US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Summary of Brochure III, get ready for IV.

The long anticipated Third Issue of the Leonidas Brochure series is out. Issue III is 30 pages of facts spread among ten sections. We start with numerous quotes made by Cleary and Mowrey, which directly contradict everything they, USAPA, and USAPA's original founders have ever said about DOH. The next section covers blatant contradictions made by Lee Seham regarding the injustice suffered by the TWA pilots because they were denied the opportunity to arbitrate seniority.

The remaining eight sections cover:

- What the East representatives knew before entering the seniority arbitration.
- The US Airways Declaratory Action lawsuit.
- An analysis of USAPA's Date-of-Hire "Conditions and Restrictions”.
- Comparative charts showing the real history of the East and West pilot groups, as well as the thermometer charts comparing the Nicolau to DOH.
- Comparative salaries, including a chart that references all of the airlines that have received pay increases since 2008.
- Pay Parity and Retroactive Pay.
- The Kirby proposal from the West perspective.
- What USAPA has promised compared with what has been achieved.
- The realities of the Addington litigation.
- The need for unity, professionalism, and moving ahead together.

The brochures were mailed to the East Pilots last Friday. We should be getting the West copies Wednesday afternoon and we will begin distributing them immediately.

In closing, we wish to thank the vast majority of West pilots who contribute financially to this legal effort. It's because of your support that we can afford to assemble the facts of this East/West seniority dispute into the readable booklet that is Brochure III. We believe you will be as energized as we are when you read this latest publication.


Leonidas LLC
Interpretation of the LEONIDIS mailer: We ran out of money, are losing on the legal front, are desperate, so we will steal info and run a vain attempt to convince the east to see it our way before fragmentation gets here and me and my contract are sold to REPUBLIC! About sums it up! MM!
Summary of Brochure III, get ready for IV.

The long anticipated Third Issue of the Leonidas Brochure series is out. Issue III is 30 pages of facts spread among ten sections. We start with numerous quotes made by Cleary and Mowrey, which directly contradict everything they, USAPA, and USAPA's original founders have ever said about DOH. The next section covers blatant contradictions made by Lee Seham regarding the injustice suffered by the TWA pilots because they were denied the opportunity to arbitrate seniority.

The remaining eight sections cover:

- What the East representatives knew before entering the seniority arbitration.
- The US Airways Declaratory Action lawsuit.
- An analysis of USAPA's Date-of-Hire "Conditions and Restrictions”.
- Comparative charts showing the real history of the East and West pilot groups, as well as the thermometer charts comparing the Nicolau to DOH.
- Comparative salaries, including a chart that references all of the airlines that have received pay increases since 2008.
- Pay Parity and Retroactive Pay.
- The Kirby proposal from the West perspective.
- What USAPA has promised compared with what has been achieved.
- The realities of the Addington litigation.
- The need for unity, professionalism, and moving ahead together.

The brochures were mailed to the East Pilots last Friday. We should be getting the West copies Wednesday afternoon and we will begin distributing them immediately.

In closing, we wish to thank the vast majority of West pilots who contribute financially to this legal effort. It's because of your support that we can afford to assemble the facts of this East/West seniority dispute into the readable booklet that is Brochure III. We believe you will be as energized as we are when you read this latest publication.


Leonidas LLC

Mine will go right back in the MAIL as refused. I suggest all east do the same. I put mine back and never saw it again.
More cost to the AOL
Question for e28...
How long were you furloughed before the AWA rescue in 2005???


How many East pilots was he looking at leaving in the next years that would make his senority much different and should of been factored by crazy st nic?
And by that I suppose you suggest that my corrections to you are only valid if you know which airline I work for...

Hysterical! You DO realize that's a rule your own east buddies have established around here, right? It's also required for you to reveal who you actually work for, explain why you are interested in what goes on at USAirways, and then be prepared to answer the same questions over and over and over again.

So, let's have it. Who do you work for? You have a wife/husband/partner/sibling working for US the east, don't you? Or more than likely Jim is correct and you are an east pilot lying about who you really are. Oh, and make sure you answer. Lack of a response confirms you are guilty as charged. (Another double standard created by the east.)
It's amazing how the tone has changed in the last week! For days we heard all the crybabies screaming about AOL's information getting into the hands of the masses, with bold accusations of identity theft, illegal access to FFDO information, security and safety breaches, stolen passport numbers, and more.

