US Pilots Labor Discussion

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No... quite the contrary... we're leaving it to youse guys to debate among yourselves... there is no getting through to you... so have at it!
Yes. Are you or are you not an east pilot. If not (as you have claimed before) then you've got a lot of nerve calling me UAL-man. At least I don't try to hide who I work for. Of course, you are probably an east pilot, as most if us suspect.

Yes I did. Try to keep up here Barrister. He is the one several pages ago claiming that who he works for is irrelevant to the validity of his opinions and statements on this forum. I pointed out that you and your buddies seem to think otherwise. Just taking shots at your double standards. You give us many targets.

I will admit...keeping up here ain't easy.....

No... quite the contrary... we're leaving it to youse guys to debate among yourselves... there is no getting through to you... so have at it!
Sounds good to me. The east has largely been incapable of accepting or promoting truths and facts so what value is there to having those comments posted here anyway? If you have finally realized that peddling lies and unattainable pipe dreams hasn’t convinced anyone to abandon the truth, then I would speculate that a cessation of those activities on the east is actually good for the west, the east and everyone else.

Proverbs says it far better than I ever could:
The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly, but the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness (15:2)

The heart of him who has understanding seeks knowledge, but the mouth of fools feeds on foolishness (15:4)

Wisdom is too lofty for a fool (24:7)

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who heeds counsel is wise (12:15)

The lips of the wise disperse knowledge, but the heart of the fool does not do so (15:7)

Rebuke is more effective for a wise man than a hundred blows on a fool (17:10)

A fool has no delight in understanding, but in expressing his own heart (18:2)

As a dog returns to his own vomit, so a fool repeats his folly (26:11)

Though you grind a fool in a mortar with a pestle along with crushed grain, yet his foolishness will not depart from him (27:22)
Or maybe most are taking time off, hoping to see us debating among ourselves as they did when we took some time off.

One could only hope. However, I'll bet no one here will be baiting them, or sending personal messages attacking them and practically begging them to re-engage, as they did to us when we went silent for a couple of weeks. It was quite pathetic. They were actually flat out making things up trying to get us to make a comment.

My theory since back then, and still, is that they are so desperate to keep their DOH dreams alive, the only way to do it is to keep arguing about it, the same old regurgitated talking points, over and over again. Without the rhetoric, the conversation ends, since there's nothing new to talk about and the fate of binding arbitration rests with the courts, and their dreams evaporate. The law is on the side of the west. Always has been. Unfortunately it won't be long before they break silence again. Guaranteed.

I for one will enjoy the break from the stupid rhetoric. Perhaps we can actually discuss the issues for a while. On that note, can anyone give me some more details about what was in the AOL information sent to the east?
The first 2 are on the AOL website - presumably 3 and 4 will be at some point.

AOL Website

I haven't bothered to look at them but maybe I should since they've created such an uproar.

Proverbs says it far better than I ever could:
The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly, but the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness (15:2)

The heart of him who has understanding seeks knowledge, but the mouth of fools feeds on foolishness (15:4)

Wisdom is too lofty for a fool (24:7)

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who heeds counsel is wise (12:15)

The lips of the wise disperse knowledge, but the heart of the fool does not do so (15:7)

Rebuke is more effective for a wise man than a hundred blows on a fool (17:10)

A fool has no delight in understanding, but in expressing his own heart (18:2)

As a dog returns to his own vomit, so a fool repeats his folly (26:11)

Though you grind a fool in a mortar with a pestle along with crushed grain, yet his foolishness will not depart from him (27:22)

"The wise man can pick up a grain of sand and envision a whole universe. But the stupid man will just lie down on some seaweed and roll around until he's completely draped in it. Then he'll stand up and go, "Hey, I'm Vine Man."
— Jack Handey
Going on 6 years some people have trouble coping with the acquisition. :blink:

You crack me up "my Dad's a PhD" .......

I guess those of us, who have been "acquired" are still quite skeptical of that "fact" since there is absolutely nothing to substantiate that claim. Just because you keep saying something over and over again - does not make it credible or true. But then again - it's stil comical, delusional, but comical.
I guess those of us, who have been "acquired" are still quite skeptical of that "fact" since there is absolutely nothing to substantiate that claim.

The whole who bought who discussion has been beat to death over and over, but if you look there are more signs that AWH was the acquirer than US. Just because it's still called US Airways doesn't mean much except that Parker figured out how to get around the East change of control language - not for the old execs who got their change of control payout but for the employees.

You crack me up "my Dad's a PhD" .......

I guess those of us, who have been "acquired" are still quite skeptical of that "fact" since there is absolutely nothing to substantiate that claim. Just because you keep saying something over and over again - does not make it credible or the true. But then again - it's stil comical, delusional, but comical.

