US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Regardless of the effort put forth by the Westicles, they can't refute the facts.

The argument that their flyer is like all other junk mail (while true) dismisses the fact that they improperly obtained all our addresses from company computers without company permission.
And that very fact is where the crime has been committed.

As a litmus test, I'd ask for the AOL to contact HR directly and ask for the East pilot data again. Then call the PHL chief pilot office and ask for them...then call the CLT chief pilot offices for them.

If this is perfectly legal (as they assert) they should get a full mailing list from HR. CLT and PHL without so much as a peep of objection.

There's a reason they had to use a low-level stooge who is a member of their little crime unit to do this...

I'll patiently wait for AOL to post the results of their litmus test.

I think you are going to be disappointed. But then again you support USAPA and are used to disappointment. Carry on.

USAPA = Failing to deliver.
I was told by an AOL rep that after the first mailing, exactly 4 recipients responded with a don't ever send me anything again reply. I believe they followed those peoples wishes.

Frankly, I agree with you that you should be able to have yourself removed from future mailings. First, if I were you I would check to see if you could send an e-mail thru the AOL website, but if that does not workout, I believe the flyer has a return address, send a postcard stating your wishes to that PO Box, and see what happens.

They also have a forum, I believe you could accomplish the same there, or inquire how to go about it.
How do we go about getting us removed from the "theft of my info list"? Or the list you have obtained illegally and shouldn't have! ! PHL crewrooms check it out! MM!
You just can't comprehend the difference between laws and company policy, can you. Something can be legal yet against company policy, and I guess one could theoretically come up with an illegal act that wasn't against company policy.

For example, emailing friends, updating a facebook page, participating in on-line forums, etc is perfectly legal isn't it? Do it on a company computer however and I think it's a violation of company policy.


Invasion of privacy is the intrusion into the personal life of another, without just cause, which can give the person whose privacy has been invaded a right to bring a lawsuit for damages against the person or entity that intruded. It encompasses workplace monitoring, Internet privacy, data collection, and other means of disseminating private information.

Thats a law, not a company policy. And if they mail's also harassment...also not company policy, and if the FBI finds evidence of ID theft; thats also a law, not a company policy.
But, yes, they've already violated company policies.
Invasion of privacy is the intrusion into the personal life of another, without just cause, which can give the person whose privacy has been invaded a right to bring a lawsuit for damages against the person or entity that intruded. It encompasses workplace monitoring, Internet privacy, data collection, and other means of disseminating private information.

Thats a law, not a company policy. And if they mail's also harassment...also not company policy, and if the FBI finds evidence of ID theft; thats also a law, not a company policy.
But, yes, they've already violated company policies.
Such a drama queen. Relax. I know USCABA is doing their level best to turn this mole hill into Mt. Everest but it just ain't workin'. Nobody stole anything. The "company" handed over the excel file of their own free will. No laws were broken, no ID was stolen. Nothing.


If I were a USCABA member, I'd be far more concerned with the total dysfunction of my fake labor union. I'd be more than pissed that I was on LOA93 with no end in sight and I damn sure would be pissed at the dictatorial leadership that has all the transparency of Myanmar.

This dramatic little diversion is getting pathetic. Time to choose:

1. Be a real Labor union and be compensated like real professional Airline Pilots...or

2. Continue to lash out at anything and everything that doesn't buy into your endemic theories of complete entitlement...ensuring your future on Sub Turbo-Prop wages.

What'll it be?
Invasion of privacy is...

Thats a law, not a company policy. And if they mail's also harassment..

You've mentioned those before, and it was just as funny as you and the others yelling "Theft".

I think you might want to consult a lawyer before calling the Feds. Unless he/she just wants to help $eham clean out your bank account, I believe you'll find that getting mail is neither.

Somebody said that you were pretty sharp but they're obviously wrong.

Such a drama queen. Relax. I know USCABA is doing their level best to turn this mole hill into Mt. Everest but it just ain't workin'. Nobody stole anything. The "company" handed over the excel file of their own free will. No laws were broken, no ID was stolen. Nothing.


If I were a USCABA member, I'd be far more concerned with the total dysfunction of my fake labor union. I'd be more than pissed that I was on LOA93 with no end in sight and I damn sure would be pissed at the dictatorial leadership that has all the transparency of Myanmar.