You guys (the typical lynch mob from the east) were foaming at the mouth hoping to see firings, hangings, jail time, and more, before an investigation was even underway and facts discovered. You were told that there is due process and however unlikely, if something illegal happened then those responsible will held accountable. But that didn't stop your temper tantrum and meltdown. Now we hear things like "the police/FBI will sort this out" or claims harassment and privacy issues, but not one retraction of ridiculous accusations. Was FFDO information released? Was there some kind of security or safety breach? Passport information? Anyone get arrested?

Everyone knew the wild accusations with no supporting evidence were over the top. Even the few more moderate east posters here refrained from jumping on the bandwagon. But that didn't stop the crybabies' meltdown. How typical.
Posted on concerning the CLT assault on 1/25/11

USAPA VP Mowrey wrote in the investigation, “This history {Streble’s history} gives rise to the presumption that the allegation is made by an unstable person unworthy of belief. His prevarications have required the organization to needlessly expend time, effort, and resources and has proven yet another distraction to the real business of the organization, including defending our seniority and securing a new contract…”

“…Once again the resources of this organization are being called upon to investigate and deal with false claims of {S/T Streble}”. – USAPA VP Randall Mowrey, regarding incident of simple assault in CLT HQ, Jan 25, 2011.

If S/T Streble did in fact file “false claims”, why then is he not dismissed from office? Or could it be that USAPA VP Mowrey is not telling the entire truth, in which case it is he who should be dismissed. Either way, this investigation creates more questions than it answered. One of these two USAPA officers is not telling the truth. USAPA is hoping this extremely serious and hostile incident will be forgotten… attention diverted away from itself, and upon the evil West, with the latest AOL mailings.

Also, citing Mowrey’s disgust that the organization had to "needlessly expend time, effort and resources" investigating S/T Streble’s “false claims”, why is it that USAPA was able to twice file false claims (RICO) against 18 innocent West pilots? Was it not also a waste of USAPA’s resources (and $400,000) to bring false claims against 18 innocent West pilots? Since USAPA’s charges against the 18 were proven false, why then did not Mowrey call into question the mental competency of USAPA’s own leadership, as Mowrey did by calling into question the mental competency of allegedly “unstable” S/T Streble, who filed allegedly false claims against him?

Overall, I can't believe our own officers are writing/alleging such things. Then again, I suppose that since this information comes from USAPA, I have no choice but to belive it, right? It's got to be true. The trouble is, in this case there are two completely opposing allegations. Mowrey and Streble's stories are in complete contradiction to each other.

Either Streble filed false charges, or Mowrey is lying. Who should we believe? Or do we simply dismiss this incident as being normal for USAPA... that it is okay for our own high officers to bring false charges against another, or lie about one's responsibility in a hostile encounter.

According to USAPA, the entre 16 page investigation will be available under
the miscellneuos section of the library
Posted on concerning the CLT assault on 1/25/11

USAPA VP Mowrey wrote in the investigation, “This history {Streble’s history} gives rise to the presumption that the allegation is made by an unstable person unworthy of belief. His prevarications have required the organization to needlessly expend time, effort, and resources and has proven yet another distraction to the real business of the organization, including defending our seniority and securing a new contract…”

“…Once again the resources of this organization are being called upon to investigate and deal with false claims of {S/T Streble}”. – USAPA VP Randall Mowrey, regarding incident of simple assault in CLT HQ, Jan 25, 2011.
Spin and deflection, not to worry I think both sides will be happy pretty soon.

If you haven't heard already, you should know the Company has admitted that a former management pilot gained access to your personal information for the purpose of helping the Army of Leonidas mail propaganda to your house. Because we took action, the Company has now further admitted that the database included your Social Security number!!! We remain amazed by the complete lack of ethical standards the Company and Leonidas operate with, even as they hurl insults our way in this regard. This situation is fluid and the implications are far-reaching, and we will be monitoring it very closely. In the meantime, we urge each and every one of you who received the Leonidas brochure to preserve the mailing so that it is available to assist USAPA in its investigation. The union is receiving so much email on this issue that for now we're asking that you simply keep the evidence. You will be provided with follow-on directions shortly.

