US Pilots Labor Discussion

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cactus, we were there, with the furry cuffs just as you requested! Cleary himself was going to put them on you. :D :D Truth be told, we really think you are wacked enough to try it, so we had Mowerey and Streble there with the crew news team! The big Hammer has a nice hot kettle brewing for the Social Security Squad. It is going to be interesting going forward! Enjoy your Fools Day. We knew you would revel in it. How long does it take for the Frog Marchers to try and get out of the heated pot?

BS, you have me rolling on the floor. Sorry about Streble, I think he's an OK guy. Send him my apologies.

That was great!! :lol:
BS, you have me rolling on the floor. Sorry about Streble, I think he's an OK guy. Send him my apologies.

That was great!! :lol:
Sorry we missed you. We were in the bushes where the perps who like to mug the regulars hang. Near Popeyes. Streble? Massively pissed off. He takes this stuff seriously. Come back when you bid the Wed. beer nights at the CLT long. Are you the guy who wears the spikey blond wig, or is that USA 320pilot? Anyway, I buy on Wednesdays. Carolina Blondes. For all of you guys! We really need to do lunch in PHL some day? You up for it?
Sorry we missed you. We were in the bushes where the perps who like to mug the regulars hang. Near Popeyes. Streble? Massively pissed off. He takes this stuff seriously. Come back when you bid the Wed. beer nights at the CLT long. Are you the guy who wears the spikey blond wig, or is that USA 320pilot? Anyway, I buy on Wednesdays. Carolina Blondes. For all of you guys!

Believe me, if you can get NYC to calll off the dawgs, I'd be glad to join you guys and break cover someday. B)

Buy Streble a few Carolina Blondes tonight on me. The beer, not the girls. I have a limit on my offer. ;)

Mark me down for that green #1 you earned.
Believe me, if you can get NYC to calll off the dawgs, I'd be glad to join you guys and break cover someday. B)

Buy Streble a few Carolina Blondes tonight on me. The beer, not the girls. I have a limit on my offer. ;)
Deal. We will call the dogs off you, and you only. Look forward to it, sometime. My social secretary, LUV, will be in touch. I am giving you green lights tonight. Have a good weekend.
Deal. We will call the dogs off you, and you only. Look forward to it, sometime. My social secretary, LUV, will be in touch. I am giving you green lights tonight. Have a good weekend.

Thanks for getting the joke, BS.

I did not want to ruin your whole day.

TGIF....good weekend to you too. Give LUV my regards. ;)
Summary of piolice report, case #11-07567 dated 03-29-11:

On the the above date, Officer Basinger and I responded to a disturbance call. Upon arrrival, we spoke with the President of the US Airlines Pilots Association, Mike Cleary who stated he wanted two members removed from the meeting. The two members that were asked to leave the meeting are Roger Valez and Patrick O'Neil. Cleary stated that he wanted both removed and he would advise them when they could come back in. Valez and O'Neil advised they were not causing a problem anytime during the meeting. Both MEMBERS stated that they believed that Cleary did not want them to hear about the next section of material that was going to be covered in the meeting. Cleary did advise Valez that the meeting was going into closed section. No other members weere asked to leave during this time.

Cactuspilot1 comments....

So this is the most democratic union yet?


The full police report contains information that Cleary could spin as classified. This includes his "classified" cell phone number and height. Age listed as 0, for real. :lol:
Well Cleary's age and you IQ have somegthing in common.
Getting worried BS? :unsure:

I can see the chains going on the doors, police being called, file drawers being locked and an escape plan being hatched.

Probably because they remember Fox News exposing doctors writing fake sick notes in front of their cameras. A week later, 1000 teacher suspensions.

Not too smart.
Maybe they want to know how the westies stole ss#'s. names and addresses and who knows what else that was on that program. Their second question will be if someone code name Cactus Pilot 1 is a real person and is it a F/A.

I said I would keep you up to date about the interview. I sat here all day waiting for a report from Usapain HQ. Interesting that I heard nothing about the Fox reporter who conducted the interview with JR. I understand that when the reporter showed up there was nobody at the office. Cameras were there Geraldo Rivera was knocking on the door.

I noticed the boards got really quiet and no BS reporting. Where did everybody go? The usual suspects making noise left the chat room. Did you pack your bags and head down The Street?

I must say that I spent two weeks setting this thing up. Suma and BS have been anticipating this interview. I'm sorry that an interview never happened.

That is because I had 4/1/11 circled on my calendar the whole time.

April Fools suckers!!! :p :lol:

I found out what I had suspected. You still have more clothes than your army of lyingitas emperor.

You must tell him he has none.
Why would I do that? What was their crime? Asking for addresses and recieving them from the company?

USAPA = No raise for you, or you, you, you, and you.
I guess thats why they are on the street. Typical west thinking, it was probably your idea you moron.
Now the chief pilots office is staying there will be jail time coming for the guys. Joe is waiting!!!

You've taken the time to respond to everyone else. I have asked twice about the above post. The lack of response leads me to believe that you have made this up, thereby making you a liar.

You've taken the time to respond to everyone else. I have asked twice about the above post. The lack of response leads me to believe that you have made this up, thereby making you a liar.


I think the answer is pretty obvious since Sheriff Joe is in the wrong jurisdiction. It's the standard East maneuver - make it up as you go. Just like Nosum - reality is so much duller than the fantasy.

OpEd: USAPA's Manufactured Distractions and Your Career at the Bottom of the Barrel

See Story

Wow, where do I start here. This 'Unbiased Facts dot org" site has some of the worst writing I've ever seen -- horrible prose-- talk about "bottom of the barrel". Now, an op-ed piece by definition is to express the opinions of a NAMED writer that is unaffiliated with the publication that an op-ed appears on. Chip, what YOU wrote is an editorial , which by definition is an unsigned article written by editorial members affiliated with a publication.

In a nutshell (literally), anybody that visits Chippie's website will never get that time back in their life.

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