US Pilots Labor Discussion

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How many years are you guys going to pedal these self made rumors? Year after year, still nothing, not even a deal that fell through. Parker wants to trade up, not split up, so wise up. :lol:

Another thing the usapian protagonist posters miss.

Any fragmentation will not fall along east West lines, but much more likely fall allong fleet/destination lines, in a building of a larger, stonger LCC.

i.e. the West ain't going to Republic, while the east merges with American. Much more likely, the 190s could end up at Republic, the older east fleet aircraft like the 737s and 767s would go away, with some of the route structure traded away to appease the anti-trust crowd, and the remainder of the airline joins a large partner to compete on the Delta/United scale.

Oh, then we would have a seniority integration based on McCaskill-Bond using the Nic as the LCC system seniority list.
Smart enough to not be wishy-washy like you, claiming high claims and misdemeanors with calls for some heads to roll, then meekly backing away from that with a "it'll be sorted out". Now you've got new charges after a google search and are calling for heads to roll again, just for a different reason.

You'll notice that I've said all along to let the facts come out before jumping to conclusions, but you still can't stop jumping.

I believe, again, that your witch hunt based on new unproven charges will end in frustration for you. But time will tell, so why not let the authorities sort it out. After all, it's wasn't your information that the ass't chief pilot gave to AOL was it?


Musta been, Jim...I got the mailer's...can you provide any other explanation for that?

Or is it a coincidence that AOL just happened to mail them to any John Doe out there.
Musta been, Jim...I got the mailer's...can you provide any other explanation for that?

Or is it a coincidence that AOL just happened to mail them to any John Doe out there.

When I read BB post, I took it to mean that your address is not your information.

It is public knowledge location/resident information.

PS. it is also public knowledge how much you payed for it, whether you have an outstanding mortgage, amount of taxes on the property, whether you have paid those taxes, and on and on and on.
When I read BB post, I took it to mean that your address is not your information.

It is public knowledge location/resident information.

PS. it is also public knowledge how much you payed for it, whether you have an outstanding mortgage, amount of taxes on the property, whether you have paid those taxes, and on and on and on.

Certainly Jim can answer, but he's opining that I dont work for USAirways. When I get under his skin, he looks up my old posts whereby I have suggested I may or may not work at LCC...(just like your buddy Metroyet does...) it's making him crazy.
Certainly Jim can answer, but he's opining that I dont work for USAirways. When I get under his skin, he looks up my old posts whereby I have suggested I may or may not work at LCC...(just like your buddy Metroyet does...) it's making him crazy.

I wasn't trying to answere for BB. I was trying to emphasize that an address is public info, and that this whole fiasco is just another unfortunate repercussion of the ongoing intermural food fight.

But while I am at it, I would add that it is usapa's fault!!!! Just to throw pudding back accross the room.

Actually, what I truley believe is this is the company's fault, and that their safeguards for our personal info is lacking, and that has now been brought to light. However, usapa using this as a means to fight AOL rather than a means to unify the employee groups is yet just another indicator of their total lack responsible representation.
Musta been, Jim...I got the mailer's...can you provide any other explanation for that?

In your case, none at all since by your own statements you don't work for US. Maybe a friend of yours that does work for US forwarded it to you.

On the general subject, you really do need to keep up. I've never denied that AOL got a name and address list from the ass't chief pilot. What I have said is that while that might, and probably is a violation of company policy it is not illegal. Name and address is public information. Now, IF AOL knew that SS# were included and IF that SS# were complete and IF they intended to use that in an effort to steal an East pilot's identity a crime was committed but you can't claim a crime without knowing the answer to those IF's. Not that that's stopped you and most East posters from claiming crimes have been committed.

I assume that all those IF's finally sunk in and you realized that no crime was likely committed, so now you've latch onto new charges to throw around. I predict no more will come of them than your previous charges.

Does Metroyet work at USAirways Jim? How do you know? Something he said in a chat room?
I think it's funny that you are upset enough about me to try to tell me what arrives in my mailbox.
It almost leaves me speechless, but not quite. I'm just trying to help you and the recently MIA Fergie and Cactuspilot1 sort out the crime(s) in the most logical order, so as to commence effective damage control on your end.
I suggest dealing with the crimes that have already been committed first.

Then, the crime of ID theft based on the results of the FBI investigation second.