A third grader could understand that Us Air DID NOT acquire HP, move to Tempe and hire DP as the CEO.

Of course, Farncis has a hard time with that concept. :lol:
A third grader could understand that Us Air DID NOT acquire HP, move to Tempe and hire DP as the CEO.

Of course, Farncis has a hard time with that concept. :lol:

US Air nor HP acquired anybody - it was a (so called) merger keeping the HP banksters at the helm.. Nothing more - nothing less

Trust me no one on the East wanted to "acquire" or thinks we "acquired" HP. That would be very much like wanting or thinking a self inflicted gun shot wound to the head is a good thing. Delusional- yet comical.
My theory since back then, and still, is that they are so desperate to keep their DOH dreams alive, the only way to do it is to keep arguing about it, the same old regurgitated talking points, over and over again. Without the rhetoric, the conversation ends, since there's nothing new to talk about and the fate of binding arbitration rests with the courts, and their dreams evaporate. The law is on the side of the west. Always has been.

The seniority dispute simply no longer has much importance. I can often fly for months without even hearing it discussed. Status quo with separate ops gives both sides their DOH and pre-merger relative positions and most are OK with that. There is just no reason to combine operations. Senior management told me directly they had no problem with separate ops and were planning to operate with the pilots separate for 10 years. They understand the seniority integration problem goes away anyway after 10 years. The courts are just an expensive distraction since they can't force integration or impose any particular seniority scheme without changing the contracts or illegally taking control of the company or union.

We do need an agreement with the company to allow more West pilots to transfer East so they can use their DOH to bid positions ahead of the East new hires. We also need contract improvements to bring all our pilots back up to an industry standard agreement. It won't be easy or fast but the NMB has had a 100% success rate at achieving contract agreements and I would also put the odds at achieving contract improvements without using any part of the Nic award at 100%.

US Air nor HP acquired anybody

You must have missed this....I know the truth hurts: <_<

America West Airlines

Acquired US Airways in 2005 and assumed its identity.


Corporate headquarters:
Phoenix, AZ


Name Occupation Birth Death Known for
Richard R. Goodmanson Business 1947 COO of DuPont
Doug Parker Business c. 1962 CEO of US Airways


Name Occupation Birth Death Known for
Herbert M. Baum Business 6-Dec-1936 CEO of Dial Corporation, 2000-05
Cheryl Gordon Krongard Business c. 1956 Partner, Apollo Management, 2002-04


Name Occupation Birth Death Known for
Stephen F. Bollenbach Business c. 1943 CEO of Hilton Hotels, 1996-2007
Matthew J. Hart Business c. 1953 CEO of Hilton Hotels
Marie L. Knowles Business c. 1947 CFO of ARCO, 1996-2000
Richard C. Kraemer Business c. 1944 President of UDC Homes, 1985-96
Bob Miller Politician 30-Mar-1945 Governor of Nevada, 1989-99
Denise M. O'Leary Business c. 1957 Former Partner, Menlo Ventures
Doug Parker Business c. 1962 CEO of US Airways
Raymond S. Troubh Business c. 1925 Independent Financial Consultant
J. Steven Whisler Business 23-Nov-1954 CEO of Phelps Dodge, 2000-07
You must have missed this....I know the truth hurts: <_<

America West Airlines

Acquired US Airways in 2005 and assumed its identity.


Corporate headquarters:
Phoenix, AZ


Name Occupation Birth Death Known for
Richard R. Goodmanson Business 1947 COO of DuPont
Doug Parker Business c. 1962 CEO of US Airways


Name Occupation Birth Death Known for
Herbert M. Baum Business 6-Dec-1936 CEO of Dial Corporation, 2000-05
Cheryl Gordon Krongard Business c. 1956 Partner, Apollo Management, 2002-04


Name Occupation Birth Death Known for
Stephen F. Bollenbach Business c. 1943 CEO of Hilton Hotels, 1996-2007
Matthew J. Hart Business c. 1953 CEO of Hilton Hotels
Marie L. Knowles Business c. 1947 CFO of ARCO, 1996-2000
Richard C. Kraemer Business c. 1944 President of UDC Homes, 1985-96
Bob Miller Politician 30-Mar-1945 Governor of Nevada, 1989-99
Denise M. O'Leary Business c. 1957 Former Partner, Menlo Ventures
Doug Parker Business c. 1962 CEO of US Airways
Raymond S. Troubh Business c. 1925 Independent Financial Consultant
J. Steven Whisler Business 23-Nov-1954 CEO of Phelps Dodge, 2000-07
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