This dramatic little diversion is getting pathetic. Time to choose:

1. Be a real Labor union and be compensated like real professional Airline Pilots...or

2. Continue to lash out at anything and everything that doesn't buy into your endemic theories of complete entitlement...ensuring your future on Sub Turbo-Prop wages.

What'll it be?
You are the DRAMA QUEEN, if there ever was one... US Airways NEVER GAVE THEIR PERMISSION for these files to be taken... If they gave their permission, why have the three involved been removed? You are the one trying to divert and distract... Get over yourself DQ!
Such a drama queen. Relax. I know USCABA is doing their level best to turn this mole hill into Mt. Everest but it just ain't workin'. Nobody stole anything. The "company" handed over the excel file of their own free will. No laws were broken, no ID was stolen. Nothing.


If I were a USCABA member, I'd be far more concerned with the total dysfunction of my fake labor union. I'd be more than pissed that I was on LOA93 with no end in sight and I damn sure would be pissed at the dictatorial leadership that has all the transparency of Myanmar.

This dramatic little diversion is getting pathetic. Time to choose:

1. Be a real Labor union and be compensated like real professional Airline Pilots...or

2. Continue to lash out at anything and everything that doesn't buy into your endemic theories of complete entitlement...ensuring your future on Sub Turbo-Prop wages.
Metro, wishing aint going to make it go away, and you aren't a member so who gives a rats a## what you think, BTW one can only wish they handed it over, blows a big hole in that USAPA-COMPANY Collusion theory!
You've mentioned those before, and it was just as funny as you and the others yelling "Theft".

I think you might want to consult a lawyer before calling the Feds. Unless he/she just wants to help $eham clean out your bank account, I believe you'll find that getting mail is neither.

Somebody said that you were pretty sharp but they're obviously wrong.

What a coincidence...nobody ever said you were pretty sharp...except yourself. Doesn't count.

You are persistent, wrong, but persistent nonetheless.

Getting junk mail is not the issue.

Get back to us when you finally figure it out.
Such a drama queen. Relax. I know USCABA is doing their level best to turn this mole hill into Mt. Everest but it just ain't workin'. Nobody stole anything. The "company" handed over the excel file of their own free will. No laws were broken, no ID was stolen. Nothing.

Have the company hand it over again then...this time from HR.

Stop deflecting the issue. You already have a union...that you don't belong to it, or endorse it changes nothing.
Deal with it.

Harassment: ( a law..for Jim)

What is workplace harassment?
Workplace harassment is any unwelcome or unwanted conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or an aversion toward another person ...

A conduct is unwelcome if the employee did not solicit, instigate or provoke it, and the employee regarded the conduct as undesirable or offensive.
Is AOL planning to post the offensive brochure on their website? I see issue 1 and 2, but no 3. I am just wondering what the actual document is. Back to your incessant fratricide.
Haven't checked with a lawyer I see. Why don't you just report it to the FBI? Moaning and groaning here won't help you one iota. I'm sure that they enjoy a wild goose-chase now and then... :lol:

Don't forget to write a big check to "the fund" for the defense of hapless pilots. I'm sure USAPA will appreciate it. :lol: :lol:

Such a drama queen. Relax. I know USCABA is doing their level best to turn this mole hill into Mt. Everest but it just ain't workin'. Nobody stole anything. The "company" handed over the excel file of their own free will. No laws were broken, no ID was stolen. Nothing.


If I were a USCABA member, I'd be far more concerned with the total dysfunction of my fake labor union. I'd be more than pissed that I was on LOA93 with no end in sight and I damn sure would be pissed at the dictatorial leadership that has all the transparency of Myanmar.

This dramatic little diversion is getting pathetic. Time to choose:

1. Be a real Labor union and be compensated like real professional Airline Pilots...or

2. Continue to lash out at anything and everything that doesn't buy into your endemic theories of complete entitlement...ensuring your future on Sub Turbo-Prop wages.

What'll it be?

The drama is the diversion. I can't wait until mailing #4 comes out. :lol:
Rumor: US Airways to Split

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If Mike considers 2011 "on the heels of" a bankruptcy that ended about 1994 - 17 years ago - I don't have much faith in his crystal ball.

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