US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Law enforcement will sort it all out. The simple fact is, and in stark contrast to many of you westie posters, the ID theft portion is actually irrelevent. Charges will be pressed regardless. I've been saying this all along. At the very least, the 3 stooges and all of AOL are on the hook for Invasion of Privacy and Harassment charges. ID theft charges may be filed too. The company will feel some pain as well.
Believe it or not, I'm quite comfortable with those facts alone. If Cleary or the FBI find other evidence...all the better. I don't know what dolt thought this up, but he's an idiot. And looking at the geneology of AOL's behavior, this fits right in....
At any rate, there's enough investigative agencies on this need for me to burn up phone lines on it.

It does smell of desperation though...not only is it a crime, it's in direct violation of several company policies...and wins you no points.

Let's see. So law enforcement will sort it out. The ID theft portion is irrelevant now. That was the entire point of Cleary's rant to anyone that would listen. But now it is no big deal? Could it be the usapa HQ got a call from one of those federal gov'ment men and they told you there was nothing wrong?

How can charges be press if law enforcement sorts it out and find there was no law broken????? More false RICO charges?

Gee does the bed bath and beyond flyer harass you too? Looks like all that confidence about what you thought you knew is beginning to disappear.

Go do what you need to do to the company. But the 3 guys are going to walk away clean and just wave to usapa as the feds come to visit the CLT HQ.

As far as violating company policy. Go back and read Johnsons letter. He said there was nothing wrong and they are satisfied. Try again.

Law enforcement will sort it all out. The simple fact is, and in stark contrast to many of you westie posters, the ID theft portion is actually irrelevent.

Law enforcement will ask Parker some questions and realize that USAPA is crying "Wolf".

Charges will be pressed regardless.

Because nobody on the East has the "junk" to stand up to to the dictator. Dues money will be stuffed into the rabbit hole regardless of cost. Just for effect.

I've been saying this all along. At the very least, the 3 stooges and all of AOL are on the hook for Invasion of Privacy and Harassment charges. ID theft charges may be filed too. The company will feel some pain as well.

What flavor of Kool-Aid is being served this week?

It does smell of desperation though...not only is it a crime, it's in direct violation of several company policies...and wins you no points.

Desperation and lack of performance by USAPA is the driving force of this 'witch hunt', because the truth is hard to swallow back east, and USAPA has nothing to show for its failures. Integrity Matters.

USAPA = You buying? We're selling ! (Selling the East pilots out)
You guys are hilarious....

Before you keep embarrassing yourselves, do a little research on Invasion of Privacy laws...and then look at Harassment laws...both of which have been broken already. I guess I could take the time to explain it to you, but I already have, and you don't listen anyway.
You'd rather dance around with snippets from Cleary...I'm gonna go get a blow-job.

See you in court
Before you keep embarrassing yourselves, do a little research on Invasion of Privacy laws...and then look at Harassment laws...both of which have been broken already.

So you were claiming theft of SS# and making slanderous remarks about those of us recommending that we wait for the facts, but now you say law enforcement will sort it out. Funny how you suddenly aren't so sure of the earlier claims that you were throwing around. You're looking very much the fool with your plan B - invasion of privacy and harassment. Do you think magazines and newspapers should be defending their actions in court? After all, look at all the stuff they contain that you may not be interested in yet they send it to you. Talk about invasion of privacy and harassment... :lol: :lol: :lol:

How can we not think the east pilots are stupid. Most of you demonstrate it everyday.
The Association notified the Company of this breach many months ago. Doug Parker assured us that the matter would be taken seriously. Management subsequently identified former PHX Assistant Chief Pilot John Schreff as the individual who transmitted your personal and confidential data to Leonidas by accessing the CATCREW database. To date there has been no assurance from the Company that the information is no longer in Leonidas' possession or that it will be not be used again. Nor are we aware of any Company effort to impose meaningful consequences on those who may have been involved in the theft of confidential information. In view of this most recent mailing, we now know that, absent consequences, Leonidas is emboldened and will feel free to use any information it may have wrongfully obtained. (You should be aware that the accessed database certainly included, by the Company's own admission, pilot name, address and passport number information, and may have included date of birth information and Social Security number, more than enough for identity theft.) USAPA and its attorneys have been in close contact with law enforcement officials who are currently investigating this matter. In the absence of a satisfactory result on this front, we will consider other legal options.

There ya have! CLEAR, my dues money at work, now who is going to pay those leonidis bills? Gonna cost some bucks, ask some of your fellow Cactus friends, USAPA best money ALL usairways pilots ever spent! MM! BTW theft is a crime!
More evidence you really mean it when you say you don't want anyone to lose their job?
Grow up man ! that was a shot from the hip, I don't like people putting catcrew info in a public website, violates comapny policy he was fired for this the first time if you remember then Tracy and Mike got his job back after a year and all he does is bad mouth them. this guy is not to bright. It's just like you bad mouth the union and if they get a win on LOA93 you will take the money, where is that integrity?
How can we not think the east pilots are stupid. Most of you demonstrate it everyday.

Talk about a BROAD BRUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are exposed to what, 25 or so East pilots on this forum which represents approximately 1% of the East pilot group and you consider the whole group STUPID??????

THAT was a TRULY ridiculous statement.

