members in good standing of USAPA. Brian Pflanzer and others have painted anyone who would cooperate with the West on issues other than seniority as traitors and supporters of the Nicolau award .It is a boldfaced DAMN lie. In fact, the mere act of not working with the West BPR members as equal members threatens our very charter. This cannot stand; they are a part of this Union and have the right to participate without any bias associated with outside litigation.

It is ridiculous to assume that any member who would call a West pilot friend or deal with him in a business like manner is somehow a traitor to the East. Brian Pflanzer has accused a PHL rep of being just such a traitor because West and East Reps have voted together on some issues unrelated to seniority. The word Union denotes coming together of those persons who labor in our craft and derive that Unity from our association. The seniority issue does divide us but there are many more issues that help unite us. Using idiotic words like traitor and painting any West pilot as the enemy is just plain stupid and shows a basic lack of understanding of the entire concept of a union.

We both worked quietly behind the scenes as Mike Cleary’s troubled behavior tainted everything we had worked for in starting this fine Union. He only left the ALPA nipple mere weeks before the election, and paid himself handsomely during his first year, often to the cap. We respected the will of the pilots and sat quietly for another year, knowing all well he was not the man to lead this group. We gave you our quick and dirty assessment last year during the EVP election, but apparently our words fell on deaf ears. This current leadership is out of control, and doing just what Mike Cleary always lectured to us in the beginning. “Power is never given it is always taken.” He is attempting to do just that now, by ghostwriting for the candidates of his choice. You will notice that we sign what we write. Not so with Cleary.

Philadelphia pilots, this election for BPR Vice Chairman has become a skirmish in a much greater debate about the course of our union. If you want pair of Presidential “rubber stamps” then vote for Mike Gillies and Brian Pflanzer. They are Cleary cronies, plain and simple. If you want independent and hard working representation then vote for Jamie Weidner and Eric Jordan. They are not in anyone’s pocket, ours or otherwise, and they will not toe the company line or an un-democratic union line if the current leadership attempts it.


Steve Bradford and Mark King

Notice: This letter has not been endorsed by Jamie Weidner or Eric Jordan
Quite today so far. Maybe USAPA's designated Champion Who Fights Everything West for today overslept...

Address-gate is totally manufactured by Cleary. There's nothing there. NOTHING.

It's all about covering for the little document sitting in Cleary's desk drawer: the LOA93 opinion.

Enjoy LOA93 Easties, you're going to be on 'till the cows come home.

You jumped on the cheap-shot...until you got called.

This has been great fun....gotta go

Sue you tomorrow too.
What the hell are you talking about? More lies from the latest liar. Where did I "jump on the cheap shot" and where did I "get called?" Show your work, or you get an F for the semester.

I give up. You're an absolute m*r*n. I won't spell it out so you can't go crying to mommy, but you get the idea. I try to maintain some civility and call 'em like I see 'em, even if it is a west poster who is offending. Much different than the east lynch mob who allows all kinds of BS to be written without keeping their own in check. But when a west poster does the exact same thing, you all come out in droves to condemn the action.

Much like you, who has a hissy fit when someone does not validate your opinion because you claim not to work for the east. Any idea how many times the same tactic has been used on me and few other non-east, non-US, west supporters by you and your kind? Never seen a bigger bunch of babies, hypocrites, and double standards in my life.

I stand by what I said. Everyone should leave the families, especially the children, out of this cesspool. Go ahead and take some more potshots at my comment. It simply demonstrates your true lack of character. :rolleyes:
You AWA guys are just too intimidating for me to continue.

I'm in fear for my life at work (USAIRWAYS)

Its obvious to me now that you all mean business...

I dont think I can safely operate a revenue flight with this AOL issue over my head.

I'm callling in to HR tomorrow....

Workmans comp is all I can hope for now.
What a drama queen!

e28, you are obviously spinning out of control. I see your more offensive posts have been edited, meaning you have probably landed yourself in hot water with the mods.

You are also obviously an east pilot, contrary to your original assertions, which explains much.
Quite today so far. Maybe USAPA's designated Champion Who Fights Everything West for today overslept...

2 things I find really odd. After months and months of guys like Nos, BS, Barrister, luvthe9 and others ganging up on the west, and their incessant lies and links to irrelevant stories, calling people scabs and drug runners, sending threatening PM's to me and others, we suddenly have e28 crying about psychological torture from a public web site that he voluntarily exposes himself to. :blink:

When I used Nos' tactics against him using his famous guilt by association game, he eventually broke down and threatened to call UA HR or a UA Chief Pilot or something. Still waiting for that one to materialize. :lol: Now we have e28 frantically printing pages of "proof" for his lawsuit. :lol: These guys are obviously desperate, and foaming at the mouth to hang someone, anyone, in an effort to vent their venom. Meanwhile they continue to live on LOA93 and have failed miserably to deliver anything they promised since day one.

Secondly I'm surprised that BS and Nos have not chimed in for days in his support. Could it be they are all on an imposed vacation for crossing the line on this forum? Or perhaps they are speaking through e28. "Strange things are afoot at the Circle K." - Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure -
Secondly I'm surprised that BS and Nos have not chimed in for days in his support. Could it be they are all on an imposed vacation for crossing the line on this forum? Or perhaps they are speaking through e28. "Strange things are afoot at the Circle K." - Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure -

I was only half kidding about the USAPA arguer of the day sleeping late. With all the others strangely quiet with few exceptions, I wonder if they're now "taking turns in the barrel."
Right now there's several East posters apparently in attendence (not counting SadState who has the right attitude about all this in my book) and not a peep.

Or maybe most are taking time off, hoping to see us debating among ourselves as they did when we took some time off.

That was quite the psychological meltdown e28 had in the last 24 hours. We didn’t need any more evidence that the east has been detached from reality for quite some time, but this was even beyond what EastUS and Oldie used to do. He threatens to see BB in court for what, posting facts and opinions on a public web board? I sure hope he went to HR or somewhere and they immediately got him into some intensive psychological treatment for whatever snapped in his cognitive reasoning last night.

As for the rest of the no-shows, my first guess is that they are now discovering that this whole manufactured crisis about PII isn’t going where they thought it would go so they are trying to back off like they did when mailers #1 and #2 came out and they were outraged only to have the issue shutdown by law enforcement and Management as being a non-issue. We’ll see where this leads, but the more that comes out the more it looks like another intentional misdirection from USAPA’s unmitigated failures as a CBA. Kleary and co are likely in some deep trouble and too grossly incompetent to get themselves out of it.
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