US Pilots Labor Discussion

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And from all that is known now, AOL had no interest in their info. So the FA's appear to be safe, but who knows, maybe you'll get a little extra treat on a layover for sticking up for them.

And no, I wasn't implying anything other than what I said. You're the one that makes stuff up.

And from all that is known now, AOL had no interest in their info. So the FA's appear to be safe, but who knows, maybe you'll get a little extra treat on a layover for sticking up for them.

And what do you get for spewing complete bullshite to them Jim...?
And from all that is known now, AOL had no interest in their info. So the FA's appear to be safe, but who knows, maybe you'll get a little extra treat on a layover for sticking up for them.

And no, I wasn't implying anything other than what I said. You're the one that makes stuff up.


If he was acting (aka management) why has the company taken the position it's taken?

Do you really think you are making any headway here?

Newsflash: you're not that clever.
Quite's just the pilots info they had interest in...and we are NOT safe.

You're right - all that junk mail, free credit card offers, whatever you get in the mail will keep coming so be sure to save all of it for that harassment suit. You can remain paranoid or do what I did with the spam from Bradford and gang - shrug it off and throw the unwanted junk in the recycle bin. Actually, I thought it was funny - I was already retired so sending me anything was wasted effort on their part.

You're right - all that junk mail, free credit card offers, whatever you get in the mail will keep coming so be sure to save all of it for that harassment suit. You can remain paranoid or do what I did with the spam from Bradford and gang - shrug it off and throw the unwanted junk in the recycle bin. Actually, I thought it was funny - I was already retired so sending me anything was wasted effort on their part.


Any reports of corporate theft associated with that Jimmy?

Did the company buy Lifelock for you then?

FBI called?
Again from the FA thread: (not sure why you take our discussion there...I may need counseling over that...)

"You do understand that the AOL people didn't access CATCREW any more than any crewmember can? they didn't go "willy-nilly" through anyone's CATCREW information based on what's known now. Apparently they made a request for a mailing list and the ass't chief pilot gave it to them? If you ask you supervisor for info and he/she gives it to you, do you go through the company ethics manual with a fine-toothed comb to see if it was a violation of company policy for you to get that info?

As far as knowing about the election it was more of a question - should I have started yelling about theft of personal information when I got those communications from Bradford and company? I have absolutely no idea how they got either my email or regular mail address. From an East merger committee member maybe - they got it from the company with full SS#? From an ass't chief pilot? From Bradford or one of his associates going "willy-nilly" through my CATCREW files? That's why I said that if you're worried about AOL you should be worried about USAPA too


Should really pick on people your own size Jim...never learned that in school, huh? And why are you bothering to argue with flight attendants over Invasion of Privacy issues?....smelling a little coffee now?
There's been no reports of corporate theft in this case. I've said all along that name and address are public information. You have to live in a shack in the middle of nowhere, no electricity, no telephone, no cable tv, no bank accounts, paying cash for everything, etc if you want your name and address to be private. So I expect that there will be no reports of corporate theft in this case. Violating US' policies is a different question, but apparently US isn't too concerned about that.

Besides, I thought you had adopted the attitude that the authorities will sort all that out. Was that just your afternoon position and now you've gone back to your evening mantra of "theft"?

Of course, when someone starts on this forum with lies it's hard to separate the chaff from the wheat... :lol:

There's been no reports of corporate theft in this case. I've said all along that name and address are public information. You have to live in a shack in the middle of nowhere, no electricity, no telephone, no cable tv, no bank accounts, paying cash for everything, etc if you want your name and address to be private. So I expect that there will be no reports of corporate theft in this case. Violating US' policies is a different question, but apparently US isn't too concerned about that.

Besides, I thought you had adopted the attitude that the authorities will sort all that out. Was that just your afternoon position and now you've gone back to your evening mantra of "theft"?

Of course, when someone starts on this forum with lies it's hard to separate the chaff from the wheat... :lol:


And by that I suppose you suggest that my corrections to you are only valid if you know which airline I work for...

You are indeed a strange guy.

I really hate to pick on an old retired man, but you are on the wrong side of this...and you seem to be OK with that. Therefore, I'm gonna give it to you the whole time.
The fact is, AOL has made a grave mistake here....and they are committed to it. Your efforts to redeem them are noted. You will recall how I described your persistent cover for make my point for me.

But by all means, keep it make this easy.
bla bla bla

Like you, there appear to be one or two FA members of this board that seem to think that grossly exaggerating somehow makes their opinion more valid. I was just wondering if flybynite thought that I should have been upset and making baseless accusations about Bradford and company - like he/she has about this incident - and whether he/she thought that USAPA should also be kept under a watchful eye by AFA since they were going "willy-nilly" through people's files...

Happy to oblige there V,

In typical usapian fashion,,,you have made false accusations, this time regarding the CEO. But to put it in simple terms that maybe a usapian can understand.

AWA brought the liar, drunk, theif....We also brought well over a billion in market capitalization,,,which made AWA the largest single stockholder of LCC.

In reality, AWA did not "bring" anything. AWA did the aquiring, and did not bring but bought. That is what you keep missing.

Also, the profitless hubs, were the east's. If you were making profits, there would have been no need to file your backrupcies, no need for a merger/rescue. You keep missing that part also, that the merger is what made those hubs profitable. i.e. they are profitable for LCC, they were not profitable for AAA.

As far as the West pilots, and your accusing us of having an entitlement attitude. I just got to laugh. You will have to remind me of what the West is claiming "entitlement" to, other than our own jobs, that were safeguarded from the east's continuous attack and attempted theft, by the arbitrator.

The delusions of the entitlement east amaze me...they were days away from working at Home Depot, cutting PVC pipes for customers. What part of "binding" don't they get? :lol:
The fact is, AOL has made a grave mistake here....and they are committed to it.

AOL just OWNED Cleary with the latest mailing. Nothing....NOTHING....NOT A GOD DAMNED THING.... is going to happen to these guys. People like you...the SCAB cheerleaders... are nothing but powerless little gnats buzzing in the ears of proper society. "Grave Mistake" :lol: :lol: :lol:

So delusional it hurts. :lol: :lol:
Well some great news today, Lifelock for the EAST and USAPA negotiated this for the WEST, see a little good can always come from something illegal and disgusting! MM!
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