Driver <_<
Ah, but it is you who lacks the understanding. There are thousands of East pilots who received the brochures who don't frequent message boards. Many of them read them -- and learned something. What you think is irrelevant. The target audience are those who can see past their own noses. The brochures are a resounding success -- and I just found out today they cost only a fraction of what I thought they did. A bargain is always a good thing.

Thousands of pilots who don't frequent message boards.... Ok. I get it now... Leospanker is Einstein smart!!

Thousands of Eskimos don't shop online for snow either, but boy would they be thankful for a catalogue and glossy brochure from Leospanker detailing how they can purchase their own subscription of frequent and abundant blizzard deliveries.

Perhaps one day I can grow up and be smart enough to be a West pilot. Leospanker is the guardian angel for everyone... whoda thunk it?!

Please, please send me more water from the Oracle of the high dessert.

(P.S. This is another example of "mocking" the brochures, not "complaining" about their devastating and sweeping tornadic effects across the whole USAPA landscape. :lol: )
Talk about a BROAD BRUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are exposed to what, 25 or so East pilots on this forum which represents approximately 1% of the East pilot group and you consider the whole group STUPID??????

THAT was a TRULY ridiculous statement.

Driver <_<

True statement however......

East pilots are the majority and the majority is allowing this out of control "union" to: file RICO charges against its own members (unsuccessfully), trying to do an end run around final and binding arbitration (so far unsuccessfully), keeping its membership on bankruptcy wages (quite successfully), BPR members to assault one another (again successfully) throw legitimate representatives out of BPR meetings with police force (yet again successfully) and on and on and on.

You get the picture. Pretty damn stupid. No broad brush here....
I know you enjoy that tremendously. And we on the east will persevere with LOA 93 as need be.

To be fair, I only give the Kasher ruling a 50-50 chance of success for the east pilots. But if it happens, I suspect we will see a whole new tune out of aquagreen737 at the lowest pay rates in the industry....with no end in sight.

Just be ready for it. We're ready to continue with LOA 93.

I'm glad you're ready to continue with LOA 93 because if you get your wish from Kasher I suspect the whole new tune will be out of Parker and subsequently LOA 93 will look pretty good to you.
So you were claiming theft of SS# and making slanderous remarks about those of us recommending that we wait for the facts, but now you say law enforcement will sort it out. Funny how you suddenly aren't so sure of the earlier claims that you were throwing around. You're looking very much the fool with your plan B - invasion of privacy and harassment. Do you think magazines and newspapers should be defending their actions in court? After all, look at all the stuff they contain that you may not be interested in yet they send it to you. Talk about invasion of privacy and harassment... :lol: :lol: :lol:


The grocery store didn't arrange to have their village idiot access my database at work-
AOL did.

The grocery store didn't send two employees to AWA chief pilot offices to improperly obtain my info from company computers-
AOL did.

Not too smart, are you Jim?

Why don't you read this, let it really sink in...

Legal definition:
Invasion of privacy is the intrusion into the personal life of another, without just cause, which can give the person whose privacy has been invaded a right to bring a lawsuit for damages against the person or entity that intruded. It encompasses workplace monitoring, Internet privacy, data collection, and other means of disseminating private information.

The passport info and SS info are more serious, to be sure...from an ID theft perspective. I'm just giving a friendly reminder that the AOL has already committed an actionable crime. Your boy cleardirect wants to tit-for-tat my comments against Cleary's...something I'm not willing to spend time doing. So I just suggest letting the FBI and other's handle it...I'm not going to dive into the weeds all day "litigating" with that putz....or you. Laws were broken, serious HR policies were broken (already)...and the FBI isn't even done with their ID theft investigation. Some of us out East are comfortable with the process as is...I don't call Cleary or USAPA offices every 15 minutes like the AOL gang does, so I'll not have my comments measured against Cleary's- I haven't talked to him.
For those of you easties who need a reality check I suggest you watch the recent CLT crew news. Towards the end of the section labeled "running the airline on greed" Parker explains that you don't want to be in the position that US Airways was when AWA came along where you have no options and no leverage and can only survive through a merger with a stronger entity. In the section titled "mission statement" he suggests that for 20 years you should not have had any career expectations as well.

You had no options. You had no leverage. You would not have survived.

For those of you who think you did us west pilots a favor and who believe that we should be happy on the bottom of "your" seniority list I strongly suggest you watch this so that maybe you can understand why we westies don't see eye to eye with you.

Then again, you never let the truth get in your way.
For those of you easties who need a reality check I suggest you watch the recent CLT crew news. Towards the end of the section labeled "running the airline on greed" Parker explains that you don't want to be in the position that US Airways was when AWA came along where you have no options and no leverage and can only survive through a merger with a stronger entity. In the section titled "mission statement" he suggests that for 20 years you should not have had any career expectations as well.

You had no options. You had no leverage. You would not have survived.

For those of you who think you did us west pilots a favor and who believe that we should be happy on the bottom of "your" seniority list I strongly suggest you watch this so that maybe you can understand why we westies don't see eye to eye with you.

Then again, you never let the truth get in your way.

Paying any attention to any of those propoganda sessions is bad enough. To give any credence to a CEO who is a liar, a thief, and a drunk is even worse.

Tell us again what AWA brought that made any difference at all other than profitless hubs and entitlement pilots? I keep missing that part....

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