US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Just playing with you for the lies you've told...and you swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. It's obvious that you're a US pilot and an Eastie to boot. Just a lying Eastie... :lol:

You've gone back to the claims of illegal access to East pilot's names and addresses I see - something not proven and likely false. Thus it resides only in your and your fellow Easties minds. So which is it now (5:45pm lcl) - the authorities will sort out the issue of obtaining the addresses and it's really privacy invasion that matters or go back to claiming illegal access to that information? And you say I'm a whirling dervish! :lol: :lol:


Oh yes - I've come to believe you don't work for US? It's obvious, and has been for a while that you do. You tried to lead everyone to think you didn't work for US by lying about it - just like Underpants. Inveterate liars usually reveal themselves - it's just too hard to keep all the lies straight.

Maybe....but CaptUnderpants is alot sharper than you were or could ever be Mr JG.
Just playing with you for the lies you've told...and you swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. It's obvious that you're a US pilot and an Eastie to boot. Just a lying Eastie... :lol:

You've gone back to the claims of illegal access to East pilot's names and addresses I see - something not proven and likely false. Thus it resides only in your and your fellow Easties minds. So which is it now (5:45pm lcl) - the authorities will sort out the issue of obtaining the addresses and it's really privacy invasion that matters or go back to claiming illegal access to that information? And you say I'm a whirling dervish! :lol: :lol:


Oh yes - I've come to believe you don't work for US? It's obvious, and has been for a while that you do. You tried to lead everyone to think you didn't work for US by lying about it - just like Underpants. Inveterate liars usually reveal themselves - it's just too hard to keep all the lies straight.
Hey Jim-

I just received a second copy of that gigantic book from AOL again today...thats twice...with the same literature. Making me pretty upset, really feels like harassment now.
Of course, I threw the other's away without reading them...but this little baby might become evidence. So, I'll keep this one, with it's cool little plastic security tabs intact...with my name and address printed directly on the cover...

That'd be for the FBI to use going forward, I was feeling bad that I had no evidence for them...and behold, now I do again. Glad I checked the mail again today.
Hey Jim-

I just received a second copy of that gigantic book from AOL again today...thats twice...with the same literature. Making me pretty upset, really feels like harassment now.
Of course, I threw the other's away without reading them...but this little baby might become evidence. So, I'll keep this one, with it's cool little plastic security tabs intact...with my name and address printed directly on the cover...

That'd be for the FBI to use going forward, I was feeling bad that I had no evidence for them...and behold, now I do again. Glad I checked the mail again today.
Good idea, make sure to keep all your other offers you get unsolicited, Then take those 200 pounds of unsolicited mail you got last month and dump it on the FBI's desk, I think if you can easily prove a pattern of harassment stretching back years.
Ah, but it is you who lacks the understanding. There are thousands of East pilots who received the brochures who don't frequent message boards. Many of them read them -- and learned something. What you think is irrelevant. The target audience are those who can see past their own noses. The brochures are a resounding success -- and I just found out today they cost only a fraction of what I thought they did. A bargain is always a good thing.
I sent my copy to a print salesman that I know and he will get back to me on estimate on the cost. How many did you send 2500? I have made it a point of asking as many pilots as possible if it has influenced their thinking on the problem. ZERO, like any other junk mail you get, garbage. But the post office said thanks.
Good idea, make sure to keep all your other offers you get unsolicited, Then take those 200 pounds of unsolicited mail you got last month and dump it on the FBI's desk, I think if you can easily prove a pattern of harassment stretching back years.

I'd have a pile of it..for sure.
But only one of the "organized", "organizations" obtained my data from my work database without anyone's permission....not even the company itself. Thats what makes it "special".
Very well said V. I think this place will be split up pretty soon, it's funny every east pilot is for spliting it up but no west pilot is on board with that idea, I wonder why?
Something to do with how much unemployment pays in AZ. Maybe the idea of Grande Mesa Airlines isnt to appealing. How about flipp'n burgers, pretty much sums it up.
I agree with you 100%. Unfortunately, in case you forgot, we are now married to the doom and gloom #### and wake up every morning with that to contend with.
Years ago there was a country song D-I-V-O-R-C-E, its a lot nearer than you think.
Happy to oblige there V,

In typical usapian fashion,,,you have made false accusations, this time regarding the CEO. But to put it in simple terms that maybe a usapian can understand.

AWA brought the liar, drunk, theif....We also brought well over a billion in market capitalization,,,which made AWA the largest single stockholder of LCC.

In reality, AWA did not "bring" anything. AWA did the aquiring, and did not bring but bought. That is what you keep missing.

Also, the profitless hubs, were the east's. If you were making profits, there would have been no need to file your backrupcies, no need for a merger/rescue. You keep missing that part also, that the merger is what made those hubs profitable. i.e. they are profitable for LCC, they were not profitable for AAA.

As far as the West pilots, and your accusing us of having an entitlement attitude. I just got to laugh. You will have to remind me of what the West is claiming "entitlement" to, other than our own jobs, that were safeguarded from the east's continuous attack and attempted theft, by the arbitrator.

Now Nic, how many times have I told you to ignore those pesky voices in your head?

Tell us again how profitable the PHX and LAS hubs are? Oh, thats right...they don't break them out any more do they? How convenient. And AWA is the single bigest stockholder? and tell us again where AWA came up with over a 'billion' dollars when they didn't even have enough cash for toilet paper to wipe their butts? How much did they pay per share for that stock? They must be rolling in dough now, huh?

Tell you what; go tell mom your nose is running and come back in a year after your voice cracks.

Well now I've done it....
I've upset Big Jim and now he's over in the FA thread picking on them with Cactuspilot1...

Ok Jim, you can pat me on the head again if you want.
But softer this time.
From the FA thread:

I could understand if that's what happened, but it wasn't. As I understand it, AOL asked an assistant chief pilot (AKA management) for a mailing list and the assistant chief pilot (AKA management) gave them one. There is no evidence at this point that I've seen that suggests that anyone went "willy-nilly" through any personnel files. There is no evidence so far that suggests that any of the involved people had any idea that there were hidden and truncated SS# in that file.

Let me ask you this: prior to the representation election, I received both emails and snail mail from Bradford and group. Do you think they went "willy-nilly" through personnel files, especially FA/s files? Should I have been upset and called the FBI, the company, the union (ALPA at the time) with accusations of stolen personal data?


(big daddy ;) )

By the are implying that the assistant chief pilot was acting in accord with company policies....don't be such a dumassss.
He was not....and you know it. (aka management, my ass)

just remember that if AOL ever tries to run a card drive.

You can run, but you cannot hide.
Try picking on "your own kind"...and leave our flight attendants alone. They don't deserve the AOL bull####.
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