US Pilots Labor Discussion

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No, I'm pretty upset. I've been sent mail that I didn't solicit, by people who my union is in a lawsuit with...

Not comfortable with that. What do I do when I have a PHX layover? Pretty intimidating...especially with all these west guys talking tough.

They somehow are sending me mail to my house...scaring my kids....and they vow to continue this intimidating behavior?

Only a few legal solutions I know of...


Do you have any suggestions for me?

Your kids should be afraid of hyperbole, and the father that spews it like a fountain.
OMG...I just added "stalking" to my excused absense.

And I printed this thread for my workmans comp claim.

How do I properly spell

"Army of Leonidas" again?

Sure you wanna keep going here?

OMG, you are a laugh a minute. I was laughing so hard my cat just hid under the bed. :D
Man I feel sorry for your kids. BTW Leonidas WILL send you more pamphlets, whether you tell them to stop or not. Why don't you ask your lawyer what kind of damages you might be awarded if you pursue legal action? (btw it is zero so I hope you have a pro bono attorney)
P.S. your kids have an idiot for a father, hope they turn out smarter than you.

What a cheap shot, you Dickhead!
Any questions?
Yes. Are you or are you not an east pilot. If not (as you have claimed before) then you've got a lot of nerve calling me UAL-man. At least I don't try to hide who I work for. Of course, you are probably an east pilot, as most if us suspect.

Jetz...Dude you didn't just ask that did you???

Yes I did. Try to keep up here Barrister. He is the one several pages ago claiming that who he works for is irrelevant to the validity of his opinions and statements on this forum. I pointed out that you and your buddies seem to think otherwise. Just taking shots at your double standards. You give us many targets.
Yes. Are you or are you not an east pilot. If not (as you have claimed before) then you've got a lot of nerve calling me UAL-man. At least I don't try to hide who I work for. Of course, you are probably an east pilot, as most if us suspect.

Yes I did. Try to keep up here Barrister. He is the one several pages ago claiming that who he works for is irrelevant to the validity of his opinions and statements on this forum. I pointed out that you and your buddies seem to think otherwise. Just taking shots at your double standards. You give us many targets.

You may ask your questions directly to me.

I dont answer for USAPA...and they dont answer for me.

If I choose not to answer,'re f'd.

( removed)
If I choose not to answer,'re f'd.

I'd put it a little differently since there have been many hints that you aren't what you claimed to be when first posting her. We don't really need an answer to know what you are, and it starts with an L...

It's OK brother...

Every bit of this is being printed for my lawyer...the more the better.

Help me guys...

"Intimidation" that correct?

Tell your lawyer since I have been laughing so hard these past 30 minutes at your posts I'm going to have to countersue.

My cat is going to require therapy, he's too scared to come out from under the bed.
I'd put it a little differently since there have been many hints that you aren't what you claimed to be when first posting her. We don't really need an answer to know what you are, and it starts with an L...

No way...

another misdirect?

after all the warnings?

What a cheap shot, you Dickhead!
OK everyone. I have to agree. Let's keep the kids out of this.

A story that happened just yesterday. On a transcon from LA had a very nice couple in First Class with their beautiful 18month old daughter. I spoke with them for a few minutes prior to flight, as I have 2 young girls as well. They travel extensively with her around the globe on UA since her birth. En-route the baby cried for about 10 minutes. Another passenger actually got up, said to the father "I hope that kid dies!" and then went to the galley and asked for a glass of wine and "anything to shut that f--king kid up!" When I heard about it my blood pressure went through the roof! I almost wished it would have escalated so that we could have had the a-hole arrested upon landing. I've got to hand it to the father for shrugging it off and not making it worse. I would not have had that kind of restraint. But it makes you wonder what kind of animal would say such a thing to a parent?

Anyway, just some perspective. Let's leave the family (particularly the children) out of it.
I'd put it a little differently since there have been many hints that you aren't what you claimed to be when first posting her. We don't really need an answer to know what you are, and it starts with an L...


Yes, while I may be obtuse...

I do have an employee number that is recognized by all the proper authorities....
OK everyone. I have to agree. Let's keep the kids out of this.

A story that happened just yesterday. On a transcon from LA had a very nice couple in First Class with their beautiful 18month old daughter. I spoke with them for a few minutes prior to flight, as I have 2 young girls as well. They travel extensively with her around the globe on UA since her birth. En-route the baby cried for about 10 minutes. Another passenger actually got up, said to the father "I hope that kid dies!" and then went to the galley and asked for a glass of wine and "anything to shut that f--king kid up!" When I heard about it my blood pressure went through the roof! I almost wished it would have escalated so that we could have had the a-hole arrested upon landing. I've got to hand it to the father for shrugging it off and not making it worse. I would not have had that kind of restraint. But it makes you wonder what kind of animal would say such a thing to a parent?

Anyway, just some perspective. Let's leave the family (particularly the children) out of it.

You jumped on the cheap-shot...until you got called.

This has been great fun....gotta go

Sue you tomorrow too.
You jumped on the cheap-shot...until you got called.

You are wound up tight tonight - better watch out or you mainspring might break.

Let me see - who was the first to bring your kids into this discussion? (hint - post 12025)

Note to B - see above.

You are wound up tight tonight - better watch out or you mainspring might break.

Let me see - who was the first to bring your kids into this discussion? (hint - post 12025)


Yes Jim...I am

Ready to in the wings, checkbook in hand.

I'm over it...all of it.

Not sure?
Lets just see....

I'll start with my identity...
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