US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Haven't checked with a lawyer I see. Why don't you just report it to the FBI? Moaning and groaning here won't help you one iota. I'm sure that they enjoy a wild goose-chase now and then... :lol:

Don't forget to write a big check to "the fund" for the defense of hapless pilots. I'm sure USAPA will appreciate it. :lol: :lol:


Not checking with a lawyer...checking in with 3 lawyers...already have one answer (you won't like it) but I'll wait for the others as well.
I'll certainly partake in the fund, but these 3 lawyers are mine personally.
Have at it, then - what are you waiting for...

invasion of privacy n. the intrusion into the personal life of another, without just cause, which can give the person whose privacy has been invaded a right to bring a lawsuit for damages against the person or entity that intruded. <Sentence about public figures omitted> However, an otherwise non-public individual has a right to privacy from: 1) intrusion on one's solitude or into one's private affairs; 2) public disclosure of embarrassing private information; 3) publicity which puts him/her in a false light to the public; 4) appropriation of one's name or picture for personal or commercial advantage.

harassment n. the act of systematic and/or continued unwanted and annoying actions of one party or a group, including threats and demands. The purposes may vary, including , personal malice, an attempt to force someone to quit a job or grant sexual favors, apply illegal racial prejudice pressure to collect a bill, or merely gain sadistic pleasure from making someone fearful or anxious. Such activities may be the basis for a lawsuit if due to discrimination based on race or sex, a violation on the statutory limitations on collection agencies, involve revenge by an ex-spouse, or be shown to be a form of blackmail ("I'll stop bothering you, if you'll go to bed with me").

Now about those lawyers - lie about who you are and you'll lie about anything... :lol: Maybe you should do your research somewhere other than that girlie magazine you keep in the bathroom. :lol: :lol:

They want us to send them a note(AOL) to pleez take us off a list they stole to stop getting their harassing mailers! PHL crewroom check it out!

"They" could probably not care less.

"I" offered reasonable methods to not be included in any future mailing. Just like the national do not call list, it is up to you to take some action to prevent unwanted solicitation.

I guess I should go check out the PHL crewroom. If you are posting any non-usapa messages, I will see to it that the chief pilot has them promptly removed, as that actually is workplace harassment.

Have a great day!!!
Very good, Jim!
You've learned how to use a search function. Not sure what websource, but that hardly matters.
One better than Wiki I assure you (assuming that "websource" really means web source). You're the one that seems uptight - all flustered and upset by nothing but a few pieces of mail.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Called the FBI yet?

Not checking with a lawyer...checking in with 3 lawyers...already have one answer (you won't like it) but I'll wait for the others as well.
I'll certainly partake in the fund, but these 3 lawyers are mine personally.

Just guessing here, but I would think that if you told your lawyers that you recieved unsolicited harassing mail from a workplace organization, who stole your identity, they replied that you have a great case, and will win large sums. (of course, none of this actually happened).

Make certain to disclose to your lawyers that the mailing list was obtained through public sources. That you did not request to be removed from said list. Then keep vol. 4 when it arrives, and get ready to open your pocketbook if you file a frivolous and malicious lawsuit. Lawyers get sooo expensive, be ready to pay for both sides.
Rumor: US Airways to Split
posted by Mike on April 3, 2011 US Airways and America West merged in late 2005. It was just on the heels of America West coming out of a four year bankruptcy and US Airways, at the time, was in the midst of bankruptcy proceedings. It sounded like a match made in heaven – two bankrupt airlines merging to make one big bankrupt airline.
You know in order for something to have credibility it should not misstate a very big important fact in the first paragraph. The rest of the story is worthless.

But if you guys want to break this airline up go ahead. But I am tired of listening you you all talk about it. Do something about it. Get the all powerful usapa making noise. I don't hear anyone at the crew news pushing Parker for that.

Enjoy your minority status at AA or wherever you think you would end up. Otherwise STFU!

I just read your very long rumor about a split. Do you really think any other airline would want to marry a Usapian? No way!
(of course, none of this actually happened).

I suspect that he finally concluded that the "theft of personal info" claims were going anywhere outside his imagination so has now latched on to the invasion of privacy/harassment argument (which won't go anywhere either).

It's hard for an eastie to claim harassment because of a few brochures while claiming that everything is going to work out just the way they want. Of course, if e28 runs and hides under the bed every time the mailman drives by, maybe - just maybe - he has a case. :p :lol:


ps - disregard the claim of 3 lawyers. I've been around long enough to know that 1 good lawyer is all you need - if they don't normally handle whatever type cases they can recommend someone who does. Having 3 lawyers (which I don't believe) is a sign that none of them are any good for anything but taking his money.
I suspect that he finally concluded that the "theft of personal info" claims were going anywhere outside his imagination so has now latched on to the invasion of privacy/harassment argument (which won't go anywhere either).

It's hard for an eastie to claim harassment because of a few brochures while claiming that everything is going to work out just the way they want. Of course, if e28 runs and hides under the bed every time the mailman drives by, maybe - just maybe - he has a case. :p :lol:

I don't run Jim...your wife does.
I suspect that he finally concluded that the "theft of personal info" claims were going anywhere outside his imagination so has now latched on to the invasion of privacy/harassment argument (which won't go anywhere either).

It's hard for an eastie to claim harassment because of a few brochures while claiming that everything is going to work out just the way they want. Of course, if e28 runs and hides under the bed every time the mailman drives by, maybe - just maybe - he has a case. :p :lol:


ps - disregard the claim of 3 lawyers. I've been around long enough to know that 1 good lawyer is all you need - if they don't normally handle whatever type cases they can recommend someone who does. Having 3 lawyers (which I don't believe) is a sign that none of them are any good for anything but taking his money.

My point was the east posters that are the most upset are also the ones who have no idea of what happened. Therefore, any consultation they might have had with a lawyer would be prejudiced by their lack of understanding an over assuming ridiculous charges.

As far as needing 3 lawyers, usapa may need another lawyer as I am told their in house counsel might be out of work after calling them dysfunctional and leaving their meeting on fri.
Just heard from lawyer #'s a snippet:

"The feds might go after these guys because of the way they got the information, not because of the volume (which is pretty small compared to most)."

In all fairness, he does suggest the union send a mass-mailing to AOL's PO Box demanding a C&D to address any future mailings...and if AOL defies that and sends #4?


East pilots need to contact USAPA immediately to get the C&D sent to AOL immediately in order to establish damages against AOL.
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