US Pilots Labor Discussion

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The louder y'all complain about the AOL brochures the more we know they're having an effect. AOL isn't going away until its job is done.

You should have learned the difference between "mocking" and "complaining" back in grade school. :lol: They are having an effect... but it doesn't appear you have any understanding of what that effect really is.

I never complained that the ALPA Concerned Pilot Committee sent me tons of #### in the mail. I thought it was hilarious that they spent so much money trying to manipulate my vote which was already dead set against them. They had an excuse at least. They had their head in the sand and didn't believe ALPA could actually get their butt kicked out.

What's Leospankers excuse....? keep tossing your money down the hole. :lol:
Asking a Leonidas member to measure the impact of their own mailer is not a good test at all. Of course you are going to like your mailer, you paid for it. The truth is I looked briefly through it, and it honestly did nothing to convince me of anything. Ask yourself this: opinions aside on this seniority issue- have you ever received a political mailer that actually convinced you of anything? It statistically does not happen. The pamphlet gets a cursory glance, or is immediately put aside. Mailers from ANY side, east or west, will meet the same fate. I would never be convinced one from USAPA or ALPA would have any effect either. It is that simple.
Good to know. usapa shill please tell usapa to stop trying to sell C&R. The little road shows and videos are not going to convince the west that stapling 85% of us to the bottom is good for us.
Could just imagine what the westies would be trying to us do if it was the east that stole the information, sending crap in the mail (and yes that was verified by the FBI and U.S. Postal service) and the thousands of phone calls and the theats to do whatever it takes to bring our union down, This does not look good for AOL.
If it was verified why were no charges filed???????????
Of course we will. Its impossible to make the case that this entire, deranged, and ill-thought move is acceptable in today's society. Naturally, Cactuspilot's boyfriend Jim is doing his part to deflect and provide distracting fire....just as he's always done. He and his "friend" cactuspilot1 are comparing this "theft" to the junk mail people get from businesses every day.
Newsflash: businesses don't walk into the former AWA chief pilot's office and get their village idiot to access employee data files for personal information, feebly try to call it just a simple Excel spreadsheet seniority list, and mail out their propaganda invading the privacy of 3000 employees.
Apples and oranges. So much so that the FBI is on it...the company has hired outside counsel, and provided some insulting ID fraud service for the 3000 pilots affected.

Cactuspilot1 is now picking a fight with East FA's in their forum over this.

Workplace harassment. Invasion of Privacy. Potential ID theft (depending on SS#) Direct violation of company policies..(several)

Why am I not surprised...
Well, well well. What have we here? Some backing off from the rabid dog accusations? Now we have POTENTIAL theft. Before it was dead bang certain. Are the facts starting to come back and reality catching up with you now?

Tell you what, you guys go get real expensive lawyers. Not the cheap $250 and hour kind. I mean $3-$4-$500 an hour kind. Write him a check for about $10,000 to get started and see what your lawyer can find. Let him do some research into the subject and see what he comes up with. Also just a suggestion call him everyday with questions and ideas. They really like that.

Heck call the post master general he was not on the list of letters to government officials. Don't leave him out. Make sure you guys spread the usapa nuttery around to everyone.
Well, well well. What have we here? Some backing off from the rabid dog accusations? Now we have POTENTIAL theft. Before it was dead bang certain. Are the facts starting to come back and reality catching up with you now?

Tell you what, you guys go get real expensive lawyers. Not the cheap $250 and hour kind. I mean $3-$4-$500 an hour kind. Write him a check for about $10,000 to get started and see what your lawyer can find. Let him do some research into the subject and see what he comes up with. Also just a suggestion call him everyday with questions and ideas. They really like that.

Heck call the post master general he was not on the list of letters to government officials. Don't leave him out. Make sure you guys spread the usapa nuttery around to everyone.

Not so fast cowboy-

I'm giving the benefit of the doubt that ALL the SS#'s are truncated...because none of us know for sure. And, AOL is in deep shite anyway...because Invasion of Privacy and Harassment charges don't even require any SS#'s. If there ARE SS#'s in there, you can kiss your friends arses goodbye.

So just settle down boy, and watch the show...and get a lawyer.
It reminds me of the pamphlets we got from ALPA during its last days here. The more information you get the more you understand they have no clue about the real issues and what was and is important to us east pilots. We are not all stupid. I am sure ALPA and AOL think we are and of course they will tell us what is best for us from their narrow viewpoint.
How can we not think the east pilots are stupid. Most of you demonstrate it everyday.
You should have learned the difference between "mocking" and "complaining" back in grade school. :lol: They are having an effect... but it doesn't appear you have any understanding of what that effect really is.

Ah, but it is you who lacks the understanding. There are thousands of East pilots who received the brochures who don't frequent message boards. Many of them read them -- and learned something. What you think is irrelevant. The target audience are those who can see past their own noses. The brochures are a resounding success -- and I just found out today they cost only a fraction of what I thought they did. A bargain is always a good thing.
Not so fast cowboy-

I'm giving the benefit of the doubt that ALL the SS#'s are truncated...because none of us know for sure. And, AOL is in deep shite anyway...because Invasion of Privacy and Harassment charges don't even require any SS#'s. If there ARE SS#'s in there, you can kiss your friends arses goodbye.

So just settle down boy, and watch the show...and get a lawyer.
Now you don't know for sure. Gee Cleary sure was sure when he wrote those letters. But now not so sure. Do you think that if you are going to go running around accusing someone of theft. Calling people criminals that you would want to get the facts first????? Maybe. No that's right your an east pilot. Facts and what not don't matter just the accusation is all that matters worry about the rest later.

What happened to the charge of passport numbers and FFDO info? Did that just go away because you are not sure or do you now know for sure that they are not in there? Because the company said that they were not in there.
You should have learned the difference between "mocking" and "complaining" back in grade school. :lol: They are having an effect... but it doesn't appear you have any understanding of what that effect really is.
Its easier to fight downhill than it is uphill. USAPA is on the wrong side of this. Keep pulling.

USAPA = "Pulling" for Cleary to stay on FPL. Suckers.
Now you don't know for sure. Gee Cleary sure was sure when he wrote those letters. But now not so sure. Do you think that if you are going to go running around accusing someone of theft. Calling people criminals that you would want to get the facts first????? Maybe. No that's right your an east pilot. Facts and what not don't matter just the accusation is all that matters worry about the rest later.

What happened to the charge of passport numbers and FFDO info? Did that just go away because you are not sure or do you now know for sure that they are not in there? Because the company said that they were not in there.

Law enforcement will sort it all out. The simple fact is, and in stark contrast to many of you westie posters, the ID theft portion is actually irrelevent. Charges will be pressed regardless. I've been saying this all along. At the very least, the 3 stooges and all of AOL are on the hook for Invasion of Privacy and Harassment charges. ID theft charges may be filed too. The company will feel some pain as well.
Believe it or not, I'm quite comfortable with those facts alone. If Cleary or the FBI find other evidence...all the better. I don't know what dolt thought this up, but he's an idiot. And looking at the geneology of AOL's behavior, this fits right in....
At any rate, there's enough investigative agencies on this need for me to burn up phone lines on it.

It does smell of desperation though...not only is it a crime, it's in direct violation of several company policies...and wins you no points.

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