US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Maybe you're right Jim...

I've been scrambling 1 against 7 all day...

I've decided to just focus on the lawsuit at hand...the one that's triggered the minute I hand the next AOL mailer to my lawyer.


(we'll talk about all the others' later)
You are wrapped around the axle just a little too tight. Go get a cool beverage and sit on the porch a while.

You are wrapped around the axle just a little too tight. Go get a cool beverage and sit on the porch a while.


I can't...I'm being harassed from a group of meanies from work....

I better copy all these "correspondences" too....
the one that's triggered the minute I hand the next AOL mailer to my lawyer.

I hope it's the pro bono one. Remember what I said earlier - be sure to send that note to AOL return receipt requested. Else you'll have no proof that AOL ever got you C&D (actually a tmoyml).

Or you can go off half-cocked - why change modus operandi now...

How's this for accuracy: once USAPA( or myself, since mine is enroute as we speak) mails a letter to you with a timestamp..and I receive another blast from AOL dated afterwards...You'll have to reach into your other pocket for even more money.
Well good for you. I hope that you feel much better about yourself now. All that gyration when a simple letter to remove yourself from the mail list is all it took. It took you 3 lawyers to figure that out?

Mountain-Mole hill.
You know're much better at this than your west friends...I see why they like you.

Oh, I may have to call in sick over this....its pretty upsetting, actually.

This has surely turned into a hostile work environment...on top of everything else....
Maybe you're right Jim...

I've been scrambling 1 against 7 all day...

I've decided to just focus on the lawsuit at hand...the one that's triggered the minute I hand the next AOL mailer to my lawyer.


(we'll talk about all the others' later)
That is IF you get another mailer. You sent your little letter. Grab your teddy bear everything will be OK now.
Mountain-Mole hill.

That's funny - I saw a TV movie about a town in Wales that had it's mountain for years, then one day Her Majesty's surveyors showed up. After all the measuring and calculations, it was determined that the mountain was 17 feet shorter than the requirement to be classified as a mountain - it was only a hill. So the townspeople all got together and carried enough dirt up the hill to turn it into a mountain.

Sorta like most of the Easties - they think they have a mountain and all it really is is a hill no matter how much dirt they try to shovel on it.

This has surely turned into a hostile work environment...on top of everything else....

I'd tend to agree although we'd surely disagree on who's doing that is...

Life is too short to get all upset over the trivial. As a friend of mine says, major on the major and minor on the minor. A few mailings from AOL sure seem minor.

You know're much better at this than your west friends...I see why they like you.

Oh, I may have to call in sick over this....its pretty upsetting, actually.

This has surely turned into a hostile work environment...on top of everything else....
No! Wait! Stop! You are cracking me up.You got some mail that gave you information that you may or may not understand. You have sent a letter telling them to stop.

But you are going to claim hostile work environment because you are on a public web board? Dude, get off the board. Go back to your family and stop worrying about this.

You east guys know that the Nicolau is dead right? That LOA 93 is just around the corner and a DOH contract by the end of the year. Relax.

Or maybe it is not and you guy are starting to figure out the truth. Could that be the work environment you are worried about?
I'd tend to agree although we'd surely disagree on who's doing that is...

Life is too short to get all upset over the trivial. As a friend of mine says, major on the major and minor on the minor.



No, I'm pretty upset. I've been sent mail that I didn't solicit, by people who my union is in a lawsuit with...

Not comfortable with that. What do I do when I have a PHX layover? Pretty intimidating...especially with all these west guys talking tough.

They somehow are sending me mail to my house...scaring my kids....and they vow to continue this intimidating behavior?

Only a few legal solutions I know of...


Do you have any suggestions for me?
Do you have any suggestions for me?
Yeah, relax, tell the kids that they shouldn't be afraid of the mailman - he's the one who brings birthday cards, christmas presents, whatever that's good, remember that the westies in PHX are no worse than the Easties in PHL/CLT - don't go in that crew room brewing for a fight and you probably won't get one.

After the merger was announced I made it a point to say HI to West crews when we had early morning departures about the same time. I found out something astonishing - they put their pants on the same way I do. They're not some green, 4-eyed monsters. They're fighting for what they think is right just like the Easties are. Don't begrudge them doing it any more than you want them to begrudge the Easties for doing the same.

Heck, if USAPA has the cash tell them to send out glossy brochures pitching the USAPA line. If you were flying and caught between a rock and a hard place some stormy night would you want only the info that confirmed what you thought was right or would you want all the info you could get.


No, I'm pretty upset. I've been sent mail that I didn't solicit, by people who my union is in a lawsuit with...

Not comfortable with that. What do I do when I have a PHX layover? Pretty intimidating...especially with all these west guys talking tough.

They somehow are sending me mail to my house...scaring my kids....and they vow to continue this intimidating behavior?

Only a few legal solutions I know of...


Do you have any suggestions for me?

Scaring your kids?

I think you're probably scaring your own children running around the house frothiing at the mouth while screaming into your cel phone talking to your legal cronies!

My suggestion to you is make sure "Little Bubba" doesn't get his hands on that Victoria Secrets catalog that came to your home unsolicted. It just might be too much for his tender years.

No, I'm pretty upset. I've been sent mail that I didn't solicit, by people who my union is in a lawsuit with...

They somehow are sending me mail to my house...scaring my kids....and they vow to continue this intimidating behavior?

Only a few legal solutions I know of...


Do you have any suggestions for me?
Man I feel sorry for your kids. BTW Leonidas WILL send you more pamphlets, whether you tell them to stop or not. Why don't you ask your lawyer what kind of damages you might be awarded if you pursue legal action? (btw it is zero so I hope you have a pro bono attorney)

No, I'm pretty upset. I've been sent mail that I didn't solicit, by people who my union is in a lawsuit with...

Not comfortable with that. What do I do when I have a PHX layover? Pretty intimidating...especially with all these west guys talking tough.

They somehow are sending me mail to my house...scaring my kids....and they vow to continue this intimidating behavior?

Only a few legal solutions I know of...


Do you have any suggestions for me?

I had to take a break from the Uconn-Butler game for this one. My wife just asked if Leonidas was sending carrots and peas to scare your kids. :blink: :lol:
Man I feel sorry for your kids. BTW Leonidas WILL send you more pamphlets, whether you tell them to stop or not. Why don't you ask your lawyer what kind of damages you might be awarded if you pursue legal action? (btw it is zero so I hope you have a pro bono attorney)
P.S. your kids have an idiot for a father, hope they turn out smarter than you.

"keeper for the file"...thank you....

Tell me how the big "Army" is gonna get me again...?

See, I'm even more intimidated than before...who is this "Leonidas" that WILL send me something scary from work?
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