We suspect the Company has figured out that they're guilty because they have already made an initial lowball offer of damage control in the form of a year's worth of LifeLock services to protect our identities. ONE YEAR IS NOT ENOUGH. The information now possessed by Leonidas could be used to destroy every East pilot financially, and the idea that they could be trusted not to do so is ludicrous. This was the Company's transgression, NOT YOURS, and they are offering you only a single year of protection that you will now require for the rest of your life. You can expect that we will fight vigorously to ensure you are fully protected from the results of the Company's failure to protect your personal information. Check the USAPA website frequently for more information on this very serious matter. Communications will soon be providing links for you to contact your state's Attorney General to file a report on this theft. Stay engaged in this fight. Far from being a tangential distraction, this is a critical incident that the Company wants to go away quickly. We will not settle for anything less than justice being served and complete retribution.

Leonidas is emboldened and will feel free to use any information it may have wrongfully obtained. (You should be aware that the accessed database certainly included, by the Company's own admission, pilot name, address and passport number information, and may have included date of birth information and Social Security number, more than enough for identity theft.) USAPA and its attorneys have been in close contact with law enforcement officials who are currently investigating this matter. In the absence of a satisfactory result on this front, we will consider other legal options.

Law enforcement representatives have recently requested that a list of victims be provided to further facilitate the investigation. To that end, if you have received these mailings from Leonidas, LLC, and remain concerned as to how your private mailing information was obtained by this entity, we ask that you please contact USAPA immediately if you wish to be included on the list of victims that will be provided to the investigating law enforcement agency. Please be advised that inclusion on this list will require that you cooperate with law enforcement as part of the investigation.


If you haven't heard already, you should know the Company has admitted that a former management pilot gained access to your personal information for the purpose of helping the Army of Leonidas mail propaganda to your house. Because we took action, the Company has now further admitted that the database included your Social Security number!!! We remain amazed by the complete lack of ethical standards the Company and Leonidas operate with, even as they hurl insults our way in this regard. This situation is fluid and the implications are far-reaching, and we will be monitoring it very closely. In the meantime, we urge each and every one of you who received the Leonidas brochure to preserve the mailing so that it is available to assist USAPA in its investigation. The union is receiving so much email on this issue that for now we're asking that you simply keep the evidence. You will be provided with follow-on directions shortly.

We suspect the Company has figured out that they're guilty because they have already made an initial lowball offer of damage control in the form of a year's worth of LifeLock services to protect our identities. ONE YEAR IS NOT ENOUGH. The information now possessed by Leonidas could be used to destroy every East pilot financially, and the idea that they could be trusted not to do so is ludicrous. This was the Company's transgression, NOT YOURS, and they are offering you only a single year of protection that you will now require for the rest of your life. You can expect that we will fight vigorously to ensure you are fully protected from the results of the Company's failure to protect your personal information. Check the USAPA website frequently for more information on this very serious matter. Communications will soon be providing links for you to contact your state's Attorney General to file a report on this theft. Stay engaged in this fight. Far from being a tangential distraction, this is a critical incident that the Company wants to go away quickly. We will not settle for anything less than justice being served and complete retribution.

Leonidas is emboldened and will feel free to use any information it may have wrongfully obtained. (You should be aware that the accessed database certainly included, by the Company's own admission, pilot name, address and passport number information, and may have included date of birth information and Social Security number, more than enough for identity theft.) USAPA and its attorneys have been in close contact with law enforcement officials who are currently investigating this matter. In the absence of a satisfactory result on this front, we will consider other legal options.

Law enforcement representatives have recently requested that a list of victims be provided to further facilitate the investigation. To that end, if you have received these mailings from Leonidas, LLC, and remain concerned as to how your private mailing information was obtained by this entity, we ask that you please contact USAPA immediately if you wish to be included on the list of victims that will be provided to the investigating law enforcement agency. Please be advised that inclusion on this list will require that you cooperate with law enforcement as part of the investigation.

There has been a seperate fund set up for a second council, for criminal and civil prosecution the info is in the PHL crewrooms it can also be funneled to USAPA pleez donate thanx! MM!
I have made it a point of asking as many pilots as possible if it has influenced their thinking on the problem. ZERO, like any other junk mail you get, garbage. But the post office said thanks.

Keep talking to your fellow pilots about the brochure. That's great! Don't worry about what they tell you. Just keep reading and learning and don't believe everything Dear Leader Cleary and Theuer (pronounced like "sewer" with a lisp) say.
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