But you guys can deal with them in any order you like.
but he's opining that I dont work for USAirways. When I get under his skin, he looks up my old posts whereby I have suggested I may or may not work at LCC

You have "suggested" that you may or may not work at LCC? I'm "opining". Let's look at some of your "suggestions".

"I am an airline pilot...also true....just not for USAirways."
"FYI, I'm not an east pilot."
"I dont work for your airline. I'm based in SFO. Do you have a mystery base in SFO?"
"Nope. Not MM here....and dont work for your company."

I'll stop there. That's some "may or may not" suggesting you've done. Seems to me you have unequivocally stated that you don't work for LCC. Are you now saying that that was a lie?

I love how you and Underpants initially pretend to be outsiders but are just as vitriolic as any East poster. The truth always appears in both your posts, long before either of you ever own up to it. If you'll lie about who you are you'll lie about anything, and you've certainly done your share. It's some club you, Underpants, and Nosum have.

Does Metroyet work at USAirways Jim? How do you know? Something he said in a chat room?

I have no idea - don't know who he really is. Metro is certainly on the West's side, but so is Jetz whom I know for a fact does not work for US.

I think it's funny that you are upset enough about me to try to tell me what arrives in my mailbox.

Lord help you - it was you that said you got the mailing, not me. It was you that asked how it got to your mailbox, not me.

I think you really are crazier than Nosum. You can't keep your story straight for consecutive posts.

Happy to oblige there V,

In typical usapian fashion,,,you have made false accusations, this time regarding the CEO. But to put it in simple terms that maybe a usapian can understand.

AWA brought the liar, drunk, theif....We also brought well over a billion in market capitalization,,,which made AWA the largest single stockholder of LCC.

In reality, AWA did not "bring" anything. AWA did the aquiring, and did not bring but bought. That is what you keep missing.

Also, the profitless hubs, were the east's. If you were making profits, there would have been no need to file your backrupcies, no need for a merger/rescue. You keep missing that part also, that the merger is what made those hubs profitable. i.e. they are profitable for LCC, they were not profitable for AAA.

As far as the West pilots, and your accusing us of having an entitlement attitude. I just got to laugh. You will have to remind me of what the West is claiming "entitlement" to, other than our own jobs, that were safeguarded from the east's continuous attack and attempted theft, by the arbitrator.

Hey Nichead, typical Westicles answer but V is right.
Grow up man !................ It's just like you bad mouth the union and if they get a win on LOA93 you will take the money, where is that integrity?

That's pretty weak.

You're guy who openly avocates reneging on a mutually agreed upon arbitration and you question someone else's integrity and tell them to grow up?

Of course I am going to keep any pay raise.

Am I required by law to let USAPA represent me in contractual issues?

Is USAPA going to keep the agency fee I've been paying for 3 years?

The fact that USAPA may do one thing I like doesn't negate the bad stuff.
Hey Nichead, typical Westicles answer but V is right.

Right about what?

His defamation of Parker?

Let me know when you ladies over at usapa ditch the V mentality and grow a pair of Westicles. Maybe then we can get you off LOA93.
In your case, none at all since by your own statements you don't work for US. Maybe a friend of yours that does work for US forwarded it to you.


A whirling dervish you are...
You imply my information couldn't have been stolen by the AOL (because you've come to believe I don't work here). When I tell you I got the mailer, you post the above...(still adhering to the herring I tossed out a few years ago)

Whether or not you ever figure it out, I don't really care. That I received shiny-glossy pamphlets from the AOL who were complicit in the illegal obtaining of my and 2999 other pilots home addresses from company computers is what concerns me.
Just playing with you for the lies you've told...and you swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. It's obvious that you're a US pilot and an Eastie to boot. Just a lying Eastie... :lol:

You've gone back to the claims of illegal access to East pilot's names and addresses I see - something not proven and likely false. Thus it resides only in your and your fellow Easties minds. So which is it now (5:45pm lcl) - the authorities will sort out the issue of obtaining the addresses and it's really privacy invasion that matters or go back to claiming illegal access to that information? And you say I'm a whirling dervish! :lol: :lol:


Oh yes - I've come to believe you don't work for US? It's obvious, and has been for a while that you do. You tried to lead everyone to think you didn't work for US by lying about it - just like Underpants. Inveterate liars usually reveal themselves - it's just too hard to keep all the lies straight.
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