US Pilots Labor Discussion

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For those of you easties who need a reality check I suggest you watch the recent CLT crew news. Towards the end of the section labeled "running the airline on greed" Parker explains that you don't want to be in the position that US Airways was when AWA came along where you have no options and no leverage and can only survive through a merger with a stronger entity. In the section titled "mission statement" he suggests that for 20 years you should not have had any career expectations as well.

You had no options. You had no leverage. You would not have survived.

For those of you who think you did us west pilots a favor and who believe that we should be happy on the bottom of "your" seniority list I strongly suggest you watch this so that maybe you can understand why we westies don't see eye to eye with you.

Then again, you never let the truth get in your way.


I think the root of the problem is a culture of doom and gloom and constantly complaining while pointing fingers at someone else. I listened to the CLT Crew News and SW Airlines came up. They run a better airline because they hire people who have the right attitudes in the first place. You can't force people to wake up in the morning and go to work with a positive attitude.

If you constantly look for a problem and make enemies of you co-workers, that type of attiitude will bite you back.

No union or company has a majic wand for a positive outlook and rewards that come along as a result.

That comes from within.

I think the root of the problem is a culture of doom and gloom and constantly complaining while pointing fingers at someone else. I listened to the CLT Crew News and SW Airlines came up. They run a better airline because they hire people who have the right attitudes in the first place. You can't force people to wake up in the morning and go to work with a positive attitude.

If you constantly look for a problem and make enemies of you co-workers, that type of attiitude will bite you back.

No union or company has a majic wand for a positive outlook and rewards that come along as a result.

That comes from within.

I agree with you 100%. Unfortunately, in case you forgot, we are now married to the doom and gloom #### and wake up every morning with that to contend with.
Paying any attention to any of those propoganda sessions is bad enough. To give any credence to a CEO who is a liar, a thief, and a drunk is even worse.

Tell us again what AWA brought that made any difference at all other than profitless hubs and entitlement pilots? I keep missing that part....

Very well said V. I think this place will be split up pretty soon, it's funny every east pilot is for spliting it up but no west pilot is on board with that idea, I wonder why?
I think this place will be split up pretty soon

How many years are you guys going to pedal these self made rumors? Year after year, still nothing, not even a deal that fell through. Parker wants to trade up, not split up, so wise up. :lol:
Very well said V. I think this place will be split up pretty soon, it's funny every east pilot is for spliting it up but no west pilot is on board with that idea, I wonder why?
I have told all of you repeatedly to go for it. Call Parker, go to the crew room meetings and tell him. Call the all powerful union and get them working on it.

You guys do what you think you need to. I will stay by for the results?

Just wondering why if you guys are winning DOH you would want to get rid of all the furlough fodder from the west.
Paying any attention to any of those propoganda sessions is bad enough. To give any credence to a CEO who is a liar, a thief, and a drunk is even worse.

Tell us again what AWA brought that made any difference at all other than profitless hubs and entitlement pilots? I keep missing that part....


Happy to oblige there V,

In typical usapian fashion,,,you have made false accusations, this time regarding the CEO. But to put it in simple terms that maybe a usapian can understand.

AWA brought the liar, drunk, theif....We also brought well over a billion in market capitalization,,,which made AWA the largest single stockholder of LCC.

In reality, AWA did not "bring" anything. AWA did the aquiring, and did not bring but bought. That is what you keep missing.

Also, the profitless hubs, were the east's. If you were making profits, there would have been no need to file your backrupcies, no need for a merger/rescue. You keep missing that part also, that the merger is what made those hubs profitable. i.e. they are profitable for LCC, they were not profitable for AAA.

As far as the West pilots, and your accusing us of having an entitlement attitude. I just got to laugh. You will have to remind me of what the West is claiming "entitlement" to, other than our own jobs, that were safeguarded from the east's continuous attack and attempted theft, by the arbitrator.
Very well said V. I think this place will be split up pretty soon, it's funny every east pilot is for spliting it up but no west pilot is on board with that idea, I wonder why?

I am all for splitting us up. Getting rid of you eastholes would be the best thing for the AWA pilots. You guys are a cancer, plain and simple.
Not too smart, are you Jim?

Smart enough to not be wishy-washy like you, claiming high claims and misdemeanors with calls for some heads to roll, then meekly backing away from that with a "it'll be sorted out". Now you've got new charges after a google search and are calling for heads to roll again, just for a different reason.

You'll notice that I've said all along to let the facts come out before jumping to conclusions, but you still can't stop jumping.

I believe, again, that your witch hunt based on new unproven charges will end in frustration for you. But time will tell, so why not let the authorities sort it out. After all, it's wasn't your information that the ass't chief pilot gave to AOL was it?

Very well said V. I think this place will be split up pretty soon, it's funny every east pilot is for spliting it up but no west pilot is on board with that idea, I wonder why?

Still waiting patiently for your response to your remark about jail & time spent @ Joe's. Just another story. Sumadarson has been shown to be a liar, and so it would seem have you.
Why did Leonidas pull its most recent updates regarding the mailer down from its page?

You claim to be the legal authority here :lol: - why don't you tell us. Personally, I have my own ideas about why, and they don't involve anything sinister.

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